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Fay Mafia : Book 1 Werewolf

Fay Mafia : Book 1 Werewolf

Auteur:Derora Rio


Sweet jade has had the sprit beaten out of her before shes even met her wolf. In an attemp to end it all her self. She saved by four men? That what she thought until they bring her to Master S. Some time thing at not as they seem.
Afficher tout▼

The summer heat made the air thick and heavy. This didn't stop Jade from wearing her sky blue hoodie. It was the only thing she still had of her mother and she wore it everwhere. This evening she was hidding in a small local cafe. Her father had set up a "profomance" for his business partners. So instead of going home and being forced to do thing she would rather not think about. She was gathering her courage to end it all.

After the waiter delivered her favorite meal. It was a simple one of chedder broccoli soup and a little salted pretzel. Jade broke the pretzel in to smaller peices and dipped in to the soup mindlessly. She was lost in thought trying to decide if she wanted to sit in the park and take the hand full of sleeping pills or slip in to the wood and jump from the abandon railroad tracks.

Jade finished her soup and decide on the woods there would be less people to try and stop her or try to revive her. She got up leavening 30 dollers on the table and left. She didnt notice the four men at the table across from her. The amout of money she placed on the table caught there attention. They watched as she turned left and passed in front of the of the store front window.

The man with the raven black hair tipped his head. He stood and dropped a few bills on the table. Then taking the same direction, he followed the girl. A few moments later the other three stood and made there way to their parked SUV across the road. They went right so the could double back and avoid drawling attention to themselves.

Jade had made her way to the entrance of the woods. She to a big breath and keep going. The train trestle she was looking for was halfway through the forest it covered a large canyon that split the forst in half. She was almost there when she stopped. Taking the pill bottle from her pokect she pour about half in to her hand. If by some miracle she served the fall she would be to far gone to save.

Little did she know there was a black shadow slipping through the tree following her every move. When Jade came to the opening for the trestle she smile. She knew that this would be the end. No more beatings. Not more almost rape. Not. More. Striping for men her father brought home.

Tonight was the night he was going to sell her to the highest bidder. The winner would be the first to take her virginity before they all shared her. Thats why she knew this was the only way. The police covered everything up. The teachers where shushed up with fat check. She had no friends to speek of. That how her father controlled her. Ever sence her mother disappeared. She stopped going to public schools and was home schooled. She was completely surrounded by his people. Thats though alone gave Jade the will she needed to step on to the tracks. She almost ran to the center think she could just leep off the edge in on flowed movement. Instead Jade stopped looking over the edge. The view made her dizzy, and she stumbled back.

'Shit ' she thought to herself. ' The pills where kicking in.' fallling on her hands and knee she inched her way back to the edge. A little further.

Then there was a tug. What the hell? Jade turned her head to look back. A massive black wolf had her anckle in its mouth.

" No. You stupid thing you have to wait until im dead to eat me. Now let go." she said. It mostly come out on a slurr like she downed one to many.

It was so hard to keep her eyes open now. Why fight it? Soon my heart will stop and ill be dead. Im so sorry Moon Goddess. I didnt mean to be a waste. I'm just not any good.

That was the last though that crossed Jades mind. Then she slipped under the mind fogging haze of the drug and she was out.

The wolf shift to a man. The sound of bone cracking and shifting echo loudly in the empty canyon below. Naked as the day he was born, he crouched near her head. Not really know what she took. He place his hand on he neck to check for a pulse. What a pisser that be? Wasting all thing time to come back empty handed. His thought are rudely interrupted when he gets shocked. It course up his right arm and in to his chest. Snaching his hand a way. He looks to see what could have cause such a jolt. There around her neck was a one inch black coller will a silver buckle.

Was she to a wolf? He had though hed smell something but the sence was faint. Playing the odds he touched it again. It was a quick movement that left a numb feeling in his finger tips.

Nodding to himself, he thought that he would try an old wolves trick. Careful to avoid the coller he picks up her head and pushing a finger on to her mouth. He runs it across the back of her mouth. Feeling her start to heave. He turns her head. Just in time for her to throw up on the ground. Seeing most if not all the pills spill out on the ground with bits of prezal and soup. Nodding to himself again. He stands and joggs back to the tree where he left he cloths. Pulling a phone out of his pants pocket. He call the other three. Hangs up after give them the locaton. It was a 3 second phone call. He had udders one word then hung up. Believing that his man would be there shortly. He then pull on his pants and grab the rest of his belongings. With them he trots back over to the girl.

She looks like she hasnt bathed in weeks. Although he face and hands seemed clean. The hair she had tucked in to the hood of her sky blue hoodie was dark and stringy. His over powered sence of smell could also pick up the sence of body order that came from her. Almost like she tried to stay clean but didnt take a full shower.

Waiting only moments he could hear the engines roar coming nearer. Beending to scoop the girl in to his arm. He stands and truns as the sleek balck suburban pulls up. Calling to a man name Don. The back seat where lowered. She was laid down. The two men settled in beside the girl and the suv pulled away.

"Don I need you to check her out. She took a hand full of something, and the coller is a real shocker. " he said in a dry tone.

The front passanger let out a low whistel. "Got ourselfs a kinky one."

"Shut up, Mikey. I dont think she waering it by choice."

Don agrres. " Looks like black magic. Its damping down her abilities. My guess is wolf. Just by the silver they used and the shit she took sleeping pills. But theres not much left in her system. Did she toss her cooike?"

"Yeah old wolf trick. Use for feeding pups. Nose around a bit in the back of the throat and you hurl easy enought. How long is she going to be out." he look down at the sleep girl.

"No more then an hour or two." Don replyed easily.

"Good. Just in time for her to meet Master S."