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The Unspoken Words

The Unspoken Words



Have you fell in love with someone that's forbidden. His eyes, his smile, his touch was just suppose to be a one night stand but he kept coming back for moreand more. He's anyway just like the rest of the guys at college to just take and leave you heartbroken.
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  "Maddie!, why didn't you tell him you love him." she says in a screeching voice. Megan she's my best friend form kindergarten actually my only friend because she's the only one who understands me so far besides my mother. As usual she always want me with some guy, but this one, this one I'd kill with my own bare hands if I had too. As the oath I made last night to never trust anything with a third leg aka dick near me again I'd have to be sane or on cocaine ..

  " Megan, why ruin my day this instant. I mean, I already told you to never mention that Asshole of a person's name he broke me to the core he made me cry until I threw up.. I fucking threw up and don't you dare laughing because I will burn all your chanel and voutton accessories babe so mention him again and you'll wake up on the moon tomorrow. " I mean it's not that I'm a bitch it just people play with you emotions and feelings and then you end up being the Dracula bitch in the moment.

  " Mads, I know but that's not what I heard from him or even Alex he - e just.. " she says in a hurried tone as though someone is coming.

  " M, I don't care anymore shit happens and I want to forget about it, so if you'd excuse me I have to be somewhere right now and I hope you would join me for lunch later I'll send you the address babe."

  On my way to Prof. Cavill's class a familiar figure catches my blurry sight. The figure walks in a hurried but slurry pace in my direction. I mean a lot of students are walking my way but this one this specific one's essence bother me.

  Wait this can't be, can my day get any worse.

  It's the unbearable asshole that's walking towards me with that lushed red lips and pearly white smile as if nothing happend. I mean that smile, ooh that smile makes me hallucinate about all the dirty things that have done, what we've both done li-k.

  Wait what.. Stop it Maddie he doesn't deserve it.

  As I'm trying enlarge my steps the figure rumble with fury towards me.

  " Mad-die why the fuck are you ignoring me you know that.." he says right in front of me.

  "And it's not as you'd care and how dare you talk to me like that, as if I'm one of your side whores because that the tipe you seem to be going for." she says in harsh short breaths.

  " Maddie what happened last n."

  "Oliver STOP.. there's a reason why I'm ignoring you it's because I-I don't want to see you hear you feel you ever again. You broke me really broke me and you took my heart and crushed it.. So go back from where you came from and never ever talk to me again are - we - clear"...?

  Just as I'm about to turn into the next hall he speaks.

  " Maddie I can't and won't ever leave you and will certainly not obey your pettyness because you mine only MINE. No fucking guy will have you because I want you to be with me.. ME because you make my nightmares go away you're the one who makes me whole again.. " he whispers in a shallow tone.

  " Maddie I can't be without you I just can't just please don't be like that... I.. I. " he roars with glossy eyes.

  " Well too late...bye Oliver " Maddie says in a shuddered raspy voice.

  Just as I'm about to walk away I then feel a strong warm arm embracing my small middle and gripping me tight unable to run or protest in any way. A musky warm minty breath exhale next to my ear and -

  " Maddie I love you!"