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One Month Bride

One Month Bride



How a bride suddenly became a one month bride. Join the couple's journey about how their relationship changed into sort of strangers just after month and what are the reasons behind all this. Will they will be parted their ways or overcome all these hindrance?? Let's just swim in the story...

  "W...h..y di..d y...y.. you do tha...t? W..hy y..ou ma...rry me.. wh..en y..ou don't c...on..side..r me w..ife?" A 26 year girl is crying profusely while clutching the collar of man who is the age of 30.


Why did you do that? Why did you marry me when you don't consider me wife?

  "Y.. ou, wh..en y..ou d..on't c..ons..ider m..e y..our w..ife t..hen w..hy di..d y..ou s..s..Lee...p w..ith me or sh..ould I s...ay m..ake m...e y..our w...., W..hy y..ou m...e s..slut i..n m..y a...nd p..rost....itue in t..he e..yes o..f o..ther..s? That girl said with a lot of difficulty barely holding her consciousness.


You..when you don't consider me your wife then why did you sleep with me or should I say make me your whore, mistress? Why you make me slut in my eyes and prostitute in the eyes of others?

  "Th..ere w...ill b..e a d.. ay w..hen y..ou r..egre..tted a..ll of t..his." These are last words that she said while loosing consciousness and fainted in his arms.

There will be a day when you regretted all of this.

  But this was not the end...

  Her fainted state makes his heart clenched in pain and his eyes starts to shed tears.. tears what he gifted her.. are returning to him.. Pain, he gave her.. is coming to him..

  She took his silence as hate but forget that he also has a heart and she is the ruler of his heart.. Now he determined to show his love even if he has to loose everything..