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Danger Impulse

Danger Impulse



I was so interested in fabricating a super league of kids on till my wits met this name The Danger drivers, is a legion of kid heroes established by the imperialist school the school is made for those that has superpowers, it composed to teach the kids how to control their powers and the Utiliseof it Those kids normally use their superpowers to play all around And the mothers made up their minds to take them to the imperialist school for a better elaboration of their superpowers But war started after the seven of them have been plump-for, To be the danger drivers, protectors of the Town They embark-on dragging who will lead the team, but the leadership finally trip to unexpected one Before the great Clash appears, which is Rise of Jaguar who is Jaguar? what do he want? let's find out
Afficher tout▼



Onitsha is a city located on the eastern bank of the Niger river, in Anambra State, Nigeria. A metropolitan city, Onitsha is known for its river pot.

The Niger bridge was put in a view as

a profusion of cars was sweeping over it,

the Niger bridge was carved up into two parts, for the travellers and returners.

Definitely, at this moment many of the automobiles were arriving back more than those proceeding out,

apropos of this time, a radiate yellow car came to be so special as the camcorder keep following it.

The car moves about twenty metres distance from the Niger bridge, moreover, the car came to halt at a captivating multistory building.

The sliding doors of the car opened, and a spunky man came out of the car and donned exorbitant clothes proving that he went to a special place.

He's popularly known as "Obi Ozo" he travelled out with his kids named "kamdiri and kambiri"giving to them in the Igbo language.

"We are ultimately back Dad!" his two sons which are the twins that recently step down from this same car referred to him.

"yeah kids, let's go in," he said and applied his hands on their shoulders while they were proceeding in.

"Hunny am back!" obi-ozo calls out to his wife.

"excuse me, dad, did you say you are back?." kambiri interrogated with a smirk.

"perhaps, and what else should I say, am I not back? what other word do I ought to say.?" obi-ozo questioned him.

"oh fuck! just fuck!." Kamdiri uttered with a hushed voice.

while Obi-ozo was just staring at them so perplexed.

"Just fuck the shit!." Kambiri frequented again, giving a gracious smile.

"I don't comprehend why you guys are fucking yourselves here!" Obi-ozo grumbles as he hoists his two hands up.

"Fuck me!" Kamdiri reiterated with a smile as he peers at his twin brother.

"It's barely because you came back alone from Lagos and abandoned us there" kambiri referred to Obiozo with a smirk.

"Barely because of that?, Alright, we are back! Is that what you want?" Obiozo said with a smile.

"Exactly" kambiri responded.

"Alright let's go inside the house, honey! We are back!" Obiozo said and therefore he pertained his hand on their shoulders as they keep walking in.

The prime entrance of the house opened and obiozo's wife appeared out of it.

She ran to his husband and squeezed him with a fluffy kiss "you are welcome darling" she referred to obiozo with a smile.

"Hey my cute boys, how was the excursion?" She furthermore faces the twins, torching their follicles smoothly.

"Very decent, really politely than that one we went with you because you deny to buy us suya!" Kambiri retorted.

"Deny to buys egg!" Kamdiri added.

"Not even pieces of bread!" Kambiri mumbled with a smirk, "all right enough! Can we go in please" their mum broke off the complaints.

"One additional thing please?, Dad did all of that today, dad please whenever you want to travel, please can we go with you?" Kamdiri interrogated.

"It's okay, let's go in" Obiozo replied as they all entered inside


°Anambra state

A tall wonderful building was put in a view, the beautiful flowers were shining and the glass of the building was snickering to the sun's rays.

A woman was inside the building making something for the family to eat with her twins named "Chika and Chike".

"Mum where is our dad flying to?" Chika asked as the camera viewed the window where he was glaring and it reveals a man outfitted in a superhero suit flying in the east direction.

"The Danger drivers call him, they have a conflict with the underworld" mum replies

"You can't be serious, under this realm is full of water, and liquid only, Chika am right?" Chike asked and Chika nods.

"So what are you speaking about, do you mean they have crises with water?" Chike inquired.

"The mighty Jaguar lives in the underworld, which means a locale where no surviving things live, and The mighty Jaguar is planning a war against earth, so they have to stop him before it takes the life of anyone.

"Mum, can I ask a question, do we possess extraordinary powers like my dad? I mean thunder powers?" Chika asked.

"Yes of curse, you possess any power possessed by your dad, barely a matter of time" mum answered.

