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Different Species

Different Species



In a city where the great prince Yoongi live. The werewolf city. It's a peaceful life, no fights, wars, or any misunderstandings with any other cities. Until a virus came. It made a big misunderstanding with the other city named the fairy city. Second of the biggest city. They're all putting the blame on the fairy city. Even the other city are blaming it to them. But little did they know the city doesn't even know where it came from. To solve the problem, they made a deal to help each cities. Now prince Yoongi wasn't even sure if this is gonna work. But he held tight unto his hopes. Will the virus be really solved with the fairies help? Or not?
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A long time ago, where fairies and werewolves and many other different species still roam in earth and live peacefully like humans. No problems, wars, or misunderstandings. Just happily enjoying their own lives in their own cities. Not until a very dangerous virus spreaded among all species, including the werewolves brushing half of their population. " It's the fairies, they spreaded the virus! It's all their fault. " The prince stated in a low and calm but aggressive voice. " Your majesty, we can't blame this fault to someone without any strong proof. Do you think we're being too harsh for putting the fairies in fault about the virus? ." One of the board members said. " Yes your majesty, maybe the virus didn't really come from them ." Another board member complained. " There are many proofs that it came from them. The news I heard about the virus. Is it that whenever you sneeze you will sneeze out fairy dusts. So now what do you think? Is there any other species that produces fairy dust? Board member Kyle? Axel? ." Prince Connor glared at both the members. They have been finding the cure for the virus for almost 5 months already, the virus made their lives miserable. There are really many claims that the virus came from the fairies. There have been many messages sent to the fairy city by lots of different cities, but aside those messages sent for the fairies, no reply have been received. " Chief Justin, what's the update about the message we sent the fairies last month? Did they reply already? ." Prince Connor looked at the Chief. The chief just shook his head as a no. The Prince sighed deeply then looked at everyone in disbelief. Everyone is being silent when someone came running from the outside barely breathing catching his breathe. " Your majesties! We received a message from the fairy city. They already replied to our messages! ." One of the guards shouted while holding a piece of envelope. " Hand me the envelope ." Connor lend his hand. Chief Justin handed it to him. " What does the letter say, your majesty? ." Everyone had the same question in their minds. " It says, the fairy government is still investigating about the case. Even them doesn't know where the virus came from ." The Prince was shocked, everyone was shocked about the news. " How come the fairies didn't even know about the virus? ." Board member Kyle asked confusedly. Everyone was shocked and confused about the news they heard. " I wanted to send a reply, hand me the paper and ink ." He ordered. The prince wrote his question's and thoughts about the reply they got. He also listened to the question's of his people. The prince ordered chief Justin to send the letter to the fairy city. " Your majesty, the letter has been sent to the city ." Then chief Justin bowed. Prince Connor just nodded then left the room then he went to his room to finish some unfinished works. " Doctor, how's my father? Is he feeling well now? ." Prince Connor asked the doctor. His father, the king got infected by the virus, and he's been fighting it for 2 weeks now. Connor wanted to find the cure for the virus, he wanted to find the cure for it desperately. He's really worried about his father. For himself he is just a lowly prince whenever he look at himself in the mirror. He said he can't compare himself to his father. Many people often describe him as a very cold prince. But he's not, Connor is the warmest person you'll see in the castle, he's just worried about his father's situation. Werewolves are allergic to any types of dust, that's why the virus really affected their population. It killed more than a 100,000 thousand of wolves. Connor's been stressed out, all the hospital's in the city was all full capacity. The other patients had to sleep outside or in the floor because of the non-enough bed capacity. He just wanted for the virus to end as soon as possible. He told himself that once there's a way to cure the virus, no matter how hard the way of making the antidote for the virus, he'll willingly kill other species just to make it. " You Majesty, you have to sleep. You have lots of work tomorrow. Please, rest now ." Connor's butler stated. " I don't need to rest, I have to find the cure as soon as possible. Butler Theo, leave while I'm still being kind to you ." Connor glared at his butler then striked a fake smile. The butler just sighed then walked outside in defeat. It's already 12 o'clock but the prince is still awake. " He's been studying for hours now ." Kyle said worriedly. " Kyle hyung, why don't you try to stop him? I'm sure you can do it. You're his closest friend ." Theo suggested, Kyle just nodded then entered the prince's room. Connor is still finding for the cure. He doesn't get enough sleep this past few days. " Your majesty, it's me Kyle ." Then he knocked lightly on the door of the prince's bedroom. " Hm, Sure you can enter. What's the matter board member Joon? ." He said while removing his reading glasses, then faced Kyle. His eyes were already puffy because of reading so much books.