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Static: The Story Of An All Female Band

Static: The Story Of An All Female Band



Disclaimer: This biography is purely fictional. Static is one of the greatest female new wave bands of all time. Static has sold a combined 200 million records worldwide and has millions of adoring fans since their debut in 1977. Through tragedy, tears and success, Static has shown that their story has measured up to their success.

For over 45 years, Static has been working endlessly in the music business spanning 4 decades releasing 21 studio albums and 7 live albums. Throughout the years, Static has gained a loyal and massive fanbase that have continued their devotion into their later ages with videos, shirts, bags, dolls and posters. But it always wasn't easy for the famed female band as they have gone through struggles in so many ways than one. Failures, relationships, tragedy and trauma. Add in the crazy fans and stans that they had to manage throughout their career that have massively followed their every move wherever they went around the world. Also, to add obsessive stalkers dangerously following their every move and wanting to make their presence known. Also, to add the multiple relationships that they have been in, no matter who they met and dealt with. Also add the multiple rumors that have been on front of magazine and newspapers that could have come close to ending their careers but went in another direction. Also add the stress of being pigeonholed into being an image to appease the public and to make an entire impression on the most impressionable, most vulnerable, although they have been the most loyal fanbase to them, in which one of the members breaks out in an eccentric fashion and to huge embarrassment. Add in the feeling of losing someone that slipped away from you in which you open your heart to another person due to shocking feeling of loss. Add in the feeling of abandonment for ages until someone out of nowhere knocking on the door after years of never wanting to know your name or where you have been, sort of. Also, to add the exhaustion of a relationship in which all hell breaks loose. And to add a humiliating breakup in which it sends one to a downward spiral. And also, to add, the hardest decision ever made in a group, a member leaving.

Evelyn Wilde, Gwen Hodge, Shelley McFadden, Traci Cole and Connie Cole have spent almost their whole lives together, beginning at the tender age of 16. Five young ladies who wanted to show their love for art and, of course, be famous for so many things and, yes, try to chase boys

What rising famous female star doesn't do that?

. Five different personalities wrapped into one entertaining art form. A band. A band that may have been looked at differently and, of course, negatively. With glittering outfits and mind-numbing sex appeal, it is no surprise that Static became one of the biggest new wave female bands of all time.

A voice and a microphone, a bass guitar, a keyboard, an electric guitar and a saxophone created a legacy.