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That Diary

That Diary



Book in her hands, bullies surrounding her, gaze towards ground stood still the nerd. Eyes on the students, surrounded by fangirl entered the professor. Miracle happened. "I'm so happy to get married to him" she wrote cheerfully in her beloved diary. "I can't marry her. She is just a kid" he explained to his mother calmly "Nice to meet you again" she said coldly feeding her kid chocolate "Yes. I am happy for you" he said breaking down

Her mother slid the curtains as the sun rays entered the white and silver painted room. The sun shown in the glory of her beautiful smile. Smiling to herself she opened her beautiful eyes and giggled seeing her mother standing in front of her like a statue, she wished her morning her mother greeted back. Removing the covers her feet landed on the velvety mat of her room. There she stood with her beautiful long hair and the silky nightgown she wore last night. Birds were chirping and the cool breeze early morning hit her flawless skin, she smiled a little.

Ring! Ring! Buzzed her alarm she opened her eyes frustrated "Oh what a dream". Her room was dark due to close curtains and light switched off scratching her messy hair she stood up from the chair where she fell asleep last night her feet landed on tip of pen she hissed. Opening her curtains she looked at crapy old buildings and sighed hearing her parents quarrelling. Her step mother was such a bicth and her father was such a habitual cheater, she was a gold digger and he was a cold hearted prevert they deserved each other. Sighing to herself she went to bathroom to get ready for the first day of her college. She came out to see a mess and a young girl of her age going out of the house, she went to the fridge got herself a bottle of juice a packed sandwich and an apple. Grabbing her bag she went out of her house. After finishing her breakfast in just three minutes she went to a supermarket to grab some chocolates and a bunch of packed chips and sandwiches she walked to her college peacefully


She entered her college. College a place full of dating couples no attention to the topper. Well Arya was never fond of attention she always followed the agenda love yourself be with yourself and all the attention to yourself. She never realky liked attention untill a mysterious man appeared in her life keeping her thoughts to herself she walked to the corridor and there they were the most important people of the whole college life THE GREAT bullies a bunch of beautiful and handsome students stood before her, she wondered why are all the devils this much attractive. Her thoughts came to a halt when she saw the bullies coming more closer she didn't wanted to gain extra attention that's why she kept her gaze still on the ground, she was now surrounded by her bullies they were laughing at her dressing sense, how her hoodie was wrapped around her body and how her baggy pants look like giant's cloths, she kept her gaze at ground listening to their taunts untill they all silenced and footsteps were heard she looked up to find a tall, handsome boy standing in front of her, he had such beautiful eyes that anyone could be lost in them. He held her hand and pushed through the crowd while walking with him Arya saw a couple of professors looking at them, he stopped in front of a half filled classroom and told her to go inside the classroom. She sat on the front bench and the boy sat in the middle row just then the professor entered everyone noticed him and greeted him morning but she was busy gazing at the handsome guy. That's when the teacher caught her

Mr Keesing : May I know what's so beautiful there miss. The old man asked, she couldn't speak a word and just stayed silent and the class went off. Two classes were ended and this was the lunch time. She had the packed sandwiches so she decided to eat it in the class, when she was munching her food she noticed a shadow she raised her head and there stood her handsome boy.

"Hello! My name is Tanishq", the boy introduced himself

"Oh! Hello", she said