
Let’s Read The World

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Author:Fariha Islam Sheetal


Artain is a overweighted boy who is always bullied for his weight. He has to change his school for this. His new classmates rags him to give a flower to Arya. Arya is the most famous and egotistic girl.She and her most famous boyfriend insults him .Every students even their seniors scared them.Arya snd his boyfriend insults him and everyday they disturb Arya got to know her boyfriend cheated on her she is already disturbed because of her father’s second marriage.She decided to commit suicide.Artian saw her.He save her and make her understand.Letter they got in a unexpected relationship.Arya’s ex attacked Artian then Arya reached there andmad at her ex.That day Artian realised something He changed his school.After 1 year he came back and surprise everybody’ with a very attractive.Arya is feeling insecure.They faced a lot of problems and finally they got married
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7.674 billion people live in the world.7.674 billion people have uncountable types. So many characters, so many personalities, so many qualities. But there is a large number of people who have a divided people into just 2 types 1: Beautiful 2:Ugly.

They think you have to be beautiful, should have an attractive body, good sense of fashion to take attention. But how many people want to know your heart? And sometimes we talk about it we feel bad for that and when we realize this is bad.

But have you ever notice when we see any movie or series if the main leads are not that much attractive or beautiful how many of them give that much interest even if the movie story and the actors acting is good. Why our mind is like that? I'm going to tell you a similar story of a boy who is always judged by his body

1995 15 January a little e baby boy was born in the Arisko family. Their parents named him Artian. Artian loooves food.

Where other parents feel irritated while feeding their children because they are not eating properly Artian enjoying his food so much and eats them happily. Some parents tell Artian’s mother Artian eats too much she should take care of that. His weight is a lot more according to his age and this is not good.

His mother said Ah how can I stop him don’t worry he’ll lose weight when he grows up.

Now Artian is 10 years old he loves to paint nature painting. His room’s one side is full decore with his nature painting. He is getting ready for his school. His mother is calling him “ Artian Come on baby hurry up you’re breakfast is ready the school bus is coming”. Artian’s father has come for the breakfast give his wife a good morning kiss “Good morning love” “Goood moorrning. Here’s your breakfast.

Then Artian come to the table “Good morning mom dad” “Good morning”. His mom says”Good morning baby have your break fast quickly “Artian looks at his breakfast and sees 2 bread half of a boiled egg and 1 glass milk. He makes a weird face Mom what is this. This is so less. You know it won’t fill my stomach. My stomach will never know that I had breakfast today.

His mom says Artian don’t make drama you’re getting late. Just look at you you’re becoming an elephant day by day. Mom but elephants are cute. They are so big. And they then his mom stops him and says “Artian too much eating is not good for health you’ll get sock this is so harmful to your body. Do you even realize how much you are overweighted?

Son, you have to understand we are your mom dad. We love you so much. we care for you. Then his father says “Look son we know you love food. We never stopped you from eating but now you’re gaining weight so much and this is very very serious for your health. That's why we are doing this we are not your enemies. We love you. We love you more than you think.

Aaand you have to be more powerful than Supper Man naa” Yeeeesss” So eat them like a nice boy.Rockaway.Artin makes some Weird looks at the food and eating his breakfast.

Suddenly the bus has arrived. Artian’s mom gives him his breakfast and says “Goodbye my baby” Goodbye mom dad.

Suddenly he hears his mom steaming “Artian; Artiaaan wait for dear” and running before him. What happens, mom. Today is your midterm result day. I know my son gonna rock it again. Best of luck sweety. Artian says “Mmmm if I am first in the class again will you make a chocolate cake for mee” Artian you forget all this naa what I and you’re dad told you then.

Mmm, I should get a prize naaa mom it's my right. Ok, we’ll think about it letter now go the but will go. Ik mom bye. His mom kisses him on his cheek and says go go go the bus will leave