
Lisons le monde

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Auteur:Kylie magics


Raised in Busan, South Korea,Baek In ah,an aspiring actress struggles to make ends meet for her family... She takes a turn moving with a girl gang, babysitting and going for auditions in different part of Seoul,she struggles to get her family out of debt. Lee Dae Wong (David Lee or Dave) is a rich play boy , who is uncaring and unserious about life, but he wants to inherit his grandpa's company s&s , but on one condition.... If he gets married. Dave plans to trick Grandpa Lee and searches for aspiring actress to play the role of a bride.... But, they didn't know what would happen next. Grandpa Lee re arranged their fake marriage again making it real this time... And the two of them are left in shock......
Afficher tout▼


"In ah! Don't forget to always watch your back!" Dad screamed out from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and finally agreed. "Appa,I heard you quite clear" I said and quickly gulped down my glass of milk. Iwas rushing to an audition in Seoul, and I had to wake up early for that. I rushed out of my house and quickly got to the bus station around our street. People were waiting and I joined. Finally,the 6AM bus came and we mounted it,each putting coins.

I sat down and looked at my audition pamphlet,then I smiled, and sighed at the situation of my family. Dad has lost his job three months ago and Mom had been assisting us a little with the little wages she earned from her corn dogs trade. One day, I'll reward them for all they went through,once I become famous. Though I already had some followers on IG, Facebook,and Twitter, it seems I really need to work hard to get to the limelight. Besides,this seems like the hundred and third time im going to an audition, but my parents support my dreams anyways.


I flashed a captivating smirk at the girl who was sitting on my lap, in our expensive hotel restaurant. Jones and Ji hyung gave me a scowl,I focused on them. "What?"

"Wong,when are you gonna be serious about life?"Ji hyung asked and i nodded. "Life's all about having fun and enjoying it to the fullest, Ji hyung"then Jones nodded negatively.

"This the time yet, David"and I smiled.

"Well,just let me be"I said and a lady walked towards me,her eyes filled with tears. This was Ha Ji Woo,a famous singer in the whole of Hallyu wood. "Dave, you idiot!"she screamed and landed me a slap, I faced her smirking.

"You ... You dated me for three days and now you're ending it?!"she asked and I faced her

"For your information,you came to me and I dated you,so I have a right to be with her"I said calmly.

"Still this doesn't calls for quitting!"she yelled and all attentions were in our table. "Scream all you want, you're only embarrassing yourself the more"I stated, Ji hyung and Jones palmed themselves on the face,she growled and stomped on my feet with her heels,I groaned and she left.

"She's actually too spoilt... Wondered why I ever dated her." I stated, Jones shot me a piercing look. "That's cos you played her,willingly"he said and I faced the shy hot waitress on my laps.

"Don't mind 'em darling, I won't break your heart, and that actress Ji Woo, She's only overeacting"the waitress seemed to believe what I said and I licked my lips sexily, moving really close to her.

"Ohh... What the hell Dave!"they both interrupted and I clenched my fist angrily.

"Why?"I yelled.


My phone rang on the bus and I picked the call. "Ya! Min ah"I answered and I could hear her voice at the other end.

"In ah, Don't go,the audition was cancelled minutes ago" she stated and I almost screamed in rage. "What?" I asked tears welling up my eyes. "Yeah... The movie director said he wasn't doing that anymore"she said and I fell silent,the phone still on my ear. "Ivy,are you okay?"she asked and I nodded immediately and answered her, sighing. "Mmm... I'm okay just a little disappointed"I said..

"Hey,on the bright side you have Mrs Cheon's kids to babysit this evening, wouldn't that be great?" She said and I sighed,"I got it... I'll be back soon" I said and hung up. Well, audition being cancelled and not nominated for the role wasn't a new thing. Everyday I faced disappointment upon disappointment,and my Dad, Mr Baek says 'in every disappointment... There's a blessing'

"Indeed" I muttered under my breath. Worst of all the bus had already reached Seoul. Well I might spend two days of sorrow in Seoul with one of my friends since Mrs Cheon wouldn't mind Go Min ah sitting her kids. The bus stopped and I alighted from it.

