Today is the day I've been waiting for...not. It's my Bday and I can't be any more miserable, I woke up to someone shaking me and taking off my blanket.
"Sophia better wake up before I whip that ass of yours," the voice says and I try to ignore it, that until I feel a sharp slap on my butt and I jump up.
I look to whom it was who wakes me and I see it's my mother she's wearing her no-nonsense face, dressed in her tailored suit, my mother is 5'5 and well-built she's blond with green eyes, I had all my looks from my dad and she hates me even more for it.
"You got thirty minutes to be ready, I'm taking you to the classification center," my mother says and leaves the room.
I feel tears burning my eyes but I ignore them, I wasn't expecting a hug and a kiss but a happy Bday would have been enough, knowing that she's not someone to mess with I get up and get ready in twenty-five minutes I give myself a mental hurray.
Well my mother wasn't impressed she walked straight to her car not giving me a chance to grab breakfast, the drive was silent and I was okay with it. The only time I and my mother talk is when she yells at me or beats me.
The classification center is a big building, the inside is all sterile and looks like a hospital. My mother goes to the front desk and gives them my name, showing my ID, you could wait up to three months after your sixteen birthday to be classified but my mother decided to make me do it on the same day.
She probably can't wait to get rid of me, it's a miracle she hasn't put me up for adoption after the first time I came home bloodied, I was eight and Andy his friends hit me for the first time, I came home crying dad took care of me and kissed all my bruises while my mother stood disapproving saying I should've hit back and stood for myself.
I was so taken by my thoughts that I didn't notice my name being called, I'm doing that too often getting lost in my own head. Mother pinched my thigh and it really hurt I looked up to the nurse that was calling me, I felt like crying but doing that will insure a real beating from her.
The nurse takes me to an examination room, I get a physical exam, and I have a few bruises on my body but not enough to raise alarm. They all passed under the "I fell" and "I'm clumsy" excuse. They inform me that I'm underweight but other than that I'm in good health.
They got me ready for the mental examination a psychologist sit along with me and ask me a few general questions about if I'm happy, what do I want to be, do I miss my dad, I'm I a daddy or mommy girl, do I self-harm.
I answered her honestly I'm not happy but I'm not sad either, I had no idea what I want to be and I miss my dad so much it hurts, I was definitely my daddy girl and no I don't self-harm mother does a great job on me, no need to add to my bruises and scars.
I finally get injected with the same chemical that caused this whole mess in the world and I get attached to a stimulator. It's like a dream, I see myself moving I see my father, mother I even see Andy, my tormentor. But just like a dream I can't remember any details by the time the stimulator is taken off, they tell me to sit and rest. I have a headache and feel disoriented.
My mother is led to my room, she enters with a vampire doctor who got my result.
"Miss Sophia, 16 years old. Daughter of Emmanuel Monroe “the doctor asks and I nod.
No one uses their last name before they are classified, if you are a Dom you use your parent's last name, if you are a sub you'll have to wait till you get a Dom and use their last name.
"Sophia, you are classified as a submissive, little girl, little age 2, we recommend a vampire Dom with the ability to be changed, later on, you will be sent to the Dom/Little institution in DC. If you have any objection you got two weeks to file a complaint, you are expected in the institution in a week. Any question"
I look at the doctor weirdly, I'm a little??? My age going to be two?? I'll be a toddler and they recommend a VAMPIRE DADDY FOR MEEEE!!!!
I didn't even get the chance to reply before my mother spoke.
"I'll sign all her papers now, you can send her to hell for all I care," she says to the doctor and then turns to me "you are no daughter of mine rot in hell" with that she turns on her heel and leave.
Well, I was expecting to be abounded by her but disowned, that's cold even for her. I can't help the tears that flow freely down my face now.
The nice doctor turns to me and tries to calm me saying he'll call the school and can get settled there tonight, that's one of the best schools and I won't need a thing. I nod to him but my tears keep on coming.