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Good Boy In Disguise

Good Boy In Disguise



It speaks of an 18-year-old girl Toshiro, Akasuki falls in love with her classmate with serious problems. It begins in the ordinary year of this young woman, she no longer wants to go to this school, but her dreams are more essential, however, as her emotional and physical state will suffer. She lands on him technically, but she will witness more cuts on her heart before he catches her, and she will do her best to avoid looking obsessed even if she is injured or traumatized alongwith her friends' reputations. As it happens, even if he kills her slowly, she also falls slowly, It's an old story about how they will meet and how traumatizing Hiroyuki Okita is before he becomes cheerful of a young Japanese band. Can Hiroyuki fall in love with her also, despite what he did to her? Or He's just playing his heart out.

"Wake up ring!" I woke-up from my slumber due to my custom-made alarm tone, I laugh while

hearing it. Then it drops the best beats, making my morning awe-inspiring.

"I have skills on creating remix, Hmm... Can companies accept me in that?" I wonder my

morning self, then walk away to the bedroom.

I live by myself, so my daily expenses are always maintained, I'm no rich girl, just a normal girl

who gets money one month on another.

"I should go to the market later," I closed the fridge, I grab a plate of the toast I ready earlier

while sitting on the stool, scrolling on the on my socials.

Exit that right away, then open the camera for my look. Yeah, I'm still a nerd, not a nerdy-nerdnerd. A beautiful nerd, I guess? Well, that's how I call myself... I wonder what the outside does.


"Oh! Thank heavens!" Standing up, catching the plate next to the toaster, carefully not to get

burn in picking up the bread, Hiroyuki doesn't want to see anything that catches his eyes.

This is my sophomoric year, and again I'm going to meet Hiroyuki, which is a bad idea. I don't

even believe myself. The part of myself feeling that wants to get out of that school at the same

time being bullied at that man.

It's like seeing the right way but still go on the wrong way.

I don't want myself to suffer...

BUT! I will just be missed him noticing me.

Furthermore, I have the craziest taste in men in the world!

Not only that, but I love the man who hurts me, humiliates me in the class and also outside.

"WAAH! Akasuki! Stop thinking about that man!!!" I hold the toast then slap on my face

continuously, I finish my assignments right!?

"Oh yeah"......

"WAHHH!!" Out of frustration again, I stand up then start running to the room.

Still screaming getting everything I need cause' I'm late, yet it's still not hitting on me. "I can't be

late!" I almost slipped on the bathroom and enough for that man...I didn't realize that there is

more than one assignment to do this day.

1 in 4 subjects, a paranoid mind messaging me that

there will be a pop quiz and if they have one, I didn't review...

A group activity, that! As far as I can attain and today is Monday,

I didn't remember and DON'T WANT TOO ANYWAY! To remember them, thank you.

"Damn it!" The toast wasn't enough, I get on my bike then ride away, I try to be a calm student

and not those who just got finish running on a marathon. I block at the back, locked my bike...

and take a little 23 mins checking. Someone might try to steal it again.

Which is Hiroyuki’s friends, or the ones he paid for stealing it. I don't even know what's with

him. I don't even do something to him. He's a living nightmare. But to other students?! Damn...

leave me there. He's an angel.

He's the only person acting weirdly when it comes to seeing, hearing anything related to his

features. Furthermore, he is constantly hurting me, emotionally, of course, He wouldn't do this

"Protection Reputation" Because rumored that his girlfriend is “the” head president for the better

for the school thingy,

So he would hit me, just stab me in the back...

He's not what you see people.

Don't fall on his gayness act!


It's disgusting.


He's not real. I mean, NOT THE REAL HIROYUKI!... Please... Don't believe him... Akasuki,

don't fall for his charms... Again... Please...

"I can't..." I looked up at the school with living nightmares last year then again, I'm here.

Coming back to torture me... "Hay..." I grip on my backpack then head to enter,

"I can't believe something precious is at my house!!" I angrily frustrated as resting my head on

my sit, my earphones were at the house!

" Katashi-kun!~" I call my only true friends different from others, Katashi and his smiles melt

people away while to me, they send daggers at for being too close even where a little far away.

