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Tale of a lost fairy

Tale of a lost fairy



?? ~Tale of a lost f~ ~airy~ ?? ? ~Lost then trappe~ d? ❤️ prologue❤️ A fairy was lost then trapped in a glass bottle. She was not happy at all. She was there for a week but fortunately, she finally saw a guy. The guy was very handsome but he was badly injured. She pleaded with him to free her and she would heal him. The young guy promise the fairy that he would free her but first , the fairy should heal him. But unknown to the guy.... If he fail to fulfill his promise, he would die. The fairy heal him according to their deal but....
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Tina pov

I'm Tina..a fairy, a very beautiful one. I hate being tied down.. I like to be free, but my sister doesn't always allow me to go anywhere I want because of the death of our parent. My parents died a mysterious death which even me .. don't know what cause it.. I think that's a story for another day.

Anny, am going out.. I just wanna breathe in some fresh airs and plays with some flowers, I shouted as I flew .

I don't need her permission coz I know what she is gonna say.

Tina, come back here, she yell angrily but I didn't listen to her.

I flew out of our little house, I was so happy.

It's good to be free, I shouted happily as I flew.

I sang and as I flew.. I was so happy. I played with some flowers also. But I suddenly sight something glittering. It shown so brightly into my eyes, I was so attracted to it. Yeah, fairies like glittering things.

I flew over to check what it was.

There was a jar and some sparkling items beside it.. there was also a piece of sparkling item in the jar, so I flew in.

I stare at the sparkling item with amazement, but suddenly I heard something cling. I was shocked.

I look up and I realized I have been trapped.

Nichole POV

I'm a business man, I very popular one.

I was the vice president of a very big company Although I was rude but still very diligent with my work.

My father wanted to pass on the company to me but I got some rivals.

It was a very bright morning, I got into my car and headed to the company but I realize I was being tailed. So I step on it , that's how it all started.

They keep on chasing me, so I knew my life was in danger, they wanted to kill me and took over the company.

I drove the car anyway and I ended at the forest, they keep on chasing me.

I stopped the car and get off, I started running... They also get off and started chasing me...

I tripped as I was running and fell down.

Ouch.... I shouted as I fell.

I noticed they aren't chasing me again, they have lost their way.

Am also lost.

I kept on wandering in the forest without knowing where to go... I thought of calling for help but I realize have left my phone in the car.

I was very tired and it was getting late.. I was scared as I wandered in the forest.

Suddenly I sighted something sparkling, so I went there to check.

Tina POV

I was so scared, I don't know why I was trapped here and I don't even know who locked me up.

As I sat there dejectedly... I notice a young man coming toward me.

Hey. .. I called out.

He kept on coming toward me.

Hey.. I called out again.

Wow, a fairy, he said as he saw me.

Pls can you get me out of here?, I asked.

Who trapped you in there?, He asked.

I don't know... Just get me out, I mumbled.

Hmm...he murmured.

Pls, open this jar and I will do something for you pls... I begged again.

Now you are talking, am a business man you know.. I don't do things for free, he said and smirk.

Jeez.. he is rude and crazy, I murmured.

What did you say?, He asked.

Nothing... What I was saying is that, I will heal that your injured leg and you will free me, I said.

Okay .. that's nice, but can you really heal me?, He questioned and I laugh.

Am a fairy as you can see, so I can do it, it's one of our power, I replied him.

Okay, he mumbled.

Promised, I said quietly.

Promised, he replied.

Free me, I said staring at him.

Hmm.. no, heal me first and I will free you, he said and I agree.

Since he doesn't really trust me so I decided to heal him first.

I did some magic and heal his injured leg.

Wow, he said as he stood up... You really got some magic up.your sleeve, he said with a smile.

Okay.. open this jar now, I blurted out.

Hmm, should I really open it?, He questioned.

Of course, you should open it.. don't forget your promise, I said with a widened eyes.

I know.... But I have to go now.. it's really late, you are a fairy so you cannot die here, he said and wanted to walk away.

Heyyyy.. I shouted and he looked back.

You are very rude and crazy, you don't also fulfill your promise... But you don't know this, if you know.. you wouldn't have make a promise to me, I added and he stare at me..

What that.. what will happen, he asked curiously.

If you break a promise make to a Fairy... You will die, I said and he stare at me.

I know he was shocked but that's the truth.