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The Return Of The Heiress

The Return Of The Heiress



Alejandro Razon was Araceli Alcaraz's knight in shining armor. Regardless of the circumstances of caring for this unconscious visitor, she gave this adorable lady a breath of fresh air. She was unsettled and had no idea what had happened to her. She couldn't even remember her real name or identity. Alejandro couldn't help but feel sorry for this lady. He only wants to protect Araceli And give her all the love and care he can muster. His closeness to this lady brought up certain emotions in his heart. He is certain that he felt something special for her but opted to keep it to himself. Alejandro is a well-known doctor and a handsome bachelor in his place. Any girl could fall for her because of his build and countenance, as well as his positive attitude. He experienced her first heartache when Marga, her long time fiance chose a career over a love life. Lisa’s astounding beauty can trap every man’s heart including Ralph Elizalde’s. He was a famous lawyer and a CEO of his own law firm in the city. His first glance with Lisa captivated his heart and soul. Lisa fell slowly in love with Alejandro. But she was chancy if Alejandro can reciprocate her true feelings for her. Will Alejandro reveal his love for Lisa at the right time before Lisa can divert her feelings and attention to Ralph due to his mighty pursuit? What happens when Lisa’s true identity is revealed? Who would have thought that Liza is the missing heiress of the famous billionaire and business tycoon Ferdinand Alcaraz? What happens when Lisa transforms to her past life as Araceli Alcaraz? Feel the rollercoaster of emotions and struggles as a twist of events unleashed in this love affair.
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The clouds turned gray and the light coming from the sun was in a hurry to set down. The dawn was fast approaching and so was Dr. Ale in reaching his home. His home was his only sweet haven of calmness and relaxation. It was a tough day and very exhausting. He was from a long trip in a rural place treating and attending patients with various health issues.

Alejandro worked as a community doctor in one of the rural places in the province.

Mrs. Razon's ears are filled with music when she hears Dr. Ale's car horn. She was always ecstatic when she heard the beeps in front of the house. That was undoubtedly his adoring son returning home.

“How is my doctor doing?” Mrs Razon exclaimed with delight as she opened the door for Ale.

“It was like the other day, mom, so tiring and exhausting but it was worth it,” Ale replied as he made his way to his room.

Alejandro's face resembles hours of tiredness and exhaustion. He dashed to his bed, feeling the softness of its mattress as he lay back comfortably. Ale can't help but think about some things while he's lying down. What if he hadn't turned down his colleague's job offer from the city's well-known hospital? He was certain that he was living a more comfortable life.

But his desire to help his fellow men is more important to him than a promising career in the city. He had known since childhood that he would make an excellent doctor in his hometown. It was not for the sake of fame, but for his unwavering desire to help the poor.

“Ale, dinner is ready!” exclaimed his mother. “Dada cooked your favorite dish,” her mother added to pique his interest.

He can detect the enticing aroma of a freshly roasted beef brisket. He's been craving this food for a long time and can't afford to miss it this time.

“Okay, Mom, I'll join you in a minute,” Ale replied as he undressed and changed into his home's usual attire.

Ale attended the family dinner and engaged in a fruitful conversation. Dada, their long-time housekeeper, and Nonong, their hardworking gardener, both contributed to the sumptuous dinner.

Ale's mother had already become a widow. His father died almost ten years ago from heart failure. Dr. Alejandro is the family's only child. His parents raised him to be a model child. He was a kind and loving man.

It was a wonderful day for everyone. Ale's usual routine after dinner is to go outside and wander around the garden, which is full of fresh blooming flowers and beautiful ornamental plants. The aromatic scents of nature's beauty were enhanced by the sweet fragrance of white orchids mixed in the air.

Starry nights accompanied the moon. Ale couldn't help but look up at the wondrous scenery of the beautiful and lucid night sky because its bright light was so inviting.

He exhaled a deep sigh and gazed in awe at the magnificent sight. This scenic view of the night reminds Ale of his past romance with Marga. She had been his long-term girlfriend. She was also a doctor who chose to find her luck in one of the wealthiest countries of Europe.

They were involved in an enthralling love affair. Ale's mind had yet to accept the fact that they were no longer together. They used to savor this lovely moment, full of hopes and promises for each other. Nothing could ever separate them at the time because they were so in love.

Marga and Ale had been together since high school. They both attended a private school and decided to study medicine in college. Their relationship had been through thick and thin, with many ups and downs. Taking a medicine course is not for the faint of heart. Their company has provided reassurance that there is always someone to lean on when things get tough.

Marga knew that Ale's heart was in his desire to help the poor. She knew how much he cared about his fellow citizens and was always eager to provide medical assistance when given the opportunity. However, Marga's ambition contradicts Ale's long-term goal. They may be lovers, but they are also individuals with distinct personalities.

It was almost ten o'clock at night. Ale had no idea it was already late. He needs to get up early in the morning to see other patients. He was walking slowly toward the back door when he heard a loud voice call his name.

“Doctor Alejandro! Are you still awake?” inquired the loud voice from outside their gate.

Ale quickly recognized the loud sound as the voice of his childhood friend Joselito, a fisherman in the nearby area. “Why are you calling, and what brought you here?” Ale replied as he rushed to open the gate.

Dr. Ale had already opened the door and was surprised to see Joselito carrying an unconscious woman before Joselito could respond.

“Who was she and what happened to her?” inquired Dr. Alejandro.

“We found her near the shore, almost lifeless,” Joselito responded while laying the woman down on a long wooden chair inside the garage.

Joselito's wife, who was also with him, was concerned about the woman's condition.

“We had just returned from a long day of fishing and unloading our catch when I heard someone nearby moaning in a soft voice, pleading for help.”

“I asked for help from a fellow fisherman, and together with my wife, we decided to hurry in your direction to give this lady first aid in order for her to regain consciousness,” Joselito explained further.

Dr. Ale didn't waste a single minute and examined the woman right away. She was unconscious, but her pulse indicated that she was still fighting for her life. Dr. Ale did not hesitate to perform CPR on the woman in order to save her. Joselito's wife is pleading with God to restore this young helpless lady's breath. “ Oh God, please be merciful to her'',sighed Joselito's wife.