"Thunder!!!!!!" Both of the twins screamed because that is what their dad says anytime he expects to call on his abilities but nothing showed up

"But mum, It didn't work?" Chike said

"That's why I said it's just a circumstance of time, you see, if you guys have the abilities, you could have pulled off this building this minutes" mum replied.

"What else are superpowers used for? isn't it to punch anyone who finds my trouble on his face?" Chika said

"But......." Chika attempts to speak out.

"Discussion over!" Mum concluded and Chika strolled out of them while Chike proceeds insisting his mother and the kitchen.


Chike infiltrates his dad's room searching for what he did not keep, but his mind keeps acquainting him that he is going to see something vital.

His importance of all originates to the tv side because he saw a white sheet on top of the home theatre, he decided to check on it.

He picked up the article and it about the Danger Drivers which is the name of the superhero squad of his dad.

After surveying everything on the paper he felt that there is something about him and his dual brother that has been suppressed for them.

And then shift close to the wardrobe of his dad, when he unlocked it, the first element he sighted was a book written, Chika and Chike, invade was written under His name while Stormer was composed under Chike's name.

He opened it and start snatching a look at it


Chike was still boosting his mum in the kitchen, he was entirely slicing the vegetables.

While the mum was involved with other cooking kinds of stuff

"Chike! Chike!" A whisper was screaming in Chike's ear as he stares through the window, he saw Chika giving him a sign to appear outside

Chike dumped what he is accomplishing and ran outdoors to meet Chika.

"Common Chike I saw this on daddy's wardrobe!" Chika said to Chike when he came out.

"What's that?" Chike inquired with confusion.

"Watch out....... Invade!" He shouted and an enormous thunder stroke down, Chika is now seen in a blue superhero suit designed with sky blue, and his hair changed to sparkling sky-blue light, his hair is presently a tick short hair, donning short hand lumber with an iron belt.

"Incredible!" Chike shouted, "what about mine?" Chike inquired.

"You are, stormer...." Immediately Chike shouted after him "Stormer!" A great thunder rumbles and strokes down and Chike was diverted to a superhero instantly, "woohoo" Chike said with wonders.

Chika slowly flies up! "Woo, you are floating!" Chike shouted.

"And you too, you can float like me, common!" Chika ordered



Obiozo was still there with his family as he was examining his youngsters.

"Dad, why do we arouse claws out from our hand, kneels? Heads? can you please illustrate that power to me?" Kamibiri requested as he brings out his lengthy tick claw from his hand staring at it.

"Stare at your chest?" Obiozo whispered to him and he opens his suitcase and saw a mark used to draw a dragon on his chest

"What's that for?" Kambiri inquired of

"You are not a human, you are a human dragon an immortal human, you expect to discover your dragon? you call the name, "agwochie" just like my chest, Obiozo said as he unwraps his dress and the same mark is there.

"But Dad, it wasn't here?" Kamdiri said with his chest opened and no mark is founded there.

"You are not a dragon, you are aquatic, you are hellbender" Obiozo answered.

"But I have claws!? Hellbender doesn't possess a claw" kamdiri retorted as he arouses claws on his five fingers.

"You possessed that claw barely because you are connected to it before you were born, conversation over, my team is summoning me now, am leaving so don't misbehave!" Obizo said as he transformed

His head becomes a skeleton as he pulls out Wings from his back and flies away.

"You imagined what dad said?, please follow me to river niger let me see how qualified I am in a river," kamdiri said to kambiri

" Okay, let's go" kambiri ratified as they joined the car and drive straight river niger.



The full River was but in a view, as it has no end, their car was shown as it drives in and stops at the hillside

Kamdiri rushed in and leapt inside the ocean, no noise was made, the Ocean becomes silent for a minute

Kambiri is already inhaling and exhaling heavily when kamdiri zoomed out, "I can breathe inside the Walter" kamdiri said as he swims in again

Inside the river was shown as kamdiri keeps swimming deeper down the river

Meanwhile, kambiri's mind was only on what dad said "you wanna meet your dragon? Call the name, agwoche" kambiri remembers "agwoche!" Kambiri screamed as the dragon emerges from nowhere and then he jumps up the dragon took him off flying him to nowhere, but he still doesn't care "woohoo" he was shouting



"Chika let's race, flying race, you can fly I can also fly let's race and recognize who is going to win," Chike said

"Alright!" Chika approves as both of them fly up and thunder was sparkling in their body

The next thing was boom! Steering to nowhere.....