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Ruby X Topaz   Tales Of Enderion Trilogy Volume I

Ruby X Topaz Tales Of Enderion Trilogy Volume I

Auteur:Velmahd Deadra


Orials and his brother, Shiro arrives in Alterium's Capital city of Malekite. Only to find that Alterium is on the verge of being invaded by Elvenhell, and the mysterious black legion is here to insure that happens. Its up to the two brothers and their new found freinds to stop it, or else Reviat will soon fall two!
Afficher tout▼

Radiant Flowers cover the hills. This splendid scenery almost betters my mood. The wind from the moving train sweeps through the open window and brushes her long slender fingers through our hair.

Guessing from the way his been ignoring me the whole train ride, his still upset about our fight from before. His dark hair so well contrasted by his bright green eyes, basically my opposite. Though we're not related, the bond is still the same, brothers. However every relationship has it's ups and downs.

My gaze shifts to him.

" What?"

" I was just wondering why your still so cross?"

" Whatever..."

"Whatever?!" On the verge of blowing my top of I notice the look on his face. Following his gaze. "No! Oh no! You ignored me for HER!!!"

" Well she's far better company than you!" still looking at the girl.

She's sort of pretty. Her long dark hair has a bit of a golden shine to it. Guessing by her robes, she must be some sort of a black mage. Growing up in Riviat I've never incountered one before but aparently their a common sight here in Alterium. So I decided to disregard the odd in counter, despite the odd feeling in my gut.

" You two haven't even met unless if she's a null mage! I bet you don't even know her name!!!

" Exactly my point." an arrogant smirk appear on his face almost asif he believes that his won the battle.

For those who refuse to listen, there's nothing a good beating can't fix. Bolling my fist, I hit him over the head.

"Ouch!!! What was that for?!"

"You know exactly what you sassy little demon in mortal skin!"

The girl on the other side of the train turns her head to look at us. I smile and wave, and her attention return to the window on her side. Taking a seat, I turn to face the kind breeze that Nova, the god of the skies, had blessed us with. For now it would be best not to press the matter further.

" When we get of of this train, I will give you a proper peace of my mind!"

" Haven't you already...?"

As soon as the the train stoped she grabbed a big object wrapped in a grayish cloth, and climbed of, and as fast as possible left the station. a Bit strange but again I disregarded it.

Aunt Anael and uncle Liliel came to pick us up at station shortly after I gave him the earful of the century.