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The Bitch Heiress

The Bitch Heiress



Sexy, beautiful, rich but still bitch to bitch behavior ..." That's what Yanna often hears when other people looking at her. The sole heir of Don Ahmad Al Saud. She grew up with only a housemaid with her in their mansion because her father was busy with their businesses. She did everything she could to get his attention. She also has no friends because she is even more a criminal that being guarded by her father. Even she is a princess, her heart is full of sadness. So she made a way to live a normal life. To escape her father,s wrath and tread the path without anyone following her every move. What change can happen to her? How can she begin to tread the path she has chosen in the new phase of his life. Can she stand alone? What does her father feel? How can she find her mother? Read the story of Yanna Al Saud's life as Anna where far from the life she lived?
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  10 years ago...



  Yumma, min fadlik 'iibqaa.

Please stay

la tadhhab

don't go

... Don't leave me here Mama.

  "I'm sorry my Yanna always remember mama loves you." Her mother was crying.

  "Mama take me please mama. I want to come with you." the young child cried but her mother already decided.

  "No my Yanna. Your life is better if you stay with your Baba


so please, behave okey. Listen to him. I promise I will take you when I can find a stable job okey. Be good my child." she hug her only daughter tightly before she went outside the mansion. Her child can't do anything but to cried and stare the back of her mom. She pitied her but she needs to leave before his husband killed her. The nanny only watch the child because she can't also do anything just to stop her friend for running away. In her young mind, she feels mad to her father.

  She is Yanna Al Saud. Half Arabo-Filipina. The only child and sole heiress of Don Ahmad Al Saud. Her father is one of the respected person in the whole countries of middle east. And he is also the cruelest business tycoon. No one can escape him because every word or command he will tell should be followed correctly. You are not allowed to do mistakes or else you will be thrown out.

  Her mother is only a household worker. She is working to their family. She is Jane Torres Del Castillo.

  Jane first met the said Don as a part timer in their mansion but suddenly they got in love with each other. Every member of Al Saud clan are against with her so when she got pregnant they want to get rid of her after she give birth. They only saw her as a gold digger, seducer, worthless person and so on...

  She really wants to go back to her country but the elders doesn't want her to leave unless she gave birth and leave the child in their custody. So she decided to stay with them for the time being.After how many months of waiting, at last she gave birth to a lovely child and she name it YANNA DEL CASTILLO AL SAUD. But they give her a condition... Stay and be a nanny of her daughter or leave and take the money they offered. She choose her child... She is indeed a mother and even she knows how hard it is, she is willing to take the risk just to be with her child.

  "You are not allowed to stay here anymore. You will only ruin my son's life." Don Ahmad

  "Please Don Ahmad, I want to be with my daughter. I want to see her growing."

  "Okey,if you really want to stay here. Stay! But you are not allowed to tell anyone that you are the mother. I will give you enough money. I will pay you. Take care of her as much as you want but you will just remain as her nanny. Understand!" She nod to the Senior.

  She stayed there without any documents in her possession. maybe because the elders are afraid that she will runaway with their grand daughter. The said child grew up calling her mom nanny. she knows that she is her mother but she is not allowed to call her mom because her grand parents are strict and she is afraid that they will punish the poor woman. His dad loves her mom but because they are monitored, they didn't bothered to talk. The elders are too much strict and cruel especially her grand father.

  She was 6 years old when her grand father passed away and after how many months her grand mother followed her husband in heaven. All their wealth are inherited by my father. My dad become busy because he wants to prove that he deserves everything his parents left him.

  After one year of grievances, mom and dad got married... They lived happily. I thought everything will be okey now but no... because my dad prioritize his businesses. He does't give us time any longer. He put a lot effort just to expand his wealth, known in whole world and surpass my grandfathers achievements.

  Yes, he's famous now in the world of business. He change a lot... it came to the point that he became more and more cruel than my grand father that always bring him and my mom into a deep fight.



, don't you know how to iron my clothes?" Here they are again. Sometimes I saw my mom with a bruises. She is always crying, blood in her lips. I know he hurts my mom a lot. He rarely comes home since then... He installed all over the corners a cctv... our moves are being watch and monitored. Guards are every where... It's like we are in jail... It's like we are all a criminal. Our life only rotates inside the mansion the way my dad wants...