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The CEO's indentured lover

The CEO's indentured lover



"Woman, say, whose is the child?" A dirty deal makes her pregnant, and the happy wedding is just a bet! Five years later, with a child that did not belong to him, she returned to him again. "Man, I'll give you the baby, but... I need your life in exchange for it!
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HanKaley, wrapped in a white towel, found the sound of running water in the bathroom ironic and ridiculous.

Reflecting on the events of just a few hours ago, HanKaley wonders if she were not now in this luxurious presidential suite, she would never have believed that her own father, who needed cash to keep his business afloat, had asked her to have sex with a man in his fifties.

Just because he's the president of the bank.

Her father, threatening her with his sick mother.

In her cries, her father became sympathetic, but soon hardened by her stepmother and sister's persuasion.

She hated her stepmother and her sister, the woman who had taken her mother's place, XuLacey, the sister who had taken her place, HanPatience.

Is that they destroyed her original happy home, will be healthy mother force silly, will she become such a mess.

One day, she will give it all back.

While thinking, the sound of the water in the bathroom gradually stopped. HanKaley's nerves tightened when he heard the door being opened.

"Don't turn on the light." She said, unconsciously, that she did not want him to see her.

It's just a dirty deal, and in the morning, she'll forget what happened tonight and go back to her boring, fulfilling college life.

"If you like it, do as you please." A deep voice echoed through the dark presidential suite, cold and contemptuous.

Sharp by moonlight, the man looked at leaning in the window of the woman, she has a head of long hair, and the waist beautifully body was covered with a layer of beautiful moonlight to the fog, only wrapped a towel, is like concealed, bare feet, like a tempting elves caught his eye, which made his desire fire burn us, "come and touch me!"

The deep voice sounded again. If it were not for knowing that he was an old man of more than fifty years old, HanKaley thought that the other party was a young man, but the momentum of the other party told HanKaley that this was not a young man!

'Come here! He urged again, annoyed at HanKaley's slowness. "If you don't want to do it, get out."

"Yes, I'm sorry." HanKaley apologized slowly, for the sake of her beloved mother, she could not go, forcing down her pride, she walked slowly to his front.

He is very tall, more than one hundred and eighty centimeters tall of him, make her show petite but people.

How to fondle? ! With question marks drawn in her mind, HanKaley frowned, knowing she should have followed Ada's advice and watched some porn.

At that moment, the man's command voice rang out from above. "Kiss me."

HanKaley was surprised, and then tipped her toes and bit the man's lips with her green lips.

"Shit!" "Murmured the man, intrigued by her clumsiness.

He suddenly picked up HanKaley and threw her to the bed amid her screams. On, took away her bath towel lightly, so that she naked lying on the bed, and his tall body pressure in her weak body.

HanKaley heard his own heart beating as the man's hot breath fell on his milky skin.

In the night, she saw the eyes as sharp as eagles, looking at her with a kind of scrutiny that captured their prey, imperceptibly bringing her a sense of oppression besides tension.

'Close your eyes and don't look at me with those muddy eyes of yours! The man bossily said, and then without any foreplay, no mercy through HanKaley, without the slightest pity.

"Pain!" HanKaley bit her mouth, tears running from the corners of her eyes.

It was not unexpected that the woman under him was a virgin, because he ouyangEthan never touched a woman whose body was not clean.

But he did not expect, he actually also out of control of the time, so eager to her.

"You, you get out! HanKaley, pale with pain, cried to the man, "I beg you, get out!"

"Women, acting also depends on their partners." OuyangEthan's voice was hoarse and charming. Listening to her restrained crying, he felt pity in his heart for the first time and gently kissed her tears until her crying became less and less...

It was daylight when HanKaley came out of her coma.

Her body was torn with pain, a reminder of what had happened last night.

The man tormented her like an animal, more like a madman, and even when she cried and begged for mercy, he did it again and again until she passed out.

Nightmare! It's just a horrible nightmare! Stop thinking about it!

HanKaley did not dare to look at the sleeping man beside her, so she crept out of bed in panic and went to the bathroom. With her red and swollen eyes, she saw the big blooming hickey on her body like a rose, with tears falling quietly in the spotless mirror.

