
Lisons le monde

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Alpha's Pride

Alpha's Pride

Auteur:Drako Mars


Chapter one Luca's POV It was 8:00 am in the morning and my alarm was making its usual beep sound. U turned of the alarm clock and dragged myself out of bed. My name is Luca and I shouldn't have been born. Where do I start hmm..... Lets see how about what I am I am a tribrid which means I'm part vampire, part werewolf and part warlock. Like i said I shouldn't have been born. My life would probably have been better if I was just a vampire, werewolf of even just an average warlock. My dad was a hybrid an my mom is a witch. I guess me calling my mom a witch you're probably imagining the kinds from horror movies but no she's not. She looks like a normal person except she can do magic and trust me she good at it. Everywhere I go I'm labelled a monster even by werewolves and vampires. They don't understand what I am and hence I am not accepted by either of them and ooh don't get me started on witches they find me disgusting. I am what they call a glitch in nature that's why my mom was banned from the witches council the moment she was pregnant with me. I am lucky they just banned her the other option was killing me he moment I was born and my mom wasn't ready to watch me die so here I am living the worst life possible. Guess that pretty much sums my wretched life. Right now I have to get dressed for school and I forgot to mention its a new school got kicked out of the last one which makes it the fifth school I was kicked out from since last year.
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  Chapter one

  Luca's POV

  It was 8:00 am in the morning and my alarm was making its usual beep sound. I turned of the alarm clock and dragged myself out of bed. My name is Luca and I shouldn't have been born. Where do I start hmm..... Lets see how about what I am I am a tribrid which means I'm part vampire, part werewolf and part warlock. Like i said I shouldn't have been born. My life would probably have been better if I was just a vampire, werewolf of even just an average warlock. My dad was a hybrid an my mom is a witch. I guess me calling my mom a witch you're probably imagining the kinds from horror movies but no she's not. She looks like a normal person except she can do magic and trust me she good at it. Everywhere I go I'm labelled a monster even by werewolves and vampires. They don't understand what I am and hence I am not accepted by either of them and ooh don't get me started on witches they find me disgusting. I am what they call a glitch in nature that's why my mom was banned from the witches council the moment she was pregnant with me. I am lucky they just banned her the other option was killing me he moment I was born and my mom wasn't ready to watch me die so here I am living the worst life possible. Guess that pretty much sums my wretched life. Right now I have to get dressed for school and I forgot to mention its a new school got kicked out of the last one which makes it the fifth school I was kicked out from since last year.

  Lexie's POV

  Welcome to another miserable day of my life. My name is lexie I'm just and average girl with a wretched life. I attend bristle cove high school. Its not the best place to be. Granted the teachers and facilities where top-notch but so was it's bullies. A day doesn't go by without me having to face those girls. I mean what did I ever do to them. I was a bit pretty but not in their league so why did the see me as something they had to get rid off. Anyways I have to go to school now else it wont just be the bullies I have to face but Mr. Wilson in detention.


  I walk into school and I find everyone in the parking lot struggling to get a glimpse of something. I walk past them glad that they wouldn't notice me but as I walk past I get a glimpse of he most handsome guy I'd ever seen. He looked like he was a master piece from the gallery of some famous painter. I mean how does someone look that good. Oh well I probably shouldn't be looking at him cause I'd never have a chance with him. I stood there staring till the school bell brought me back to reality. I head to class and take a seat at the last row which I normally did if I didn't want those girls sticking gum in my hair I was barely settled when the guy from the parking lot took a seat beside me. I instantly started blushing severely. Get a grip I told myself and then I made a straight face and sat straight up.

