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Youth Schemes: Revelations

Youth Schemes: Revelations

Auteur:Jhel And Lemons


After confusion is enlightenment, and there are Revelations while being enlightened. Old wound are going to open after Yurie had Jasmond. All of the incidents three years ago will come out once again, and all of his misdeeds will be exposed to his new innocent lover. But Jasmond is not that innocent after all, after having the upper-hand to the game they created. Now that everything will get exposed, are they still willing to be with each other? Or just forget that they knew each other?
Afficher tout▼

Chapter One: Continuation

[:]Yurie's POV[:]

“Should we go back at school?” Jasmond asked me. We are still here at the river, sitting and letting the calm tide splash to our skins.

I looked at him with a funny look “Are you kidding me?” I asked him before placing a hand on his shoulder “You didn’t go to school today, dummy” I reminded him.

“Yeah… Right…” he muttered before sighing “Okay, do you still want to go to school?” he asked me once again.

I just shrug my shoulders “I really don’t wanted to go back just right now, Jasmond” I told him “Besides, its almost time, there is no point going to school now, let’s just enjoy this moment here” I muttered before resting my head at his shoulder.

We heard leaves ruffles and cracking sounds. We maybe now not alone here in the park but it is okay, it is legal to go swim around here.

“Jasmond! Yurie! Where are you guys?!” I heard Randele screamed our names.

I sighed and shift closer to Jasmond “See, they even cut their classes just to catch up with us” I muttered.

I encircle my arms around him and plant a kiss on his neck that made him flinch “Why would you flinch?” I asked him “I just kissed you in your neck, Jasmond, calm down” It told him.

He chuckled “I just felt sparks, that is why I flinched away” he stated before he lay his body on the shallow part of the river.

I copied what he did, I lay my head on his chest. He placed a hand on my tummy.

The bright blue sky turning to pinkish orange is a great scenery to look at right now. Being here at the calm river with Jasmond by my side, it feels so peaceful.

“There you guys are!” I heard Zachyrie piped up but we didn’t bother to look at them.

“Let’s join them down there!” I heard Randele said.

“Is that allowed here?” I heard Aries asked Randele.

“Of course it is! Why would be they there if it isn’t?” he asked Aries. I looked at their way and saw that Randele forcefully stripped off Aries’s clothes, not that Aries protest.

Randele hold Aries at his shoulder and push Aries towards the river, making a splash after they reach the water.

“Why you guys are here?” Jasmond asked irritated as he pulled me closer to him.

“We’ve been worrying after Yurie run away like that” Jasmine stated after she goes beside her brother, she also stripped down her clothes.

I let out a breathy laugh “Sorry for that by the way” I told them before I shift closer to Jasmond “There are too many things running around my mind this past week” I told them. I can’t even imagine that only just week had passed.

Zachyrie pat me on my thighs. He go beside me and lay there “It is okay if you are not ready to tell anything to us, we are your friends and we are ready to wait for anything you will say” he said and pat me in my stomach “Just always remember, we are always here for you’ he added.

I smiled and look back to the sky. I reach out my hands into the sky, as if I amtrying to catch something “I am just not yet ready but I know I will come around and tell you guys some things, but not today” I told them.

We stopped talking about me and Jasmond disappearance. We choose to hang out there and play with each other. We spend the whole remaining daylight playing around the river.

“Are you allowed to go home like that Aries?” Randele asked Aries after we dried ourselves.

He shrugged his shoulder “I myself is not even sure if they will be happy or not, I guess I’ll go at your house first before going home” he told to Randele.

He nodded his head and took his backpack “We should go now before the sun sets totally” Randele rushed Aries and they are off the park.

“I will stay at Yurie’s” Jasmond immediately told his sister “You can use my bike if you did not bring yours” he told to Jasmine.

“How about you Zhachie?” I asked Zachyrie who is still wearing his dry clothes that was damped by his not fully dried body.

“I will go straight home, Yurie. No need to worry about me” he told me before picking up his bag “shall we walk now?” he invites.

We nodded our heads and go out of the forest park. There are three bikes remaining so I've decided that Jasmond and I will share with my bicycle and let Jasmine use Jasmond's.