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Different Phases

Different Phases

Auteur:Konig Timz


The story is about the emotional domination of different families that keep finding emotional stability. Mason seems to be an innocent playboy whose true parents are deceiving him. His supposed sister is also secretly obsessive about him. His assumed father is in jail as he is struggling with prison life as well.
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           Mason is on the beach in Santorini enjoying his summer vacation in his way with his sister all the way from Austin, Texas in which he and his sister


 have been dreaming of since they were 10 and 12 until they became 23 and 25 respectively. They both tagged the vacation as 'toes in the sand'. 


        Mason is an engineer working with one of the biggest technological car companies called Apex Cars movement.

Mason has a calm and brilliant attitude while Claire is a make-up artist with outspoken Beauty who is very choosy and picky in terms of relationships which makes her switch relationships now and then even though her brother does not like that attitude.


         Claire finds it difficult to care about men in her heart because of the type of family she grew up in.


          Mason is a half brother to Claire but Claire and Mason has no idea of the situation, Claire’s mother


 died in the labour room while giving birth to Claire and  Bridget made Mason’s father


promise never to let the kids know the difference between them before she died.


          Will who is an African-American Man used to be a local businessman that rarely has time to take care of kids.

This made him keep the kids with Mother


  who is living in a four-bedroom house in Austin, Texas. 

Each time he came to visit the kids he always shows how much Mason use to be his favourite even though he did not tell the kids they are half-siblings and each time he does this Claire always feel bad and sad for being a girl.


         She grew up with this mindset and she had the belief that no man truly cares about her but just wanted a share of her sexual pleasure.


         In 2008, Will was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment which makes Will still currently be in the state penitentiary prison as he was set up and implicated at his workplace by one of his colleagues.

He thought Darby is his friend but his friend


 is just after the position of Will in the company.


        Will used to be the Vice president of Tandem business corporation while Darby is just a senior supervisor but next to be the vice-president according to the chain of command in the company.

   Darby was ruthless enough to get a hacker to hack Will’s laptop and get some money out of the company monetary account and send it to an untraceable offshore account.


       Will was asked about the money that left the company’s account by the CEO of the company

Mr Harry

 but he is unable to provide an adequate explanation about the money because he know nothing about it which later got him arrested and Darby became the vice-president of the company.


        Mason and Claire could not do anything about these happenings because they were kids.


        Mason visits their father from time to time as he skeptically believes his father is innocent of the crime against him but Claire can not say the same about visiting their father because she has already made up her mind that she will not have anything to do with their father or any other man in her life except her brother.


      Claire did not let Mason know about this decision which makes her to always fake feelings with excuses whenever Mason wants to visit their father. 


        Mason has no idea about this decision of his sister so he keeps trying to hook her up on dates with different men but when Claire is tired of having sex with them she looks for a misunderstanding to break up with the men.

Mason always console her each time she is faking it that her feelings have been hurt but he did not know she is faking it.


       Claire has been trying to come clean and tell the truth to her brother but she is scared she might lose her brother’s trust because it might be seen as her playing with her brother’s effort and feelings and losing her brother forever.


       Apparently Claire has always been admiring her brother in secret but she knows it is incest because they are family.

Each time Claire sees a lady with her brother she always gets angry in her mind and always look for ways to break them up all the time but Mason just sees it as a natural occurrence because he knows he is a good person.

         Claire has a behaviour of making some decisions impulsively as well but she always thinks she’s in charge of her actions and motives.


       Will who is their father has already spent ten years of his term in prison as he met a new inmate who happens to be Darby’s cousin




      Will tried to request another prison room with another inmate but his request was not granted and Nate happens to be someone who is kind of an aggressive bully in nature began to torment Will in the prison bully way.


         Will is beginning to see himself as going through some “déjà vu” which made him start planning on how to kill Nate and Darby the moment he gets outside prison walls.

Will found out Darby was the person who set him up to be in jail after he received an anonymous tip from the hacker who helped Darby to hack his laptop and later grew conscience in which that is not enough evidence to prove his innocence.


      Nate did not know Will knows Darby and Will did not let Nate get suspicious in any way until later. 