  Luca's POV

  Hey its me again

  I'm at school now I forgot to mention it before I'm pretty good looking. At the school's parking lot I may have caused a bit of a stampede with my looks. I made my way to class fully aware of the girls staring at me dreamily. I get that most guys wish for my type of looks but for me it didn't matter because it was only a matter of time before I got into a fight and as usual I get expelled. I get to class and go to an empty space at the back row. Now I don't want to seem like I'm exaggerating but when I glance side ways I see thus girl and instantly my heart does a giant leap. My wolf immediately starts to pull and it took an lot of self control for me not to shift right there in class. She has the most beautiful gray eyes I'd ever seen and her lips were the colour of pink roses. She seems to like me cause I notice her trying to stop blushing which made me smile. I was about to say hey when the teacher walked in and we started the class. I sat through Mr. Gilbert's geography class anxiously waiting for recess I could talk to the girl next to me. Finally the bell rung and Mr. Gilbert took his leave. I turned to the girl and said hi. She turned and looked at me surprise. Guess she wasn't expecting me to talk to he but she said hey in reply. I introduced myself and she did same. 'Lexie' yes that's her name and to me it was the perfect name.

  Lexie's POV

  So yeah luca talked to me which is probably the best thing that has happened to me since i started bristle cove. He had the voice of an angel and I'm not saying it cause I'm already hard on him. He asked for my phone number and social media handle sand I told him. Now don't blame me for acting so thrifty buh I was literally starstruck and in awe of luca. He asked me to follow him to the cafeteria but I declined. I didn't want Chelsea on my neck. Let me tell you a little about Chelsea. I've known her since kindergarten. We used to be friends but we grew apart and now she's the drama queen of the school and I'm just well.... Ordinary. If she so much as saw Luca glance at me she'd flay me alive so I decided to avoid it even if it meant giving up a chance to get to know Luca. After turning down Luca I headed to the cafeteria on my own to grab a bite. I took my dinner in a take away pack and headed to the sports arena so I could eat alone away from chelsea and her clique. I got there and to my outmost surprise Luca was there. He sat on a chair eating his lunch alone. I was about to turn around when he looked up and said 'hey'.

  I replied with a hi and went up to him. I was curious to know why he left the cafeteria to eat alone so I asked. He said he was avoiding chelsea and I have to it hit me that he wasn't the kind of guy I'd pegged him to be. I thought he was like chelsea all glamour and attitude but now I saw him in a different light and I wasn't just crushing him for his looks anymore I liked his personality. I took a seat beside him and started eating. We ate in silence for a while then he started a conversation.

  "You don't seem to have a lot of friends" luca said

  "None actually" I replied starring at my feet

  "Reason being" he asked

  "Well no one likes me" I replied

  He stared at me as if he was trying to make out what I'd just said

  "What do you mean no one likes you" Luca asked. At this point I was already emotional and I didn't feel like telling my boring life story at bristle cove to Luca so I just stood up and said I had to go to class.

  Luca's POV

  So I started a conversation with Lexie and I think I scared her oof with too many questions. Cause she literally blew me off on the third question. Guess she was a bit shy. I sat through all my classes for the day and at the end of school hours I headed home. It's a full moon today and I was going to shift. Shifting for werewolves was very painful because every bone in the wolves body literally broke and rearranged but for me it was less painful because I had the advantage of being a vampire so I could turn of the pain. I got home and took a shower then I took out the duffel bag where I kept my chains. You might be wondering what I needed chains for. Well its a full moon and when wolves shift our animal instincts take over and we kill every living thing in our part so in order to prevent myself from harming innocents I have a secret cave underneath our house where I go to chain myself up. Back to the chains I inspected the links of the chains and made sure there was no break. When I was done I headed down to the cave an set up my chains then I sat down and waited for the moon to come out. I was in there for about three hour when I felt my wolf pull and I new It was about to start. Like I said I could turn of the pain but I usually didn't because my mom said pain was part of the process. I felt an incredible amount of pain as by bones twisted and snapped. I could feel the fur growing on my skin and my fangs growing out. I let out a grutal roar. Unlike normal wolves I was bigger, faster, stronger and healed faster. Thing is I'm to strong and unpredictable. I wasn't fully transformed but I could feel my animal instincts taking control I was desperately straining against the chains trying to escape and just as I completed transformation the chains snapped. It had never happened before maybe it was worn out from too much usage but that wasn't the case. I knew what had happened. I was stronger I had just completed 18 and that was when werewolves were supposed to be fully matured and attain full strength. I lost control and immediately bolted out if the house and into the woods.