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Tied With My Stepbrothers

Tied With My Stepbrothers

Author:Oklobia Lilian


Cassie Adams is an aspiring writer, living with her dad who has just been engaged by his fiance, Alexander who is in town with his son's, Aaron and Alex. Cassie finds herself lusting after her step brothers as she's pulled into the most complicated money master minded sex driven, drug ridden love triangle ever.
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Cassie lays on her bed, her chest on the bed with her legs hanging in the air as she talked to her best friend, Brandon over a video call. With each pop of a new conversation that gets her excited, she would wiggle her behind. She enjoyed the feeling of her plump butt shake each time she didn't wear her panties.

It was a Sunday and winter had started kicking slowly, her dad was returning today with his billionaire boyfriend that he had been seeing for the past few months, along with his sons, who apparently were his step sons and also billionaires too. Cassie couldn't tell if she was excited or not, she loved the fact her dad had been super happy lately, but this visit was going to bring about major changes in both their lives and Cassie was no big fan of change.

"Well, I don't think it'll be as bad as you're making it sound Cas, I'm sure they're real cool people" Brandon tries to comfort her as he sips soda from a cup.

Brandon and Cassie have been friends for as long as the two could remember, his mom was nothing less than a mother to Cassie. She remained the mother figure in her life when her mom left both her and her dad for a drug dealer somewhere in Jamaica.

"I guess you're right" Cassie says with a sigh of defeat as she turns and lays on her back, spreading her hands wide open as she stares into the ceiling, wondering what life was about to turn into for her.

But then again, she was finally moving out next year, after the new year, everything will begin to fall into place. Her dad's happy, he won't be all alone anymore, she'll finally have her own space and focus on her writing, everything would be perfect soon. If this change was the price she'd have to pay, she sure as hell, didn't mind anymore.

A smile finds it's a way across her lips and she turns back to the laptop to tell Brandon of her new wave of hope and joy, only to find him asleep. She shakes her head in disbelief, wondering for the umpteenth time, how a human could fall asleep in the middle of anything and everything.

She closes her laptop, leaving Brandon there, gets up from her bed and puts on a big sweater she had taken from Brandon's room a day before, warm enough to keep her from getting too cold, she picks up her polka dot socks lying by the door and wears them both before heading to the kitchen. With this newfound splash of hope and excitement, she decides to get dinner ready for her dad and their new house guests.

After about two hours, the kitchen was saturated with aroma upon aroma. She clears the things lying in the sink and heads to the dining to set the table. Just as she puts the first two plates down, she hears the doorbell ring. She checks the time on the wall clock and realizes she has totally lost track of time. She was hoping to be done and still have some time to freshen up before their arrival, but it was too late now, they were here, it was show time.

Cassie quickly walks to the door, takes a deep breath, before finally opening the door to be met by her father's frame. He had the biggest smile on, just as always, one could say the dear man was glowing

"Daddy!" Cassie squeals as she opens her arms and jumps on him, wrapping her hand around him and giving him a tight warm hug.

"My darling girl, oh how I've missed you" Mr. Adams said burying his face in her embrace.

"I missed you more daddy" Cassie giggles as she lets go of her father, to be met by a much bigger frame coming up the starts to the door. She turns to look at him fully and damn, the pictures her dad had showed her didn't do any justice to this creature she was seeing

"Wow!" she whispered under her breath, loud enough for her dad to hear

Mr. Adams gives a light chuckle and whispers an "I know" in her ears before taking the man's hand and facing her, official introduction time

"So, this is Alexander, my fiancé" her dad said in a low subtle voice, wondering what her reaction would be regarding this new information

Cassie takes a few seconds letting that last word sink in, she had to act fast, she had to digest it quickly, this was a lot of change. She expected it of course, but why was she still in shock. A dozen seconds had past and she had not said anything, she couldn't afford making this weird, her perfect future was on the line, everybody needs to be happy for her to be happy later.

"Fiancé!?" Cassie says, making sure they both heard the excitement in her voice

"Yes, he proposed yesterday. Wanted to call you, but he wanted to see the look on your face" her dad narrates

"Now you've seen it. Congratulations you two, I'm so happy for you!" Cassie says hugging the two men, who in return hug her tightly

"Thank you so much Cassie, I'm glad you approve" Alexander tells her, sounding almost shy and nervous

"Anything that makes daddy happy, has all my approval. Thank you, Alexander, so glad you're here for the holiday" Cassie tells him, holding both his hands in hers. She was grateful, genuinely.

"Please, call me Alex. Plus, it's my pleasure to be here" he tells her with a warm smile.

The conversation is suddenly interrupted as Mr. Adam perceives the aroma coming from the kitchen. With excitement he drags Alex into the house like a little girl holding her new found best friend.

"The boys are in the garage, hold on for them darling" Mr. Adams says before turning back to Alex, murmuring about how great Cassie's cooking is.

Cassie stands by the door, anticipation getting the best of her, her mind flying into different places, wondering what her new step brothers would be like, look like, and all the other stuff that comes along with meeting new people. The cold was getting to her legs and with every second of waiting her anticipation morphed into impatience. What were they doing that was taking forever?

Just as Cassie finally decides to close the door and wait for them to knock, she hears some voices emerging from the side of the house. It was too dark to really see, so she comes down the stairs to see clearly. The frames looked like two men, really bodily built men and they looked like they were holding each other, which is not something you see around often. And just as she stares closely, she realizes, they are walking towards her.

She horridly goes back into the house, where she was standing by the door, to wait. She watches as the men draw closer to her, their faces clearly illuminated by light bulbs at the entrance, her pulse races, she knows that this is going to be harder than she had imagined.