
Let’s Read The World

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Author:Junita ofonmbuk


Read to be more enlighten on this interesting story ,find out more in the story,it keep you in suspense,it a story of a gay and naive high school student lover, It keep u laughing ,read find out if Jeff the gay later fall in love with Anita ,or their world are apart ,the more you read the more you will want to keep flipping the pages
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  **The sun shines brightly into my eyes ,I roll down on my little bed, I can hear the birds singing

  I rubbed my eyes with my plams ,I looked round my little bedroom

  It then stock to me that I am late for school

  I flung out of bed ,and rush into the bathroom with paniched

  "I am late on my first day of school " I repeat my say to myself.

  Some mins later I was done putting on my new school uniform

  I wasn't comfortable on them but with times I will get use to it.

  I heard my father voice in the kitchen singing in our local language

  I greeted him brightly

  "Good morning papa"

  "How was ya night "? He asked me

  I reply with a smile "I slept well papa "

  "Well today is ya first day in your new school so I decided to makes breakfast" he said to me still humming his song

  I smile "papa you don't have to do it "

  He laugh but say no words to me

  I was very greatful that he make breakfast

  Course I couldn't bare cooking that morning,I would have beenao late to school .

  Well the drive to my new school wasn't that long ,

  I took a public bus course my father couldn't afford a taxi for me ,

  I smile as I imagine how my new school will be ,my thought went wild ,will I be able to fit in with all the rich kids in the school,will the ever like me ,I got shy at the image down to me .

  "Öwä" I told the conducted as I enlighten from the bus .

  I stood stranging at the huge signs written bodely FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL ,

  I was in so much joy ,I didn't notice the student trying to rush inside the school ,I regain from my imagination

  I followed the others student and rush into the school building .

  I was in a wow as I use my eyes to view in the school compound.

  It was painted in gray and white color .

  The well arranges flowers way neatly cuts.

  The school building was in a square form.....

  I was cut off when a male teacher spoke out .

  "Don't you supposed to be in ya class young woman?" he shouted gently at me.

  I started stammering .

  "You are new in this school ,?I never see ya faces before" he spoke as he walk toward me .

  I nodded my head gently in agreement

  "What your name " ?


  "Ooh your are a scholar"?

  I nodded my head .

  "Follow me " he reply as he started making his way to the school building .

  I follow him silently

  Half way through our walk

  I pump in to a tall young guy ..

  He was wearing no smile on his face

  He was tall ,fair and his hair was neatly cut into waves

  "I am sorry " I apologize

  He just walk out on me

  "How rude " I mumurred to myself

  I starred running to catch up with the teacher

  Finally we reach a wide door

  He open the door and I follow him in

  The office was beautifully arranges with different trophy

  Seated elegantly was a man maybe in his last 50th or 52th

  On his desk was files ,laptops,phones ,and different papers and pens and on the center was a board bodely written .


  Asked some questionings

  I wa finally fully registered,I was so happy ....**