
Let’s Read The World

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Author:Rahma Fuad


It is about the challenges we all go through in life to achive our dreams and goals it's a life experience I have gone through everything I have written in this novel. I really hope you all like this and hope it helps you with what is challenging you with what is making you feel weak .
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My story is not a sad story , it's a real one of a girl fought through a storm she thought would never end.Depression is a mental disorder characterised with loss of interest in something. I write this with experience I am currently suffering from depression and I thought of ending my life but for a minute I thought about my loved ones, I thought of what the world would call me they would call me a coward.                     

    I fell deep in love with this guy I know most of you will say am stupid to fall for a guy's words easily right but I don't care am here to share what I went through and how I recovered from it. So this guy we dated like I really liked him so much and it didn't work out we ended it but  it really hurt me and with all my insecurities I have an emotional break down it was so hard for me to act infront of my family  that am strong but it wasn't easy for me for reals .

I would break down at night cry all my pain out with my mouth covered so that no one can hear me all because I thought I wasn't enough I had a lot of insecurities my body weight, my acne were my greatest insecurities. I couldn't reach my parents expectations that broke me more the fact that they always found faults in all I did made it worse I couldn't take it anymore. I would wait for everyone to fall asleep and I would cry for hours and the next day I would act as if am the most strong girl in the world. I would smile,  laugh all because I didn't want to worry my family.

   I had my friends though who were aware of my condition and always tried their best to make me feel special like Rahma, Abdulrahman, Sheilah and Patience  they really had my back and never left me a lone.

If you are facing depressional disorder please talk it out with your friends and please never let suicide run into your mind. In my religion we believe that belivers were created to go through hardships but that is not the end of the world rise up come back stronger than ever and whenever you try to make other people happy remember your also a person suicide is not a cure for depression but instead adds more pain to your loved ones. Get friends who will be there for u in saddness and happiness not only in happiness. Get a hobby, get closer to God because He wrote your fate even before you were born ask Him to make it easy for you .

Have a great time and may you be able to win the battle with depression.I believe you can and you will win this battle you just have to keep on fighting your way through all the hardships in life and you will make it.