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The Eight

The Eight


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Grace Kelly, a middle-class girl at the end of her teen years, entertains a drastic change in her life by entering college. She become friends with seven other girls who shares a personality like her but in different ways. And they were fated to spend their life together in College while they experience fun, friendship, love, struggles meanwhile learning the essence of life and grow from naive teen girls to extraordinary women.

The church bell rang for the third time at the University of Nottingham.

It was 4 post meridiem EST on 24th of July 2018. Professor Bashwell took over the microphone and announced the parents and the students to assemble in the Lawrence Hall. Lawrence Hall is not such a big one. It can only accommodate hardly about 200 people at a single time. They all assembled including the Heads of the Department, Professors and the Dean, seating in the front facing the audience. Well, when we look at the audience side you can only see 30 to 40 young heads stucking in between. Some students brought one of their parents, some has brought their entire family. Because it's their big day. Hence majority of people filled the space was adults then the teens. The young faces almost at the end of their teen years are now ready to begin their new life.

The students has already registered their names and completed the formalities after going through so much tensions and confusions, prior to this evening session. University of Nottingham is excelling in so many courses such as Agriculture, Agriculture engineering, Business management and all those related to Agriculture. These little buddies are here today to join the Food Science course. And they are sitting there with such a face that showed a dilemma of choosing this course. The professors and the Dean spoke explaining the course, the scope of it, Ragging issues and blah blah. Parents who are so concerned about their children asked some questions to their satisfaction. After about one hour of preaching and praising about the college, students are requested to go to their respective Halls of Residence.

There are totally seven Halls of Residence in that University. Four for girls and Three for Boys, that's because the population of boys is lesser than the Girls. The girls who are in their freshman year are alloted the Cripps hall which is not much far from the "College of Food Science" in the University. They all now assembled in the ground floor with their parents waiting to know their Rooms.

"Miss. Kelly, No: 39" , The Incharge of Cripps shouted.

But it's not considered as shouting when we are standing in between such crowd. There is no way to speak, you have to talk in 100 decibel to make the guy listen next to you.

Grace Kelly was so satisfied as she got her Room at last. She was so nervous and tired after a day long work which is all new to her along with early morning travel and skipping her lunch with her dad. While considering all these things, in between, she forgot her Room Number.

"What she said, is it 39 or 69?" Grace confused herself.

"What's your No?" Her Dad asked.

"I think it's 69!" Grace said " I hope that must be my room, who knows" she mumbled to herself.

They walked upstairs with their luggages. When they reached Room.No 40, a girl was standing in front of the room and greeted Grace.

"Hey Harley, is this your Room?" Grace inquired.

"Ya, it is. Madison and I got the same room. It's a room for three and I don't know who else is joining us" Harley smiled. She got a big smile on her face which created beautiful dimples.

Grace smiled back while her mind is dealing with a little calculation. If Harley is in 40, mine must be 39. The rooms are alloted alphabetically. So G comes before H, right- she thought to herself.

"Dad, 39 is my room" She said to Mr. Kelly

"Are you sure, then choose your cot and keep your things safe. Let's hang out and purchase some things that you need"

"Alright. I'll be back now"

Grace entered the room and saw a girl on her phone, sitting on a cot.

" Hi, Ms.... I'm Grace Kelly, by the way"

" Hey, I am Emily"

That's all she spoke. She looked like momma's little girl who won't talk to strangers. The room was alloted for four but there is not enough room for four. It's a small room with two windows through which you can see the entrance of the residence. And, three cots in the room was already occupied. One is fully made with bed, pillows and the other is half made with a bedsheet on it. All that Grace can do is to place her things on the remaining bare cot.

"Where's the other two girls? You know 'bout them?" Grace asked Emily.

"I don't know. They went out"

"Alright. I'm going out with my dad to buy some stuffs. Do you need anything?"

"No, thanks. My mom has already gone out for me" , Emily replied.

Grace and her Dad went to the town to pick some things, Bananas, Bread and Butter

incase if she is hungry at midnight

, Pillows, some extras and et ceteras. Mr. Kelly made sure if she got everything she needed for her stay- a long stay.Then they were back to the Cripps hall, in her room to drop her and to say Good bye.

Mr. Kelly extended his hand to his daughter and shaked it firmly- "Good Luck. Give your Best".

Grace felt something struck in her throat, can't spell her words - "Yes, Dad. I will". Water started to fill up her eyes. "No. I'm not going to cry. That's not me" she said to herself and happily send off her Dad to her Hometown.

She slept that night without any expectations in her mind, with her heart open to receive what she is going to get the next day. And she had no idea that it's gonna be a new chapter in her Life.