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Auteur:Jummy Gold


My super powers (Was I gifted or given??) By Jummy Gold Synopsis Have you ever wondered or suddenly think of having superpowers??,Of course,,we all have done that in one stage of our life,,, But as they say,,we all have superpowers one way or the other,,it might just be hidden Am sure we've somehow heard about kids all over the world who have real,,I mean real superpowers Meet Daisy Queen,,a 17 year old, she's a nerd,, brilliant,, beautiful though but isn't seen as she's always dressed in baggy clothes,,,, She has no friends,,live a boring life,, she get bullied easily at all times,, she's actually from a wealthy family,,the only child What happens when suddenly her life change,, from ordinary to extraordinary She realizes she has superpowers,,a lot of powers actually Well,what happens when she gets to know there are more of her,,She meets with extraordinary kids like her who also posses powers Little does she know that a great destiny lies on her She gets to know there's another world where there are evil villians,, people who also posses powers but uses them in a wrong way but they have these kids who are trained to conquer evil in the city She was told,she has been chosen by destiny to lead the so called group of kids Will she accepts?? What destiny lies on her?? A lot of secret to be unfold AN ENTICING NOVEL BY Jummy Gold (Fiction,, Supernatural,,tears,,regrets,,, fun,, romance)) You don't wanna miss this ***CHAPTER ONE LOADING.....
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My Superpowers

Was I gifted or given??

By Jummy Gold

Do not copy or repost

*****CHAPTER ONE*****


I walked in sluggishly to class,am not feeling very okay today,,As I was walking,,a guy ran past me and hit me,,I fell to the ground immediately

The guy didn't bother to wait as he ran off,,I stared at my knee which was bleeding already,,I tried to stand up but I couldn't

"Aiiish"I groaned as I touched my bleeding knee

Why is life so cruel to me??

I managed to stand up and I dusted my clothes

I walked to class with an injured knee

I got in and as I entered all eyes turned to me

**She looks more ugly today

**Am sure she never washed her dress

**She looks stinky

I sighed and made to walk to my seat,,I tripped on a leg and I fell

*Oh my gosh,,Her knee is bleeding

*Serves her right

I looked at the person who planted her leg for me to trip and it was no other than the school's devil leader,,Janet,,she had a smirk on

I tried to stand but it seems impossible

I managed to stand and I felt a hand push me back and I fell again and the whole class bursted into laughter

This time around it was one of the devil's advocate who pushed me,,Miriam

Tears gushed out of my eyes as the whole class mocked me

Why's this happening to me??,Why do they hate me so much??

I looked up when I noticed the laughter died down,,I raised my head up and it was the school hottie,Gold,he walked past me without saying anything,, ignoring the fact that am his seat mate

I stood up in shame as more tears gushed out,,I slowly walked out of the class,my head bowed in embarrassment


I changed my clothes already into a sport wear as my other clothes were stained by blood,,My knee is still hurting badly

I walked into class quietly and the laughter arose again

**She looks so fat

**That dress isn't meant for her

"*How can someone be this fat and ugly and the same time??

The last comment made everyone burst into laughter

I stood dead in my tracks and I couldn't move,,I moved my head up a little and there goes my seat mate,,sitted over there,,not minding the scene going on

Why do they all hate me???


I ran out of the class in shame and went to restroom,,I sat down dejectedly,,tears flowing freely down my cheeks,,I can't stay here anymore,, I need to go home

I walked out of the restroom and walked to my locker,,,I took my phone and dialed my driver's number

Gosh,,I can't tell him to come get me out of school,,,It is still morning,,What am I supposed to say

Or,,,,No,, I can't,,I can't go back to that class


"I just hope he won't ask any question"Daisy thought and a small breeze wooshed

She brought out her phone and dialed the driver's number



...Can... you come pick..

.... me in school??

.....Okay mam,, I will be right there

The driver said and hanged up

Daisy sighed in relief,, and hid in the restroom


I heard my phone beep

....MAm,,Am right outside...

I stood up immediately looking at my left and right ensuring no one sees me

Gosh,,the securities are there

I just wish they were gone

A small breeze wooshed

I turned back at the direction and they were gone


I ran as quick as I could into the car and immediately the driver drove off

Luckily,,he asked no questions

I rushed in Immediately the driver parked into the compound

I know mom and dad wouldn't be around

I walked in and went straight to the first aid kit,,I have to take care of my knee



In an underground cave

"Where's Master Zhao??"Tiana asked

"I don't know"Rhodie snapped

"Why are we here,,if he isn't here??"Sam asked

"Where's Dray??"Victoria asked

"God knows"Stiles said as he say down on one of the customised cushion painted blue as every other things in the cave

A heavy wind blew and they all stood up

"Master Zhao"They all chorused

The wind stopped revealing a man not that old,,maybe in his 50's

"Where's Dray??"He asked

"Am right here"They heard a Stern voice

A guy dressed in white overall appeared,,he looked so handsome,,average height,,Brown hair,,brown eyeballs,,Pink tempting lips,,,he looks so super cute that every girl will drool or even fall in love with him at first sight

"The chosen has been found"Master Zhao said and they were shocked
