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Owned By My Mafia Boss

Owned By My Mafia Boss

Autor:Ebenezer Writes

En proceso

Sara, an ordinary college girl, was forced to marry Adrian, the heir to the largest mafia group, in order to pay for her parents' debts and her grandfather's surgery. Adrian's father offered Sara her freedom and the cancellation of her contract if she lived with Adrian for 30 days and neither of them fell in love at the end. Adrian was a handsome, domineering and strange man who set four rules for Sara, and if Sara broke one of them, then Adrian had the right to claim a part of Sara's body and use it. In the process of breaking the rules over and over again, Sara reaped pleasures she had never experienced before.

“Find him and bring him here!!!!!” Bryce thundered to the men in black and they scurried away like little Squirrels.

I flinched at his voice. I raised my head up a little and stole a glance at him and my blood ran cold. Suddenly I couldn’t recognize him anymore. Bryce My father in law just didn’t look like the helpless handsome man I saw a day ago. I had never seen this version of him. I looked around and wasn’t oblivious of the numerous pairs of eyes on me. Yes I could see the invisible question marks on their heads but I too didn’t have answers to some of their questions.

“Oh my, was she so horrible that she had to be stood up on her wedding day.” I heard someone say. It was as loud as a gong, but only to my ears I guess. I turned my head to the direction of that whisper. it was an older woman talking to her friend. To be honest, I never dreamt of having to be dressed in the most beautiful wedding gown I have ever seen, only to be stood up by my groom. It was not part of my plans but life has a way of overturning our plans.

“Mr. Gilbert if your son doesn’t come any moment from now, I’m afraid I will have to call off the wedding” the priest said to Bryce.

Bryce walked to the priest smiling but the look I saw I on the face of the priest was that of horror. Something was wrong, it was when I looked down at Bryce’s trousers and I saw a gun hanging down and I froze. He wouldn’t. Bryce wouldn’t even try it. it wouldn’t be right. I thought but at the same time what has been right since I came into this church. If the priest was threatened with a gun, what would be my case if I made a wrong move? He probably would blow my brains out. I shuddered at that thought.

“Just what have I gotten myself into?” I thought remembering when I had agreed to get married to Bryce’s son.

I looked from left to right. Maybe there was a secret door or something. Deep down I prayed that Adrian doesn’t show up. Maybe I don’t need to marry him because he doesn’t want to marry him but one look at Bryce told me otherwise. Bryce was the one who called the shots here and from our earlier conversation, I dared not run from our agreement.

“Sara?” I turned to find Bryce staring at me with a soft expression on his face. “ do you need to sit? Do you need anything to eat?” he asked me as he examined me.

“ no I’m okay, thank you.” I replied politely. I didn’t want to sober up to him because I didn’t know what he had in store for me. He nodded and beckoned to one of his men to come. I stared at his suit. It was screaming of affluence. It was then that I remembered what the internet said when I decided to check him up.


It’s been said that the Gilberts was a mafia family lineage, known to be the most powerful mafia gang. The government couldn’t arrest them because they were part of the government too. Hence their, prolonged existence. My line of thought was suddenly interrupted when I heard shouts.

“Adrian!” I heard Bryce say, as he smiled and clapped his hands like a little child. I whipped my head around and my jaw came crashing down to the floor. Standing in front of me, though been supported by two men was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. God! Were people still allowed to be this good looking. He had this coal black hair with dark brown eyes. He was 6ft tall and leanly muscled. I remembered Bryce and then knew where got his looks from. Suddenly I wrinkled my nose. There was a strong smell of alcohol coming from…. Him. Adrian. He reeked of a strong smell of brandy or whisky, I couldn’t place my hand on which it was. Wow he also loved his bottles. Now I was getting married into a family of guns and alcohols.

Adrian refused to stand, no matter how the men who held him tried. He fell to the floor and everyone gasped. We waited for him to stand but he didn’t move a muscle.

“Mr. Gilbert we can’t perform this ceremony, if he is not conscious” the priest said as I saw the fear in his eyes.

“ Wait” Bryce said and walked out of the altar. “ Adrian stand up” he gritted his teeth but Adrian didn’t move. “ Adrian!” this time his voice was louder as he stooped to Adrian’s level.

“ I want to get married to Annie!” Adrian growled. Bryce stood up calmly and beckoned two of his men, they stood Adrian up with each of his arms on their shoulders.

“ARRRGH!!!” Adrian groaned in pain as he fell to the floor. Everyone gasped in shock. I too was not an exception. I couldn’t just believe it. Bryce had just punched his son in the face.

“ stand Adrian!” Bryce growled but Adrian stood his ground. Then the men carried Adrian up again and then Bryce made it rain punches on Adrian’s face. Adrian had blood smear his white shirt and he was smirking at his father with a blood stained teeth. I was visibly shaken. I had to hold my hands together to stop it from shaking. How worse can this get I wondered. Suddenly I saw Adrian glare at me and my heart skipped a beat. He looked at me like a hungry animal would look at his meal.

“ who the fuck are you?” he growled.