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The False Siren

The False Siren



Lexus, the son of a wealthy female billionaire finds himself locked in a school for rich kids on a remote island. There he meets a stunning woman called Erica who turns out to be his mathematics teacher and doubling as an assassin. they two end up falling deeply in love with each other. Despite meeting under strange circumstances, both have their own secret agenda going on as they try to accomplish their goals regardless of all the setbacks on that island. Will they're love succeed or will it end in another dark tale?
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A few years ago, a tragic incident happened in the city of Louisville, said to be mostly run by drug lords and other underground criminals.

The police and other officials ruled it as a regular clash between rival drug lords but it was more personal than that.

The incident involved the brutal murder of one of the most famous drug lords known as Mr. Lancelot who was said to be on the good side of the police and the people in the city since he was mostly known as a loving father to all and a kind man despite his underground activities.

It all started when he accepted a young man as one of his servants since he was his childhood friend.

The other servants didn’t like the new guy’s background but since Mr. Lancelot had accepted him there was nothing, they could do about it. The master’s words were final.

However, the new guy worked tirelessly despite other nasty rumors until eventually Mr. Lancelot decided to make him his right-hand man despite several warnings and allegations.

A few months after the new guy became Mr. Lancelot’s right-hand man, his wife who was already pregnant at the time finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl as several underground dignitaries congratulated.

Things went horribly wrong when one day Mr. Lancelot’s wife decided to take their child, a nanny and a female guard personally chosen by Mr. Lancelot himself to the mall for a brief stroll.

Where she was kidnapped and the nanny was killed, but the female guard sustained a gun wound protecting the baby girl.

Mr. Lancelot, after hearing this tragic news, rushed to the hospital were the female body guard and his baby girl were receiving treatment and wanted to kill the female guard himself for allowing that to happen.

However, she pleaded for herself and swore to be there for the baby since it’d be dangerous going forward and someone had to be there to protect the baby.

Mr. Lancelot gave in and decided to help the female guard and his only heir escape the city with the remaining connections she had and then tracked down his wife.

Her kidnappers didn’t request any money but simply he showed up at one of the designated mansions where the murder took place in front of his wife as she cried and cursed bitterly at the tragic scene.

Police and investigators ruled the incident as a big clash between rival drug lords and no further progress was made into the case.

All the assets and properties of the late Mr. Lancelot was transferred to his right-hand man who also decided to marry the widowed wife despite several protests.

Another tragic incident happened when the maids and workers witnessed the former wife of Mr. Lancelot jumping out of their bedroom window of the three-story mansion to her death.

It took a while for the right-hand man to get over his first wife’s death and later married a woman who soon died from cancer.

Nobody could put a finger on this string of tragic events since it only served as major fuel for most of the newspaper companies and bedroom gossip for most people in the city.

After 15 years

In the outskirts of small town in a faraway country, a small house could be found which stood defiant of all the bad weather and dangerous living conditions that one could wish for.

In that house, a young girl trained tirelessly as her body was drenched in sweat.

She swung a small hand knife tirelessly at a wooden target which had several slashes and deep marks across it and was just begging to be disposed of.

“Erica”, a female voice called out.

“Coming”, the young girl called Erica called back as she wrapped up her training and grabbed the nearby towel to wipe her sweat.

Erica climbed up the basement stairs and went straight to the bath to clean herself before heading to the dining table where the lady who called her was waiting.

“I’m her mother”, Erica said in a gentle tone.

“Sit down and eat. You’ve done well for today”, the lady pulled back a seat for Erica.

“Thank you”, Erica took and seat and started eating the stew soup with meat and bread served to her.

When they were done eating, Erica took the bowls to the sink and proceeded to wash them while humming lightly.

The lady living with Erica was quite old as she used a wooden came for support but not because of her legs being weak but because of a bullet wound from many years ago.

She eased herself into the couch as she pulled out a few documents and placed them on the coffee table in front of her.

Erica proceeded to sit on the wooden chair across the lady and the coffee table after she was done with the dishes.

“Erica, as you know I’ve raised you for many years. Both as your mother and as your master in the arts of killing but now you have to make a decision”, the lady began.

Erica had a very nervous look as she waited for her mother to continue.

“The time has come for you to finally act on what I told you concerning your past. Lying before you are a detailed document containing all information, I have gathered on the man who caused the death of your parents and took everything away from you”, the lady tapped her cane on the documents on the table.

