
Lisons le monde

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Old Dragons Whisper

Chapter 2

The teacher opened the door and came in, and Hana as well, where they both stood in the middle of the room, at time Hana was astonished of how fancy it was, an old-style room, with a stately table made of board, long in the middle, about which five Masters sat around it, among them the man who had removed the light from Hana and Tom's eyes.

However, The greatness on them was huge, as they all having long white beard, while looking at Hana and the teacher in weirdness, at time then the teacher said: « good morning, masters! i would like to show you the weird thing i've just seen from this little lady! », When then he looked at Hana and said: « Do you see the eggs at the end of the room above the table?, can you bring one of them to the masters' table?! », Then, Hana ran to the back of the room, where she found three large eggs, placed inside an open decorated box!!

At time, she lifted the one on the left and carried it to the masters' table, where they lost their minds of what they had just seen, when they all started talking shockingly, then one of them said: « Can you bring the other? », and when she did, the five of them got more surprised, at time the crystal master said: « I haven't seen this little girl before!! from which nation is she!! », when the earth master said: « that's impossible!!! I can't believe!!! », at time, the teacher Ned said: « I guess the charm master knows more than how much i do!! », at time everyone looked at the man who had removed the light from Hana and Tom's eyes, when he muttered a bit then said: « well, i don't know that much, but it's all happened today at the morning, i was walking in the streets among the people, when suddenly a light appeared at the entrance of the city, so strong light that I couldn't look at what had happened around it, and when the light was gone, I found two kids lying on the ground, frightened, while their eyes were so full of that light, whereby it made them lose the ability to see! That's when the teacher arrived and we decided to remove the light from their eyes!!

The light came to them in the outside world! The light chose them and brought them in!! I guess she's really the one, after all that!! »...

* The whispers master:- Could this mean that Cardinia was alive after the war?

* the earth master:- or maybe her daughter!!

* The shadow master:- Can we know from which nation she was born at? She might be from an exiled family!!!

* the crystal master :- true!! I guess now you have a lot to do whispers master !..

* the whispers master :- Yes! I'll look into it! But now, I think it's finally the time for those incredible eggs to come back!!! », and with that, the masters got very happy, as they finished of their discussion so, the teacher Ned took Hana and the box of the three large eggs with him and walked out of the Administrative building, heading to Hana's new room when Hana felt to ask a bit... « is being accepted by all the eggs is something great? »

* Ned:- yes! And i will tell you soon once the masters make sure of everything!!

* Why might these eggs be so incredible?

* Ned:- Because each of its kind has become extinct a thousand years ago after the war! It is also believed that they were from the best types!!

* and the exiled family?!

* Ned:- They are people, and perhaps a family, who have committed a crime or more in which the perpetrator is sentenced to erase all his memories of the hidden land and its life and sending them to the outside world! Where then this land will be forbidden to them ever after.. », With this, the teacher entered the room, where Tom was in it, at time the teach had put the eggs between their beds, Where the door was next to Hana's bed on the right While Tom's bed was next to her on the left, and faces them a window...

And at that time, it was already the sunset, so both Hana and Tom were laying on their beds, looking at their eggs and never stopped of, Until they fell into a deep sleep...

The next morning then came, at time the birds started tweeting, and the sunshine was teasing Hana's eyes whilst both were in deep sleep...

But in an instant, Hana began to feel strange things moving over her body, as beside her head while they were making some weird sounds, and once she opened her eyes, she found three amazing dragons moving around her, as one of them was a black dragon with a dark scarlet tail, a baby blue dragon with horns and the last was a yellow and red dragon!! And from her shock, Hana made a loud shock sound that woke Tom up, as the dragons immediately looked at her, they all then started making sounds like if it was happy babies' sounds when then they started approaching her more with caressing!! It was the happiest moment for Hana as she sat down and started cuddling and laughing with them, and moments after, Hana looked at the eggs, attracted by their shape, which were like roses, The three eggs had been opened to release the dragons out while hadn't been broken...

And as how much she got impressed by their looks, Hana put the dragon down and reached out to pull one of them, but once her fingers reached an egg, her eyes got suddenly rolled up to be completely white eyes, and her body got spasms badly, but at time, she had never felt any of their pain but she found herself in another far place, where it was even far of her time...

As that what they call it, the power of whispers! Hana got her power from one of her dragons, whose the touch of the eggshell made her see its past, which begins at a dragons' stable under a huge dragon with long horns where Hana found herself, which it gave birth to five large and amazing eggs, and one of them is Hana's dragon's egg!!

And at that moment, a man came and approached the dragon when he got astonished to see the eggs beneath it, and with his great amazement he said: « MY LOVE!!!!! Look at you!!!! You gave five eggs after all!! », as he started petting her joyfully with love...

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