
Lisons le monde

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“I’m Sorcha Gabriella Evans, 17 years of age, future lawyer.” I confidently said and smile. “You’ll not succeed, idiot. You have such a low IQ and expect to be a lawyer? And you are also a whore, you’ll be a young mom!” my eldest brother said. Ah, I remember, he caught me with my bestfriend, Yuan and he taught that he’s my boyfriend.
Afficher tout▼

  Sorcha’s POV

  ‘Baby, let’s go somewhere...’ he said while caressing my hand. ‘I want to enjoy this day with you, we’ll enjoy this day together.’ he added and kiss my hand.

  My baby’s so sweet. I pinched his cheeks and kiss him on his forehead. ‘Wherever you want to go, I’ll go with you. Through ups and downs, you have me.’ I said and he gives me a peck on my lips.

  “Sweety, are you awake?” Mom shouted while knocking on my door. “Baby you’ll be late...” she added and keep knocking.

  I stood up and stretch my arms. “Awake, Mom...” I responded and yawn.

  I walk through my bathroom and took a bath. After taking a bath, I prepare myself and get ready for my first day of school.

  “Time flew so fast, I’m already a college student argh! I can’t believe, am I still dreaming?” I said out of frustration, I even slap my face. “Crazy.”

  I took my backpack and walk through the kitchen. I saw my parents eating at the dining table.

  “Hey sweety, good morning!” my Mom greeted me.

  I smiled back at her. “Good morning Mom, good morning Dad,” I said and kiss my Dad on his cheek and sat beside Mom.

  “Good morning honey, how’s your sleep?”

  I started eating. “It was wonderful, I dreamed of someone, someone who is special to me.”

  “What do you mean by special? Hmm, are you hiding a secret from us?” Mom asked and frown.

  “No Mom, I ain’t hiding something. I mean, I don’t know. In my dreams, I’m with someone who I love but his face was kinda blurry, I don’t get it.”

  “Psychology says, when you dreamed of someone who is stranger to you, it’s either they’re part of your past, or will be part of your present.” Dad explained.

  ‘Here we go again.’ I murmured. “Psychology isn’t involved, Dad.” I argue.

  “It is, Sorcha.” he said.

  “Anyways, Sorcha you have a class today, why aren’t you dressed up?” Mom asked before we argue again.

  “I’m dressed up, Mom. I don’t have a school uniform from my College School so I’ll go wearing this.”

  Mom arched a brow. “But why you didn’t have your new school uniform?”

  I sighed. “I enroll online Mom, so I ain’t able to get my new school uniform. Don’t worry, tomorrow I’ll arrive at school In my uniform.” I explained and smile at the two of them and stood up.

  “Anyway, where’s your brother?” Dad asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Maybe he’s still asleep.” Mom said.

  Dad shook her head. “Isn’t he going to school?”

  Mom sighed. “Gabriella, finish your food and I’ll drive you to your school.”

  I immediately finish my food and then after that, we arrive at my college school.

  “Want me to come with you? I’ll lend you to the Dean’s Office.” Mom asked when we arrived at the school.

  I shook my head. “No need, Mom. I can manage.” I answer and then smiled at her.

  “Okay sweety, take care. Good luck!” she responded and hug me.

  Aww, my Mom’s so sweet.

  I walk through the entrance of the campus, the guard asked for my school ID so I explain to him that I’m a freshmen student from the states. He let me in and gave me the campus’ map.

  I thanked him and directed me to the Dean’s Office.

  I knock slowly and wait for someone’s response.

  The Dean’s Office slowly opened and a boy of my same age I guess smiled at me. “Good morning, what can I do for you?” he smiled at me.

  “Good morning, I’m a freshmen student and also a transferee. I enrolled online and I just want to get my schedule and also my school ID and uniform.” I replied and smiled back at him.

  “Sorry to tell you this but Mr. Romulo is in the meeting room, but I’ll assist you. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.” he said.

  I just nod and silence fills the office.

  “Anyways, what’s your name? So I can find your schedule on our records.” he asks again.

  “I’m Sorcha Gabriella Evans.”

  He looked so shocked so I look at him with a ‘what’s the matter?’ face.

  “Are you somewhat related to Mr. Luthor Evans? The famous Doctor?”

  ‘Aren’t you tired of asking?’ I whisper.

  “What is it?”

  “Ah, I said yes. He’s my father.”

  He nodded and continue finding my files.

  He stood up in front of me and handed me the files he has found. “Here’s your file, Ms. Evans. It has the schedule and also your student pass. Student ID can not be processed today because Mr. Romulo is at the conference.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, Mr.???” I arched a brow for him to realize that I’m asking for his name.

  “I’m Yuan Heussaff.”

  I smiled at him. “Thank you, Mr. Heussaff.”

  “You’re welcome. Have a good day,” he responded, and I walk through.

  But before I leave the Dean’s Office, I remember my school uniform. So I look at him and ask, “Where will I get my school uniform?”

  “At the faculty room,” he answered and directed me to the faculty room.

  I walkthrough and knock in front of the faculty room.

  A woman in the mid-30s smiled at me. “Good morning, how can I help you?”

  “Good morning, Miss. I’m Sorcha Gabriella Evans, a freshmen student, I will just get my school uniform so I will be able to wear it.”

  “Did you enroll online?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “What is your student number?”

  I handed her the files that Yuan gave me. “This is my student files, kindly check it.”

  She just nodded and look at my files. She stood up and walk through the cabinet inside the faculty room and handed me a box. “That’s your school uniform, it also has your P.E. uniform.” she explained. “And also, you can put that in your locker if you feel like it will be destroyed or what so ever if you bring it thru your first day of school.”

  “Ah Miss, where will I get my locker number?”

  “It will be given when you get your student ID.”

  I just nodded and thanked her for assisting me.

  The bell rings so I decided to go to the cafeteria to have some snacks. I bumped into someone and juice spill on my face.

  “What the f*ck!” I shouted. I stood up immediately and faced the one who bumped into me.

  “Oh shit Miss, I’m sorry.” he said and wipe my face using a tissue.

  “Don’t f*ucking touch me, you idiot!” I shouted again, this time I saw his f*cking face.

  “Calm down, okay? I didn't saw you.” he said with a warm tone.

  “I don’t need your explanation, get out of my way.” I replied.

  “Is this what we called ‘small but terrible’? Haha.” he said.

  I pick up a crumpled paper and throw it to him.

  He looked at me. “What?! Are you gonna fight me? Then go, I can beat you up.”

  Yuan’s POV

  She looks so familiar, lol. I just don’t know when and where I saw her.

  My phone rang and my cousin’s name flashed on the screen.

  I swiped the answer button. “Yes?”

  “What’s up, bro? Are you free tonight? Let’s hang out.” he asked.

  “I don’t know, dude. I’m a bit busy.”

  I heard him sighed. “Oh I forgot, you’re always busy. What am I expecting from you?” he replied and hang up the phone.

  I just shook my head and continue organizing Mr. Romulo’s office.