“You need to choose between pursuing the man in these documents or living a quiet, normal life with me here in the middle of nowhere. Up to you”, the lady ended as she rested her back on the sofa.

Erica looked at the documents before her as she receded into thought.

For years, her mother had told her the story of her past and how the two of them almost died as a result of the actions of one evil man.

Now lying before her are documents with concrete details about the man who she has been wanting to kill for so many years, to the point where that was all that she could dream about night after night.

“There wasn’t any decision to be made in the first place. I had already decided to hunt down the man responsible for my father, Mr. Seth Lancelot’s death and driving my real mother, Mrs. Celia Lancelot to kill herself. I won’t be able to rest until I see his guts spilled in front of me”, Erica said with a very cold expression as she tightened her fists.

“Good. From now on this will be your life’s only purpose. You won’t be able to rest or escape this hellish cycle until you have killed this man with your own two hands”, the lady said with zero emotion.

“Yes mother. I shall offer my life and limb to fulfill my mission and noting will stand in my way”, Erica said with a look of great resolve as the lady nodded.

A few months lady, the lady died as Erica then left the small town with whatever resources were left and made her way into one of the neighboring cities and settled down.

Erica carried out her research and got to know about the school which was put up by the man at the request of his late wife before her death and prepped herself.

There she got her bachelor’s degree in teaching and managed to complete her teaching training internship, certification and licensure, allowing her to receive many offers to come teach in prestigious schools across several sights.

But Erica had her sights on only one of them. She prepared her resume and sent an application for a free position as a teaching staff in that school and was immediately accepted.

Luckily for her, the principal who turns out to be man she is after, was personally looking over the applications and immediately accepted her without any background checks which was against the rules.

His reason being that Erica reminded her of his first wife, her mother, with her stunning blonde her and fair skin. She had pink lips which were soft and plush, her sea blue eyes gave her an aura of confidence and mystique. She was a great beauty beyond measure.

Her perfect height and stunning body as if sculptured by God himself made her irresistible in the eyes of several men, the principal included.

Erica used this to her advantage in all of her assassination missions while she was studying to become a teacher as she was now a certified killer in secret and feared by those who had heard of her.

The principal was biased with her the moment he saw Erica but he didn’t know that she was the child of his first wife, who he thought had died in that incident and therefore didn’t hesitate to give her the job.

The high school, called Crestwood High, is located on a remote island several miles in the open sea and could only be accessed by a very expensive yacht and a private jet owned by the principal of the school.

The school was only open to the children of very rich and important figures such as billionaires, CEOs and politicians who could contribute huge sums of money to make sure their kids could go to any college of their choice with relatively little effort.

Erica didn’t even need to put in any effort to find out what was really going on in the school when she started full time in the school.

All kinds of illegal activities took place including forging of results to falsifying evidence purporting to unlawful changing of curriculum for the students.

Erica wasn’t really concerned about all that since she just wanted to get as close to the principal as possible in order to end his life in the most painful way possible.

The principal gave Erica the best room in the teachers’ flat and basically gave her all she could ask for as the rest of the teachers envied her.

The principal wasn’t always present and he would only make a trip to the school to see Erica or due to pressing matters which meant she had to bide her time well.

Their relationship went on for over a year as the teachers and other staff, including the students were convinced that the two were seeing each other and several nasty rumors went flying around.

Erica turned deaf ears to the rumors and only prioritized her mission which she had given the utmost importance over anything else in her life.

A few months into the new semester, Erica had just finished her class with the final years and was heading to the teacher’s office when a female teacher came running towards her.

“Mrs. Erica, I have important news”, the female teacher said breathlessly.

“What’s the matter Lisa”, Erica smiled at her.

Lisa is Erica’s neighbor in the Teachers’ flat and the only teacher Erica considers a friend since everybody else practically hates her. Lisa is quirky and fun to work with.

“It turns out we have a new transfer student and you won’t believe who it is”, Lisa said after she took a few breaths.

“Hmm who is it”, Erica asked, her interest piqued.

“Here, you can read through the files that just came in”, Lisa handed over the files she had brought with her.

“Lexus Paige. He’s quite the looker for a being a spoiled brat”, Erica commented after a look at his picture.

“Yeah, and he’s none other than the son of the famous billionaire and CEO of Green Paige Technologies, the Evangeline Paige and you get to be his teacher. Isn’t that exciting?”, Lisa said in a vibrant mood.

“Well, I must say I am interested in this boy. I look forward to when he arrives”, Erica waved the documents as she proceeded to the teacher’s office with a smile on her face.