"I'm here.... Again... For the hundred and third time" I said to myself and sighed. I walked from the bus station and headed to the direction of Juliana's house.

Third Person Narrative

"Grandpa, seriously... Til I get married?"Dave asked the old man only smiled and raised his teacup to his lips.

"What if I was engaged?" He asked and Grandpa Lee dropped his teacup on the saucer and gave his grandson a smile.

"Wong-ah, you're too unserious about engagement nor are you uncommitted to a relationship... So how can I trust you?" Grandpa Lee asked. Dave only swallowed. "Old man,well I'm trustworthy enough" he said and Grandpa only laughed out a short "ha!" and focused on his lemon tea. "Grandpa, I'm old enough to manage s&s company" He stated.

"You punk! You'll toy with it just like you toy you with life"Grandpa answered and stood up to leave . Maids came to clear the table while Dave stood up and followed his Grandpa, pleading.

"Grandpa! Grandpa.. please"Grandpa Lee faced him astonished. "You just called this old weak man your grandfather?" He asked

"Look here old man, you should acknowledge the fact I called you that" Dave said. "Rascal...I won't grant you your request"Grandpa said and turned to leave. "Grandpa, Grandpa,wait... Please" Dave pleaded. Grandpa faced him with a smile on his face.

"Then get married"He said and Dave frowned at the thought of him committing to one woman till eternity. He felt it boring and too old fashioned. "Old man,I can't commit my life lifetime to one person you should know my lifestyle" Dave said and Grandpa turned away finally, shaking his head and muttering under his breath.

"You punk!"

Ivy fell on Julie's bed while the later came in with two steaming bowls if hot ramyun. She placed it on her dressings table, while Ivy's belly growled at the aroma coming from the bowl across her.

"Hey... Seems like you're hungry"Juliana said and Ivy sighed. "What to do? I'm only gonna eat a little though" she said, Juliana rolled her eyes and sat on the bed also. "Still on your dieting plans" she asked, and Ivy nodded. "Still all that shit! You'll keep on gaining three pounds due to this" Juliana said and Ivy stared at her in disbelief. "Are you saying I can't keep my figure?" She asked and Juliana nodded negatively. "No... It's just that-you starving yourself and depriving your body food will only make you eat more. You should keep for by eating healthy, have a good exercise routine and sleep for eight good hours.. you'll see the changes within three months" Juliana said and handed her the bowl of ramyun.

"Eat healthy,live wealthy" she said and handed her friend the silver metal chopsticks. Ivy a bite and muttered still chewing"delicious". Juliana smiled and also dig into her potion.

"Yes,about the gang,you guys still together?"she asked and Ivy nodded negatively,while she took another bite of long, steaming spicy noodles. "I think I'm gonna quit"

"Huh?" Was all Juliana could say. "Come to think of it ,it's been six years we had this gang since high school. Now I feel it childish, we should all focus on our future cos everyone has a different part"Ivy said and Juliana raised her chopsticks agreeing. "Well said, my friend" she stated. Ivy took another bite of the noodles hungrily, immediately her phone rang. She picked the call.

"Annyeonghaseyo..... Who is this?"she asked and the land Lord's voice yelled at the other end.

"Mr oh" Ivy said wearily and the landlord's voice bickered angrily at the other end,she suddenly dropped her chopsticks, Juliana only watched with interest.

"I'm sorry sir... But if you could give me a week , then I'll pay for it"she said in a pleasing voice,while the voice still bickered.

"Yes... Yes,I promise to pay it before Thursday" she said while a sigh escaped her lips. The landlord seemed to have hung up on her. She dropped the phone on the bed and pinched the skin between her brows thoughtfully. "In ah, what happened?"Juliana asked.

"Mr oh,said he gives me three days to pay up for the rent"

"Really? Such a little time" Juliana stated and Ivy pushed her bowl of ramyun away, listing all appetite to eat.

"Hey, you had only three bites!"she stated but Ivy crossed her legs thoughtfully.

"I suddenly lost all appetite"she said staring at the wooden floor thoughtfully. Julie only sighed, she felt pity for her friend.....



Bride hunt will continue next page

Hope y'all understand