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The Family

The Family



Jshshshwiwjbshaiajwsvgsjsjsv get my dad is at the same time I don't KNOW STOP PRETENDING YOUR MY FRIEND YOU CAN ADMIT IT NOW YAY WE ARE SOULMATES I will become a crush on me lol let's go to the shop and get back to you on that one and others are you doing today I think I should be able to help me out with me and tia are you doing today I was wondering because of my cuts r the there at the same time I don't know what to do about it and
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  I was just settling in to the marriage but suddenly I was a mother,so it all started when I had just found out I was pregnant with a boy cedric my husband had Decided on carol as the name there was no argument there carols a great name I was so excited that I had moved on with my life wish my parents were around to see this eh it's fine but now carol is 17 and I also have a 6 year old girl ova she's a fuss pot tho don't tell her I said that so after a long day of being a slave to children my brother and her wife came over tia and draco tia was my best friend all through hogwarts fighting saving we were always called the perfect team I was in hufflepuff she was in slytherin it took a bit of getting used to but it was always nice having a friend around tia and draco also have kids little demons they are but there sweet most of the time ova my daughter is very obbsessed with tias son in a friendly way of course ova was taken anyway so is damion the son draco's other kid was a girl tessa bright mined creative but careless she was was the next day me dropping ova to dance class carol rushing to his first day of school and ofcourse me feeling like I'm holding a hot potato running around like a lemon all day by the time carol ate his breakfast he probably missed about half the day pfft him wasting time watching whatever he could find to skip school like he was probably searching up how to skip school ridiculous right I wish I could just grab a wand and magic him to school wait I can one second done he won't know what hit him when he is suddenly in the class in his boxers payback is sweet tia is just about alive tessa following her around just for a cookie wow I'm lucky ova Is out tia is going to be dead by the time it has just hit midnight wich is in about 13 hours so she has a lot of time to stay alive for a bit she can complete her bucket list as fast as she can while she is at it right stay focused oh shit I forgot I need to pick up ova as I'm driving to pick up ova I feel this wired tingling sensation in my back when I realizeb ova walked by her self got in the car and climbed up on my back to tell me she was already here wow karma hit me hard when I Iaughed at draco after hermione punched him ha worthit tho now ova is staring at me I don't know why but I heard kids can see ghost oh shoot I better run