
Let’s Read The World

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De Luca

De Luca



The bell above the entrance door rung, indicating someone had walked in. "We're closed," I called as I swung my head around to face the door. I froze when I saw a tall tan handsome man dressed in an all-black suit standing by the entrance, power and dominance radiating off of him. I closed my mouth quickly when I realised I was staring with my mouth agape. "I was just wondering where Mr Santiago is?" He asked, an Italian accent lacing his voice. I stared at him for a few a seconds needing time to process that this Italian god was actually standing in front of me, before getting a hold of myself and answering him.
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  "Violet,” I hear my boss call in a thick Italian accent.

  With hurried steps, I ran over to his office where he had his door open. I popped my head in to see the little fat man in his office chair, sitting behind his desk.

  With a uneven exhale, I stepped into the room, not daring to move any further than the doorway.

  ”You wanted to see me, Mr Santiago.”

  He looked up at me, putting down the papers he was looking at.

  ”What are you doing over there? Hurry up girl, I don't like tardiness.”

  Biting my lip and fiddling with my fingers behind my back, I walked towards him, so I was standing in front of his desk.

  "I need you to work overtime tonight.”


  "I wasn't asking,” he snapped, cutting off my response.

  I didn't argue with his words, after all I was lucky to have this job.

  ”Will I be paid?"

  He glared at me.

  ”I should be firing you for that stunt you pulled last week, but because I'm a nice person, I didn't. So be fucking grateful and don't ask any questions.”

  I clenched my fist together as I stared at him, my blood boiling. That 'stunt' I had pulled last week was actually my first accident, where I had slipped over a mopped area and broke four glasses of champagne. The area didn't even have a warning sign! And I got all the blame!

  "Yes sir, sorry sir," I said with a sweet smile all while inside my head I was throwing daggers at his head.

  He waved a dismissive hand in the air before looking back down at the papers on his desk. I stood a second longer, imaginging my fist connecting with his pudgy cheek before I walked out, let out a frustrated sigh.

  I shook my head, reminding myself once again that I was lucky to have this job.

  Hours passed and the last customer finally walked out off the restaurant, I let out a sigh of relief and sat down at the table the customers were sitting at a moment ago — my elbows resting on the table and my head bowed so my dark wavy hair fell around me like a wall, I closed my eyes as I rubbed my forehead trying to lessen the pain from inside.

  The bell above the entrance door rung, indicating someone had walked in.

  ”We’re closed,” I called as I swung my head around to face the door.

  I froze when I saw a tall tan handsome man dressed in an all-black suit standing by the entrance, power and dominance radiating off of him. I closed my mouth quickly when I realised I was staring with my mouth open slightly.

  "I was just wondering where Mr Santiago is?" He asked, an Italian accent lacing his voice.

  I stared at him for a few a seconds needing time to process that this Italian god was actually standing in front of me, before getting a hold of myself and answering him.

  "Uh he just left, but maybe you could just catch him, he should be behind the shop.”

  He nodded at me with a blank face and thanked me in his deep voice before leaving the way he came.

  "Holy shit,” I breathed a little flustered, biting my lip.

  After a bit of fantasising, I pushed all thoughts of him away knowing I wasn't ever going to see him again. I locked the restaurant up before getting my handbag and walking out the back door, looking down the dark alleyway as paranoia set in making my heart speed up.

  Once I was sure no one was down the alley I turned left and began my walk. It wasn't until the alley split off into two did I hear voices, I stopped at the corner of the turnoff and slightly poked my head around the corner.

  "Where's our money Santiago," a man demanded, holding what would be my boss against the wall. Three other men stood behind him.

  "I-am getting it d-don't worry. Just give me t-two more days please De Luca!" Mr Santiago pleaded but instead of talking to the man holding him against the wall, his head moved to the side to talk to the three men.

  The man in the middle stepped forward and pulled out a gun making my eyes widen.

  "De Luca please I'll get your money! Just please don't kill me!"

  My eyes were wide and my heart was beating wildly, my hands griping at my work dress. Was I about to witness a murder! Should I try and stop them!? No, I shouldn't, I'll only get myself into trouble.

  The man holding Mr Santiago let him go, letting him fall to his knees and beg for the man holding the gun not to shoot.

  I won't lie. A part of me was thrilled by this, especially when it was the dirty fat little man that was my boss.

  "Get up.”

  Mr. Santiago quickly scrambled to his feet. A second later there was a gunshot, a cry and the thud of Mr Santiago dropping to the floor.

  My heart jumped and I quickly stepped back only to fall back into a pile of rubbish bags, making a rubbish bin fall over. My eyes widened even more at the loud noise I had caused. There was no way they didn't hear that.

  "What was that!" A man from down the alley asked, making my heart pound in my chest and my hands and legs shake.

  I quickly tried to stand on my wobbly legs as I heard footsteps make their way down the alleyway. I just managed to stand as the man rounded the corner with a gun in his hand, a gun that was pointed at me.

  My breath caught in my throat as I stared wide-eyed at him, he stared at me with a serious expression on his face.

  "Anyone down there boss?"

  It took me a moment to realise that this was the handsome Italian man that had asked me where Mr Santiago was not long ago.

  The man stared at me a second longer before turning around and going back into the view of the others.

  ”Nothing, just a cat. Let's leave.”

  I heard multiple car doors shut before the engine started, tires screeched as they speed out of the alley. I still stood there, frozen from shock, my body shaking. I jerked back as I felt a drop of rainfall on me, only then was I broke from my trance. Quickly, I broke out into a run, not bothering to check on my boss.

  I didn't want to know if he was dead or not, I didn't want any part in it.

  I ran as the rain poured down on me, all the way to the bus stop where the bus had just arrived. I jumped on and paid, the little amount of people said nothing about my dishevelled appearance.

  I couldn't calm the thoughts in my head. I was like that the whole way to my apartment.

  When I did get to my apartment I had a quick shower and changed into warm clothedbefore laying in my bed, still trying to wrap my head around the events of tonight.

  I barely got any sleep because of it.


  I woke up considering to take the day off, but financially I couldn't afford it so I showered, dressed and went to my day shift at Mr Santiago's restaurant.

  Beth, one of my co-workers spoke with the rest of my co-workers as I walked into the back of the restaurant.

  "Did you hear? Mr Santiago got shot and is in the hospital!"

  I bit down on my lip as I stopped by the coat hangers and hung up my coat and scarf as I listened in on their conversation.

  "Yes! I heard that he was trying to defend himself from a thief and accidentally shot himself!"

  "I heard it was from the thief.”

  Isabell who was a blonde beauty sent me a quick glance. "I reckon it was Violet. She was the last one with Mr Santiago and she does need the money."

  The group laughed. I bit my lip and frowned, I left the back room to go serve some tables pushing all thoughts of my co-workers away. Although it weighed on me a lot, what they said about me, but there was obviously nothing I could do to change that.

  Besides, it wasn't like I wasn't used to insults.

  Midday came around slowly and I was thankful when it did come. I was just about to leave the restaurant for the day, going to my last customer with my head down as I scribbled some stuff down from the last table I was at.

  "Hello, what can I get you-" I looked up and my voice slowly died. Sitting on the table was the man that shot Mr Santiago and who had also spared my life. So many thoughts ran through my head as I stared at him.

  "We need to talk," he said in his deep Italian laced voice, his arms bulged in his suit as he leaned back holding a glass of water above the table, his Rolex watch glimmering under the light. He was too damned handsome and rich to be in a restaurant like this, and for some reason it pissed me off.