Dressed quickly, HanKaley rushed out of the door as if fleeing.

Gorgeous hall, the waiter looked at the back of the man who ran out in a hurry. He felt very flustered about the mistake he had made last night. He gave the wrong room card to two women.

Plus, the two women with the wrong key both walked away unharmed, so it looks like nothing happened.

It's something she can't talk about, or she'll lose such a good job.

She dozed off as usual, pretending nothing had happened...


HanKaley sat alone on a rock, perhaps because of the gloomy weather, there were few people on the beach.

The sea breeze blew up her hair and looked at the slowly rising sun. HanKaley held her simple little face high and smiled toward the sun.

Nearby, William Li, with his short chestnut hair and handsome features, watched the scene with a happy expression on his face. He had only come to paint the sunrise, not to see such a beautiful woman.

The woman sat on the rock, dressed in a white fishtail dress, her long hair flowing like a mermaid.

That smile into the sun's face, is so beautiful.

"OMG, that's beautiful." He quickly picked up his brush and began to paint her.

As the tide rises and falls, HanKaley remains in that position. HanKaley slowly closes his eyes and tears as he thinks of what happened last night.

William saw this and thought, "What made her so sad?"

His nature as a painter told him to paint what this moment felt like before asking her what had happened.

When his pen was finished, William smiled, and when he looked up again, there was no one on the rock, as if he had imagined it all.

William Looked around. There was no white figure on the growing sand.

"Shit!" He low curse.

Sadly, William went back to the drawing board and wrote under the drawing paper with the beautiful woman in it -- the tears of a mermaid... Bert.

"I'll find you, I will!" Li William said yes, looking at the tears on the woman's face in the painting, he felt uncomfortable...

OuyangEthan picked up his phone irritably as it kept ringing on his nightstand, scowling, "You better give me a reason why YOU have to put me on the phone or you're going to be miserable."

"The reason? It's half past ten in the morning. Don't tell me you're still asleep?" SituAaron quipped over the other end of the microphone, "Looks like the woman who put you in last night was so happy that you haven't woken up yet."

'The woman from last night? OuyangEthan's hand touches the other side of the bed, where it is already cold.

She's gone? Somehow, at this point, ouyangEthan felt a touch of loss, "Did you arrange that woman?"

"Of course." SituAaron exulted: "Twenty million mixed-race women for one night. For your 23rd birthday, it's worth it."

"Twenty million?" OuyangEthan narrowed her deep and cold blue eyes and curled her lips. As a worthless woman, she got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. "This is not a necessary reason for disturbing my sleep."

"Well, let me think again. Is the return of night a good reason?"

"Count." OuyangEthan lifted his lips happily when he heard that he had not seen his brother for two years. "See you in the PUB later."

Korea's home.

Han Fu sat on the sofa, confused hung up the phone, "what hybrid?"

"What's the matter? XuLacey leaned on Han Fu's arms and looked at a thoughtful Han Fu and asked, "Wasn't Xu president calling just now?"

"Be." "But he said," HanKaley is of mixed race. How can that be? Her mother and I are Chinese."

"Tube him, his old eyes dim to see wrong also not certain, money hit you turnover can."

"Yes." Han Fu put down the doubts in his heart, got up and dressed, ready to rush to the bank, although some guilty to HanKaley, but he can not let himself become nothing.

Get drunk

"God, here you are at last. The foreman has already growled. If you don't come, I will be cursed to death by her."

In the dressing room, HanKaley hurried to the dressing room after receiving Ada's call. He changed his work clothes and listened to his best friend Ada's complaints.

When she had changed into her overalls, she took a deep breath and perked up, with a mischievous wink and a smile. "You're supposed to flirt with the foreman so you don't get yelled at."

"HanKaley! If you joke about it again, I promise you, you'll get your message posted on a porn site!" Ada said angrily, baby face is more lovely.

"All right, all right, I know I'm wrong." HanKaley smiled and took Ada's arm and walked out.

The head waiter at the bar was a woman, and generally women don't use honey traps on women.

But their leader was a lesbian and had been friendly to Ada.

Ada rejected the foreman. As a Lesbian, the foreman thought that Ada and Ada were not pure friendship, but love, so he tried his best to make things difficult for her.