          The water from the sea flows towards Mason and Claire as they are seated at the brim of the sea sunbathing and reminiscing about some crazy and good kinds of stuff they did while growing up until Mason went to get some drinks at the stand on the beach.


        While getting the drinks, Mason met one of Claire’s ex-boyfriends


who is also an African-American which he hooked up with her.


           Claire saw them together from the brim of the beach and she lost her calmness immediately because she was scared of them talking together because the truth might come out of one of their conversations.

Meanwhile, Claire told Mason that Richard was very abusive in their relationship when it was all a lie but Mason was able to believe his sister after seeing the fake injuries she inflicted upon herself and Richard is quite physically built because he uses the gym almost every two days.


         When Richard was also about to take his drink he approach Mason with greetings but Mason gave him a weak nod and ignore his handshake.  Richard was a bit surprised considering the fact he did nothing wrong to him before but he just kept his cool. 


          Immediately Mason turned back, he saw his sister running towards him hastily and he is surprised to see her running that fast as she barely jog in the morning for exercise and he asked her immediately. 

 Mason: why are you running? 

Claire: I  wanted to help you with the drinks. 

Mason: with two glasses of drinks? 


         Claire was dumbfounded and she tried to divert the attention by looking towards Richard but Richard is already turning his back towards them after Mason ignored his handshake.

Mason was a bit confused in the scene but just overlooked it because he did not want to wake a sleeping dog.


         Claire collected her drink from her brother and stylishly took him back to their previous seat and continued their conversation till sunset. 



        At sunset there was a bonfire night at the beach, everyone was loud and noisy because it’s another form of beach night party and even the gorgeous Claire was in her bikini as she is planning on getting laid after the party.  

Mason met someone as well but Claire is still yet to know about it because the men are all over her and expecting to get lucky with her for the night.


         Mason met Jasmine at the party after he and Claire got separated for a while and  Jasmine was all over him because Mason is also quite classic with handsomeness.

       Not long after some time in the party,  Jasmine became horny and wants Mason inside her so she told Mason to take her to his room for some romantic pleasures. 



          On their way to the hotel room, they were both hearing some loud romantic sessions going on in the rooms on the passage hall. Immediately Mason is about to open the door, Jasmine jumped on the waist of Mason and go on with some deep kisses and Mason returned the favour in style by bonking her hard both from the front and behind. 



          At the party, Claire is still twerking in her bikini with two guys all over her and the guys are already thinking of a threesome but Claire has no idea until she decided to relax and grab a drink then the two guys keep following her everywhere she goes.


         She asked them what they were expecting and they both said that they thought it would be a threesome.

Claire was shocked because she has never tried it in her life so she immediately declined the offer even though she keeps fantasizing about the idea in her head all night while she was getting laid by one of the guys all night. 



       In the early morning of a Sunday after the party night,  Claire stood up from her random partner bed and  went to her brother’s room only to meet Jasmine on her brother’s chest with her brother’s biceps around her and immediately Claire said to herself that;

“This could be love”.


         Claire is filled with anger and she can’t wait for Jasmine bounce off the bed, so she decided to wake her up and Mason woke up in the process as well but she lies her ass off that she was looking for a notepad in his room and that is the reason why she is there.

Mason asked if she had seen what she’s looking for and she replied “no”,  Mason stood up from the bed to check his bag for a notepad and Jasmine was just looking at everything as it is happening.


        Jasmine then stood up and went to the bathroom and after a couple of minutes, she left without saying goodbye to Mason.

Mason was a bit surprised but he did not know he failed to introduce them to one another so Jasmine probably thought Claire was Mason’s girlfriend and it is just a one night stand that just happened between her and Mason.

Claire is happy anyway as long as her brother is still yet to be taken by another woman. 


         After some time,  Mason and  Claire started packing their pieces of stuff and they are about to leave Santorini because it’s the end of the vacation.

All is well until they both got on the plane where they are about to sit and they saw Richard and  Jasmine sitting right in front of them. 


         Respectively, Will who is already planning to kill Nate in prison just saw a dead man shanked to death at the doorstep of his prison entrance just after he arrived from the prison chapel and  he is asking himself

“Have I  killed him



