
Let’s Read The World

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Green waters

Green waters



Sometimes nature can be calm , soothing and ordinary and other times it can be strange and mysterious . Snow is an Albino 17 year old not so normal teenager who likes to research about the old world until when her world turns around on her 18th birthday as she visits the unknown green waters of Avalon.. "Where am I?" I looked around the woods looks the same but not the same. "You're at the waters of Avalon" " What I just read that , it isn't real I have to go back home , Mom would be worried" I shook in a panicked tone "I'll have you know child that Avalon is real and here one thousand years is equal to a day in your world so no need to panick" and then I partially felt at peace .
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  White and pure

        Grrrrr grrrrrr grrrrr

  A white pale hand drew out from under the covers to slam down on the not so kind alarm clock on her bedside table, Snow opened her eyes not so happy at the alarm clock for waking her up from her dreams ,she grimaced as the sun hits her pale hazel eyes burning her pupils for a blink second as she rose up from bed .

  She had been up late last  night neck deep into a few books she had borrowed from the library on Friday all revolving on ancient mythologies about the Greeks and Romans even though most of the myths she had read them in other books and on websites , she just couldn't get enough .

  A knock sounded on her coffee brown door as her mom's head poked out

  "Oh good you're awake , go brush your teeth and come downstairs I'm making waffles "

  "Yes Mom , be right down"

  "I'm counting on it" she blews a kiss at Snow as she shuts the door to give her some privacy .

  Snow looked around at her bedside clock it was 9:30 a lil bit early for a teenager on a Saturday but she didn't mind she did have to go to the library to return the books she had borrowed.

  She rose up From her bed and walked groggily to the bathroom looking first into the mirror , Snow stood roughly at an average height of 5'9 , she had hazel eyes that shown bright against her pale eyebrows and eyelashes she had dyed her white hair to blonde just to give it a little bit of colour , her lips where full and Rosy and she had milky white skin which was very sensitive to the sun so she had to use sunblock most of the time .

  Snow brushed her teeth and went through the usual morning ritual of shampooing her hair and taking her bath , she hurriedly fit herself into her demin blue jeans and purple turtle neck sweater since she was going to go out today she better dress well in preparation from the UV rays of the golden sun.

  She rushed downstairs and saw that her mom had just set the table , her father and her younger brother had died in an accident two years ago when he was taking him to school on his first day , her brother was four and was just going to start Elementary school  but unfortunately there was a storm which didn't allow her father to see clearly and didn't know there was a trailer speeding towards them the police later came late that night to give Snow's mother the news while Snow listened at a safe distance  and ever since then her once cheerful  mother had become quiet most of the time and had taken to smoking and playing  at the local countyhouse down the street .

  "Hey" her mom smiled up at her

  "Hi Mom "

  "Breakfast is ready , so there's waffles and crab cakes but those are for when you go to the library "

  "Alright Mom" Snow sat on the cushined dining chair and poured herself a glass of orange juice as she ate and watched her mom put away the jug .

  "So you're going Bingo today?" Her mom dropped the kitchen wipe she had been using and turned around to look at her

  "No, maybe not today I'm going to stick around and clean the house and maybe visit our neighbors it's been a while I said hi"

  "So that's what the crab cakes are for , I wondered why you made a lot " She smiled up at her mom and her mom smiled back at her , her mom unlike her wasn't an albino , tho she was blonde but her  skin was not as pale as hers   her mom was the usual what you would call the prom Queen prototype .

  Snow finished up her meal and piled it in to dishwasher with the other dishes waiting to be cleaned .

  "There's 20 bucks on the counter in case you need anything "

  " Thanks Mom" she called back as she ran up the stairs into her room , she grabbed her bags and neatly arranged the books she had borrowed into her bagpack , teenagers her age would be out at parks or going to the mall but she had things to do .

  Slipping on her converse snow grabbed her bagpack and walked out her room shutting the door behind her and slipping her room keys into her pocket.

  She spotted her mom down the stairs in her yellow summerdress and sandals , her hair in a high ponytail and packing the crab cakes into a basket and a few into a brown disposable lunch bag for her.

  "You look like those little British girls on summer days you're only missing the hat " she smirked at her mom

  "Don't jest me Snow" her mom laughed as she fluttered her dress

  "I'm not" Snow raised her hands in a mock surrender as she grabbed the money and cakes and slipped it into her bag , she reached up and pecked her mom on the cheek

  "Be safe and have fun , I should be back by 6"

  "Yes Mom "

  She opened the door and walked out her mom screaming for her not to come home late.

  " Hello Sun" Snow mocked   , fitting on her purple face cap and smoothing down her jeans as she walked down the cold streets of London..