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Auteur:Abhimaya Aryan

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What will happen if the most powerful species across the universe will come together to fight against the gods and hence will target humans on Earth because they think that humans provide god's with powers and long life and if they will be able to kill everyone single human on earth which will ultimately destroy the god's and hence the will be able to take over the planet ? , But will they be getting successful in their mission ? , This and many other questions will form the crux of the story which will take its readers into a totally new world with it's twists and turns from time to time
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  " I , Lord Cazenne also called as the Superior Lord of Agartha or King of hell welcome you all and I am very much grateful that paying value to my invitation you all came here which really made me happy because although we have differences between us but still we are one and our only enemy are God's and human's who are living on the surface below for which we are conducting this meeting so without any further delay I will tell you all the reasons for me calling you here", Lord Cazenne addresses everyone present in his court for the important meeting which he called in urgency

  " But My Lord Superior why did you called all of us in so urgency ?, Is everything alright ", asks Witch Martha" , replying to which Lord Cazenne tells her ," Yes it is urgent mistress of all witches that's why I have called this meeting and furthermore my minister is going to read out a scroll for you all so that you will exactly know why you all are present here and soon his minister Cilik starts reading the scroll

  " I , Lord Cezanne invited you all to inform that just after one month from the day you are attending this meeting I will be helding a competition in order to find out the one who will be suitable for the throne of hell and to become the next Superior of Agartha city and so it's an open invitation to everyone , to all the species of the universe to take part in the competition and I hope that may the best wins"

  Soon after listening to the announcement Superior of Vampires Lord Raymond asks , " But my lord why do you need someone for your throne as you have successfully taken over the responsibilities while on the throne from last 10 million years as you have successfully brought all the species under your shadow by making them your slaves which gave all of us a great direction to move ahead and stay united", replying to which Lord Cazenne tells

  " You are right Lord Raymond but as you said I had successfully completed all the duties while to be on throne but as you said I have completed all my duties successfully from last 10 millions years which is very long period for anyone and simultaneously after such a long time now I am not that powerful as compared to my earlier stages in life that's why I want someone who could be more powerful than me when it comes to power because even though I am extremely powerful but still I was unable to defeat God's ever..

  That's why I am helding this competition in which everyone can take part and whoever emerges winner will be the next Superior along with the King or Queen of hell but mind you all this competition is not at all going to be easy at all because after 1 month there will occur a phenomenon in which the rays of Sun will fall on seven different planets which are in Sphera galaxy as other six will be in line and a very small amount of light will fall on the seventh planet and it will be happening with all the planets turn by turn

  And mind you all as it's a galaxy which is created by God's in order to protect their most powerful weapons , so as soon as the Sunrays will fall on each planets one by one for seven days then the powers of all the weapons will come back to life and whoever achives all those weapons will become the next one to sit on this throne which I am using now

  But the journey of getting this weapons won't be that easy because along with the activation of the powers of the weapons , the supreme powers of the planets will also come to life for seven days during the phenomenon period which will last only for seven days and if anyone misses that chance then unfortunately the next time when phenomenon will take place will be after 1 million years and that's the reason why I lost all my Son's as they kept on trying in last 10 million years to acquire those weapons but none of them emerged successful thus losing their lives

  But this time I have put on bet my throne in order to achieve those weapons as whoever will provide me with the weapons will become the king of hell because I am too old to even think about going on those planets so just forget about the participation in competition and that's the reason why I have called you all here because if I'll get those weapons then I'll make God's as my slaves by killing each and every human's on this planet who are roaming on the surface right now unaware of future as soon when I will get those powers than I will destroy the whole planet Earth thus taking its governance in my hands

  Which will automatically put end to the power's of God's as this is the only source from where they get their powers , the devotion of this mortal species called humans gives them their powers , increases their age and hence God's has been in existence due to the belief of this fools and once I'll finish them , the God's will automatically fall weak before me and hence there will only be one God which will be me

  The Lord Cazenne himself , So I would like to know about who will be taking part in the competition", replying to which Superior of Warewolfs Lord Ainok speaks ," It will be pleasure for us to give you something as you haven't demanded anything from us"