
Let’s Read The World

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I'm fine

I'm fine



"what?" "I don't want gay people in the house! Send me the fvck*ng money, and leave!" This is a story of a strong guy, who thinks he is really week. Gets abused by his father, then got kicked out of the house homeless, and lonely, "oh wait I was always lonely"
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  Ji-yoo pov

  4:00 AM

  You just finished your 5th job, you are in highschool junior and you already have 5 partime jobs, your dad was an alcoholic, your mom left you and your dad since you were 12, so you have to take care of everything.

  "Bitch! Did you get the money?" Dad screamed while wailing with a bottle of alcohol, "n-no sir, I d-didn't get my payment yet" you said trembling cause you knew what's gonna happen, your dad came closer, with eyes you wish you never saw, he looked at you so madly, he wanted to hit you with his bottle, but you hesitated and tried to take the bottle from his hands, but instead of taking it, your dad threw you to the flour, hitting and punching you. You couldn't stop him, cause you already knew you are his punch bag... You bled alot but you are used to it, but this time it feels weird, it's more hurting than usual "s-s-sir?" You said, while having a lot of wounds everywhere on your body, bleeding, blue and red marks.

  "DON'T FUCKING"SIR" ME!" Your father said while punching you the last punch, then he stood up to drink more, then he fell asleep on the couch.

  You stood up, in deep pain, trying to clean up the mess your father did. Then you went to your room treating the wounds dad gave you, you had a lot of cuts, deep cuts that were cut by you, but that didn't bother you, you continued to treat them, but you stopped, cause you thought it's useless if he hits you everyday and you cut yourself, then why treat it? You thought. Then you went to bed, it's not like you can sleep anyways. You checked social media a little, then it already was morning, "it's Time to go to school" you thought.

  You didn't really like going to school, since people there bully you, but you went anyways cause you just wanted to escape from your dad a little bit.

  6:30 AM

  You wore long sleeved uniform, even though there are short uniform clothes, you had the long ones, cause you didn't want to show people your scars and wounds, cause they may think you are an attention seeker. You looked at your reflection in the mirror, and said to yourself; "you got this ji-yoo".

  You went outside the room and .looked for your father in the house before going to school.


  No response.

  "I'm off to school!"

  Still no response.

  You searched for him but couldn't fine him.

  "He partied last night... I'm sure he is in a drunk slut's room right now" you thought for yourself, then you went to the bus to go to school.