Those extreme students! He even screams at me to come closer, girls are like. "Oppa no!" Oppa

no, I will kill you... "Let her be beaten up with Hiroyuki instead!" I heard some laughter,

stopping my body to walk another step,

"Come on! Don't be like that! Even that asshole will say something bad at her, she's still here!

That proves that she's different! Unlike, you..." Every girl gasps at his response to him, the

teacher notice the commotion and warned them to go inside the classroom they didn't take a

minute, so they enter the school.

“Akasuki, don't let them down you, okay? What I say on the something bad if he ever says that

again, I swear..." He said, comfortably, it’s a good thing he is there for me, a bit weird on

something bad at me, it is not I like it when he hurts me...

Or I’m I?

He's just there also when I need him, but not all the time, for the most.

"It's okay..." I reply coldly, remember what some people did to me in the direction I'm looking

at, "Come on, Class will start in an hour or two..." Katashi grabs my shoulders, leaving the place

I called the worst place.

I noticed that he looks irritated off at what the girl said about me. He's right, after all, I can't say

that I'm different but from what I see and feel, I feel that I am not... I looked again, but he's still

frantic, his eyes were on fire like something isn't right.

"No matter what happens, you better stay with us..." He opens the door, revealing his other


They call themselves the 127...

" Akasuki!" I gestured at Jeffery, He rushed into me hugging me,

"We heard what happen, and they were wrong like a million times, you know!" Kioshi joined on

the side, I laugh at them.

"I'm okay really, thanks thou..." Haruyoshi pushed a chair, letting me sit next to him.

"You didn't see them, aren't you?!" The scare in Jiro’s voice making me tremble.

"Jiji? Your voice!" Daichi hit Jiro making me laugh softly then moved around,

"Oh yeah! Akasuki! We’ll be playing this Friday, Professor Jung likes the song we created so

much, we said that the stage is ours!" Daichi dance around that I think the spoilers for Friday.

"Daichi-kun! ~" They all called him to stop

"So you're coming, right?" Kioshi said softly as he shuffled some papers for the board, "Sure! I

might take your photos!" I tongue out letting them hit the table so loudly,

"Guys!" I shout, "We don't want to disturb someone!" I added, yeah, if the teacher hears all of

their non-sense commotions, we're all to get in trouble, so they all chat there, obeying what I

said, which left me looking at them.

"Really?" Katashi said, gesturing me to stand up,

"What happens?" I asked, "Class dummy!" He opens the door, leaving me first. "I must go, see

you on Friday!" I said, comprehending their last words.

"What are you all talking behind?" I hurried up next to Katashi, "Nothing, They were paranoid

all of a sudden, but nothing to worry about, come on!" I let his hands fall on my shoulders as

followed him to enter the class,

"Wow Hey there senpai~" Katashi was shocked letting me turned back...

"Hi, long time no see" Lucas... He was about to reach me but Katashi barricades himself,

"Oh, being a hero? Because you got the stage on Friday?!" The last sentence was rough, as Lucas

pushed Katashi which cause him to fall on the table.

Lucas relaxed his hand as Katashi screams in pain. " Katashi!!" I panicked running to help him,

but someone harshly got my shoulder pulling me away from him. "Sorry about that, but we're

going to take you somewhere!" The pull was severe, I stumble a little as someone aggressively

stands me up.

"Come on, don't be mad...

He will not be happy to see you, caring for someone... Care for him..." I heard some laughs.

"Shut up Hachiro..." I uttered, finding out it was him,

"OH" Echoed in the room, my classmates were afraid to move.

Afraid to get in touch with his group...

"Help Katashi!" I scream at the class, but they're not taking a glance at me even the president but

please to help him, help me too against them, but I lose hope even I can't move anymore...

"No one will help that pest..." The boys strengthen up giving some space to one person. The

bright light faded away, letting me see who that person is once again...

"If someone helps that rubbish, I will throw you there where he belongs, got that!" Either

whispers or scared faces were to be seen, the walking sound that can be heard in movies were far

too scary.

I heard a bag falling on a table, He walks closer to me and looked at me up and down before

cupping my face. "No one will ever help your friends. We were going to see them fall on their

sincerity, got that!" He lets go then heard the lollipop on his mouth. "Come on boys, we have a

mission to finish..." and by that, he stands up letting me go as I see them leaving.

Why I'm I so weak, why my heart is pounding that much, the eye contact makes me weak so


I forgot about my bleeding friend.