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OMAEKA - Volume 1

OMAEKA - Volume 1



A battle between good and evil rages inside everybody at some point in time. This is usually due to circumstances of cause and effect. Like a body all you can do is supply both these causes with its needs. Give both of them a fair chance at domination. Who will have the advantage depends on what is more ethical, good or evil. They both blind each other and eventually there is no right or wrong. The only decision that remains constant is choice. Right or wrong was never good or evil – it was always a matter of what is tolerable to us as individuals. So read further as you witness two major forces battle it out with each other: Kaylen vs Kazuya Who will emerge victorious? The answer to that is a common denominator
Afficher tout▼

  Thisisfor entertainment purposes only. The characters, people and personalities mentioned here are entirely fictional. It is based on a personalised diary from a completely different perception. Also note that whatever Kazuya says about you, no matter how offensive, is merely his own fictional opinion. I am the writer and when I do write this kind of dia logue I am looking at it from a completely warped point of view. Do not take any offence if you are mentioned in this book.

  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it is completely absurd or incorrect. At the end of the day you know who you are and what you want people to know about you. I use what I know about you and give an opinion from a perception which you might find offensive. Therefore please remember that it is for entertainment purposes only and that what has been written has been done in such a way that you may or may not choose to hear. You still have a choice in the matter though and whether or not you listen to my opinion is your choice. If you do choose to hear what I have to say about you, good or bad, know that taking your own advice can only make you an even better person, and make people think even better of you too. I have an incredible imagination and will get the reader involved to. such an extent that they will probably believe that I’m a ‘nut case’. So keep in mind that I am perfectly sane and that this is an attempt to arouse your curiosity. Humans like to know what’s happening in other people’s lives and that’s what this book uses to its advantage. Everything that is written has been done in a deeper riddle which has a hidden agenda which you may or may not be capable of figuring out. I leave that part to your intel lect. While reading it though, questioning and answering every possibility and motive should bring you to a close conclusion. Do not by any means let this book motivate you to take revenge upon me because although the characters are fictional I do have the choice of bringing them to life. Maybe this disclaimer is just a script and everything that is said and used is meant down to the core. So believe what you choose to believe even in terms of my being terminally ill. ...In a society of demons... would a demon feel excluded? Would he feel lonely and erratic? Or would he feel peace and completeness? Would he feel anything at all? This book is entirely fictitious.. This is a legal disclaimer...