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Aurora Sterndale's life is turned upside down when he fiancé leaves her few  minutes before their wedding for her best friend. In an impulsive act of revenge and to save face, Aurora marries her sworn enemy, Brandon. Years ago, Brandon rejected Aurora under the pressure of his father, who wanted to deceive Aurora’s father out of his property. Despite still loving Aurora, Brandon hides the secret of his one-night stand and resulting child. Their marriage becomes a battleground of unresolved hatred, buried love, and looming threats.
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Aurora's pov

The morning light filtered through the gauzy curtains, casting a soft glow across my room. The sun had barely risen, but I was already wide awake. The excitement bubbling inside me was too intense to ignore. Today was the day before my wedding, and every part of me buzzed with anticipation. I threw back the covers and leapt out of bed, my heart pounding in my chest.

Bounding down the stairs, I see them sitting on the dinner table. When I reached the bottom, I could see Kelvin, my older brother, lounging on the couch, flipping through his phone. His dark hair is tousled from sleep, and his brown eyes, always so full of mischief, catch sight of me.

"Well well well , look who decided to grace us with her presence," Kelvin called out, his tone dripping with mock seriousness. "Princess Aurora, emerging from her royal chambers."

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a smile. Kelvin always knew how to lighten the mood, even when he was being infuriated. I turned the corner and there he was, leaning against the counter with a smug grin plastered across his face. My father, sitting at the table with his morning coffee, glanced up with a raised eyebrow.

"Kelvin, give it a rest," I shot back, crossing my arms. "Not everything is a joke, you know." His teasing is a constant in my life, always there to remind me he’s my older brother.

Kelvin straightened up, mimicking my stance with exaggerated precision. "Oh, but everything is, dear sister. Especially when you take it all so seriously."

"Can you for once just be supportive?" I snapped, my excitement giving way to frustration. "Tomorrow is a big day for me. I don't need your sarcasm right now."

My father's eyes narrowed as he observed us, the tension in the room growing palpable. He set his mug down with a deliberate clink, the sound sharp in the silence that followed.

"Enough," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Both of you. Kelvin, stop needling your sister. Aurora, calm down. This is not how I want to start the day."

I bit my lip, trying to rein in my emotions. Kelvin's face darkened, a rare seriousness replacing his usual playfulness.

He leans back, unbothered by my irritation. "Lighten up, Aurora. It's just a joke."

My father cut him off with a raised hand. "Let's just move on. We have enough to deal with today without adding more drama to it."

My mind races with thoughts of the wedding, of everything that could go wrong or right. I took

a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

The butterflies in my stomach now feel more like lead weights. This was not how I envisioned my morning. Kelvin's teasing had always been a part of our dynamic, but today, it stung more than usual, Breakfast ensured in silence.

Until a loud honking of a car was echoed through the stillness of the early evening. It could only be Adriano.

I glanced at the clock. Damn, I’d lost track of time.My heart raced, anticipation thrumming through my veins. I dashed to my room, hurriedly pulling on my favourite fitted dress, the one I knew he liked. It hugged my curves just right, giving me a confidence boost I desperately needed.

Downstairs, I paused briefly by my father's side, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead,turning a deaf ear to kelvin. He gave me a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Have fun, sweetheart," he murmured, patting my hand.

"I will, Dad," I promised, already half out

Adriano was already out of the car, looking devastatingly handsome in his tailored suit, his brown hair perfectly styled and his Hazel eyes gleaming with charm. I felt my knees weaken as he smiled at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, his voice low and husky.

I greeted him in a sultry tone, my voice barely above a whisper. "Hey, handsome." I greeted him, my voice taking on a sultry tone I hadn’t intended. His gaze darkened, and he closed the distance between us, his hand finding its place on my waist. He pulled me in for a kiss, and the world around us disappeared.

His lips were firm, demanding, sending a shiver down my spine. I melted into him, my hands gripping his shoulders. The taste of him, the feel of him, it was intoxicating. But then, just as suddenly, reality crashed back in.

The passenger door of the car opened, and out stepped Brandon. My heart sank. My worst enemy. Adriano’s brother.

“What is he doing here?” I demanded, my voice sharp as I pulled away from Adriano. My smile had vanished, replaced by a scowl.

Brandon smirked, his dark eyes glinting with mischief. “Trust me I don't want to be here, Aurora,I'll rather be in jail or Something ”

“Adriano, why did you bring him?” I asked, my tone accusatory. This was supposed to be our day. Our time.

Adriano sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Aurora, he’s my best man, just put up with his impulsiveness.” Adriano Grinned lightly as glared at Brandon,before getting in only to eavesdrop at his words Adriano opened the car so I could get in.

Impulsive??your fiance has the guts to fire bullets,Adriano.” Raising his voice in exasperated,as he made his way to the front of the car,anything better than sitting close to his ever perfect lady Aurora Sterndale. We never got along right from the moment we were introduced to each other ten years ago.

I adored his goody two shoes of a brother,while Brandon is labelled as the black sheep of the family, which he never bothered

I was just too lingering for him,and I was going to be his sister in law…oh how I wish It will never happen,damn it,he's an idiot,who deserves to go back to the slump where he belongs.

I sat in the car with Adriano and Brandon, my heart beating faster with every step. Mirabel, my best friend, my almost sister, was waiting for us. I knew she was waiting for our arrival. If I'm to choose the best lady for my wedding, I'll choose her because she has been my childhood friend,the closest friend I have always had.

Mirabel was never one to be hurried. With her straight black hair cascading down her back and her statuesque figure, she embodied patience and grace. She was a mirror of her mother, a woman who had commanded respect with a mere glance. Just like her mother, Mirabel’s presence was both comforting and intimidating, a blend of warmth and steel.

As we rounded the corner, I spotted her standing on the porch, a picture of serene elegance in a simple blue dress. Her eyes lit up as she saw us, but she didn’t move. She waited, just as she always did.

Adriano's pace quickened beside me. His usually calm eyes were now wide awake. "Aurora, you didn't mention Mirabel would be here."

His words struck me as odd, and I couldn't help but find them strange

I shot him a sideways glance, puzzled by his reaction. " isn’t she my best lady,besides Who else would be here?"

Mirabel's laughter rang out,breaking the tension. "Good day, Mr. Adriano. Surprised to see me? After all, I am the maid of honour." I could see her giggling,raising an eyebrow to my fiance. It was obvious but I couldn't detect what was going through her mind.Anyways it's none of my business.

Her voice was like silk, confident and cool. Adriano managed a weak smile, still caught off guard. "Of course, Mirabel. I just didn't expect..."

Before he could finish, Brandon brushed past her without so much as a nod. He was always in a hurry, always too busy to pay attention to the smallest details of life . I couldn't help but scoff at his dismissive attitude towards Mirabel. How could he not recognize her?Arrogant bitch.

I noticed a flash of frown in Mirabel's eyes before she masked it with her usual calm. It breaks my heart to see her treated like that, but I wish I could confront Brandon,damn

it !!! I can't,he's disgusting for my taste.

We made our way inside, As the others followed Brandon, I felt a surge of frustration burning inside me