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The Best Steamy Romance Novels Ever to Get You in the Mood

The Best Steamy Romance Novels Ever to Get You in the Mood

2023-01-31 14:21:25
  • My Careless Wife

    Liqoucious Axcell

    Dorothy Laurenzana is 24 year old and has been a decade since she married to Van Asher Sevireno It was 1 year ago that they got married but their happy days suddenly changed just because Asher saw his wife putting others ahead of him as his wife. Since then, he has not moved her wife and she always beats him and does not feed him. Dorothy means "gift of god" but with what she is experiencing now in her life how can she still say that she is blessed if her own husband is mistreating her...
  • Liston Hills School Me Season Two

    Shan R.K

    Dainy: We all have a moment or few when we fly through life, forgetting the minuscule times whilst we focus on the bigger ones that will pave our way for a more ‘appealing’ future. I've had some, the last one was just this week. I was paving my future of getting Sabastian Delroy out of it. My scraped and beaten heart is still suffering the effects of Sabastian Delroy. You know the one where you just have to block it out, and forget that you care for that person, forget that you saw your future only with that person as it consumed you, until you were there at the edge waiting for them to wrap their hands around your waist and whisper those delicious words you crave like the hit of caffeine in the morning. It came for me, he did it all, and I forgot about Reagan, I forgot about everything except him, Sabastian Delroy. Then he reminded me, he showed me why I hated him, why I was supposed to stay away from him. He showed me how it was to really rip someone to shreds, to leave them bleeding without a trace of evidence but the silent tears that leave the glow of a shattered heart behind. Sabastian Delroy taught me fear. Sabastian: Have you ever seen beauty? I have, her skin was the finest sculpture that God ever made, every slope, every nick, and glide ENRAPTURED me. The light dust of freckles painting her nose, teasing her cheekbones CAPTIVATED me. She called them imperfections, I called them entrapment because I never could help myself as I traced my finger lightly from one dot to the other. The shape of her face, the curved bone from her jaw to her chin was enough to keep me HYPNOTIZED but her eyes when she stared at me from across the room CONDEMNED me. Dainy Hallow was beauty until I crushed her. Follow the lives of Liston Hills Elite in Part 2 of the 12 Part series
  • Bloody Lucifer

    Authoress Tee

    Lisa woke up instantly. She couldn't tell why until she noticed an image in her room. She moved her hand to the table near her bed and turned on her lamb. She gasped loudly seeing the creature before her,a beast stood before her, his face so ugly than she can ever imagine. He got a long and shape nails-both toes and fingers. His middle red hair stood straight on his head. Scared of what she saw,she shifted a bit to the wall. The beast walked nearer to her held her up like she got no weight. "L-i-s-a..........."he roared in a manner that pulled the life out of Lisa. She was surprise to hear her name from him,she couldn't talk because of how he held his neck. She held his hand to lessen the grip but it does not work . He dipped his finger into his stomach,dragged out her heart and intestines in a twinkle of an eye. He threw her body back on the bed. He walked nearer to the wall and inscribed a note on the wall. *!! LUCIFER !!.* ** Nina,a student of Edward High school, she is calm,loving and friendly. But she got a boring life,her wealthy parent never have time for her,always claiming to be busy. Pretty Nina complained unstopped but her parents never listened ,instead they showered her with materials things and wealth. That is-she is use to a lonely life,she fear not ,anything. Coincidentally, she met with the bloody demon named LUCIFER. Lucifer,a deadly demon with a long life span because of the type of person he is. He is well known because of how he kill brutally. He does not start his life that way. He was an holy Angel who was betrayed ....that turns him into a complete demon he is. Only a solution can change him back to his real-self.

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