
Let’s Read The World

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Author:pen inker


A man is born with the strange phenomenon, he didnt her much love growing up so he ends up as an assassin, caught up in a conflicting world, he seeks for redemption. "am I black or white good or evil, I dont love killing innocent people but I love killing. I'm conflicted,I really dont know who I am."
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  "Wait." one man told another, then briskly rushed to meet a third man standing beside a black limousine.

  "Hey Sunny! This is Antwon, the dude I told you about. He just got out from jail. He's hungry as fuck!."

  the man standing beside the black limousine; Sunny, moved his head to look at a figure standing in the shadows.

  "Hmm...What use is he to us?"

  The big man responded to the talk of a less intimidating man. Then continued,

  "I am not impressed by his physique, he really doesn't look capable, he's too thin. you know this kind of job requires certain kind of abilities".

  "Aye man, I know this job requires skills and brain work, that's why I brought him to you man. He's the best for the job sunny. You know you can trust me, have i ever failed you before?".

  Sunny nodded his head to suggest "NO" then bit his lower lip.

  "Goodman, then trust me when I say this–Antwon is the best there is in this biz, all he needs is a little clean up and he'll be good, trust me man he's legit, he's got–know–many ehm. . . SHIT!. Hes got many Stuffs on his cap".


  A loud voice cursed then followed with a burst of laughter.


  "Did you just try to use a figure of speech. You fool!. Are you trying to say feather to his hat!? Crazy muderfocker!, how can I trust you now that you can't even use the right figure of speech?. You're surely going to be my downfall now!."

  He chuckled then continued. "You and this crazy muderfocker, What–the–fuck man!. What'd you say is his name again?. Ant...ant..." stuttering "...antwen..Antwon!. yea I got it now. Antwon" saying the name again as if to confirm he got it right the first time. "Like what–d–fock mahn!. Who focking bears Antwon as a name?." Sunny complained in a manner suggesting genuine interest in the man that bears Antwon as his name.

  However that talk was a sly talk and the both men knew so they two men then burst into laughter.


  "Sunny you really do know how to make someone feel worthless yeah!..." the man been scolded couldn't help but confess.


  "well you get the point I was getting to, so that means you know what I mean. Trust me when I say brother Antwon... is perfect for the job. I mean it."

  The man said then used a white handkerchief to wipe of the saliva drooling of his blabbering lips. Sunny's face gleamed a bit then with a brittle, he churned out.

  "Alright if you say so. I trust you. Regardless of your zero grammatical ability, you've proven quite capable in other areas in the past."

  Both men mused, chuckled .

  "Whatever you say man." Melvin replied

  "Hahaha..." Sunny let out, when he couldn't suppress it anymore, he burst into laughter.

  He calmed down after a while, then spoke.

  "All good, what are you waiting for!?. Tell him to come here".

  The two men looked at a motionless figure that stood in a shaded place not too far from them, resting on a wall with legs crossed. Smoke could be seen partially coming from what seemed to be his right hand while his left hand was holding something like a sausage; that he often bite from.

  The wall perpendicular to the one he rested on, sprayed out a shade that enveloped him from the tender light of the evening moon which only managed to reveal half of his body.

  Melvin used his hand to beckon on the figure to come closer to them.


  The figure replied, then threw down the cigar in his right hand and stamped it killing the red light with his right leg. The two men watched keenly as the figure walked to them maintaining the cover of the shade from the blocked light of the moon.

  As he got closer and the shade gradually faded the moonlight finally unveiled the image of a some–what fair man with dark hair which seemed permed.

  The man walked stealthily; in a manner similar to a cat, with a careless grace, giving very little attention to the two men ahead of him.

  He became bigger with each stride. When he came to where the two men were standing at, a man of roughly six foot height could be seen. His tight skin gripped firmly to his bones, he was thin–looking having all edge and no excess. He really didn't look energetic but his body was carved and looked athletic, his face was pale and smooth, his cheek grasped firmly to his bones, seeming to have been chiseled and had natural small dark spots distributed all over, his eyes had a tint of blue yet it was seeming dark.

  He looked to the man directly in front of him and threw his hands in for a handshake.

  "this is mr. sunny" a voice said which happened to be Melvin's voice once he turned to look.

  "nice to meet you mr. Sunny." Antwon shrugged.

  "Same here." sunny replied while revealing a half a dozen white teeth from a smile.

  "Melvin here told me you're the best man for the job, He hasn't been able to stop eulogizing you, I'm now beginning to feel I'm in the presence of a prodigy figure...uhm or atleast aaa..legend personality." sunny commended while following–up with a smile similar to the first but slightly implying some sort of satisfaction with is own comment, as if to say; you must surely be flattered now.

  However even he was not prepared for the reply he received, when the thin man who kept a straight face replied,

  "Hmm. All legend born are people died. Thanks for the compliment, but." taking a deep breath "I barely feel like a legend. A savior! then perhaps me and you will be in agreement."

  The tiny red lips of the fair man clapped and finished, concluding while his chiseled like face remained straight, revealing no hint of excitement or contentment.

  He couldn't even take a compliment. Sunny thought to himself.

  "Well if you say so, You're the man!." Sunny said, cajoling, giving up a bigger smile this time to conceal his confusion.

  Truthfully sunny didn't know how best to reply this man but something told him this man was an impatient man. so he deviced, he'd better not upset him and just concur rather than argue.

  "well!. Melvin here is aware of all the arrangements, so he will brief you as to what your job will be and he'll also take you to the apartment that has been prepared for you."

  "Ok." Antwon replied, looking unconvinced and showing no trace of emotion.

  At this point, however. Sunny could only perceive this man–Antwon has an edgy unpredictable stone–hearty man, with such a terrifying countenance killing should be nothing to this man. At least killing should like eating for this man, even so I cannot give up now. The involuntary thought browsed through his head making him to become careful with the man. Nonetheless this made sunny very uncomfortable but he wasn't the type to be bullied easily. Having a stern uncompromising face wasn't enough to deter him, Moreover he thought to himself

  I am going to employ this man so that it should be me being the boss and giving the command. right!

  Thus he decided to try again with another question this time mimicking Antwon.

  He put on a stern face of his own and bossed out

  "Any family member?."

  Antwon who could read the situation grew impatient.

  "No." A quick and to–the–point answer sufficed from the him still maintaining an emotionless countenace.

  His behavior to sunny, was becoming weird.

  "Well then what about a girlfriend or fiance?." Sunny tried again.

  "I dont have a girlfriend or fiance."

  The weird man quickly replied, this time revealing a hint of icy‐cold frustration which flashed through his eyes as they squinted, dramatizing further with a grin and a silent growl.

  A speechless mr. sunny was left staggered, even though he was prepared to handle a 'difficult' person he was no way prepared for 'Mad'. It made him even more tensed being with this 'weird man'.

  A slight feeling of fear emerged from his heart. Surmising in his heart, that he was not going to try this wierd man any further, as he concluded, he spoke.

  "Well! That will be all Mr. Antwon, I better talk to melv on other matters. If you don't mind?."

  Implying that he wanted to have a private discussion with a shocked melvin who had been standing beside Antwon witnessing all that happened.

  " Hmm. I'm cool."

  Antwon replied seeming disinterested in any further talk. He looked at the man standing beside him then said,

  "thanks man." patting him on the back before turning to leave.

  As he walked away the two men watched with heart filled with curiosity and total flabbergast, awed their jaws dropped. more sunny than than melvin.

  That being the case Antwon walked away in a similar manner to how he came. Not for once turning to look back at the figure of the two men, he got to the wall where he stood before and retook his position.