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Forbidden Desires: A Dark Romance Novel

Forbidden Desires: A Dark Romance Novel

Penulis:Diana Longe Ay


After Brian's and Andrea's son, Brayden turns three, Mickey decides to move from New York to a different city to start afresh. Though, he's still an active member of Los Demonios Del Cráneo and still one of the top members, he decides to start his own Mafia organization in the city he moved to with Brian's permission. There, he decides to have a one night stand with a mysterious woman, little did he know that he would be seeing the woman again; not pinned beneath him but pointing a gun at his head. EXCERPT "Any last words?" "Yes." Mickey nods as he eyes her slowly. "You have nice bóóbs and a really lovely a$$. I can't seem to forget how they felt in my hands, just perfect." He smirks when he sees her eye twitch in anger and irritation. He always got under her skin and he loved it. He enjoyed watching her face turn fifty shades of various emotions before she finally snapped. It's like a freaking hobby of his. "Son of a bítch!!" She hisses and pulls the trigger without a second thought.

Mickey hisses under his breath as a bullet sizzles by his ear. *Those fücking sons of bítches have no idea who they’re messing with. They have some goddamn nerves attacking us.*

He reloads his gun, takes a deep breath and counts down from three before stepping out from his hiding place and shooting blindly at their opponents.

There’s a crackling sound in his ear before Brian’s voice is heard through the ear buds in his ear.

“I have my eyes on the target, I need some men to cover me as I go after him.”

“Oh, hell no! Are you insane Brian?! There is no way I’m letting you go after that maniac.” Mickey growls lowly as he goes to hide behind a wall, shooting at the men as he does so.

“You forgot I’m a maniac myself, Mickey. I can handle that motherfucker, after all, he had it coming.”

“I don’t doubt that Brian but you’re forgetting one important thing.”


“You’re a freaking married man with a son who will be turning three in two days. There’s no way in goddamn hell I’m going to let you risk your life. If you were still single, I wouldn’t have bothered but you are not and you need to take your life more seriously. If you die, Andrea and Brayden will be devastated. I won’t let that happen on my watch! I already promised Andrea that I’ll make sure you return in one piece and I have no plans of breaking that promise.” He pauses as he shoots a man straight in the head, his brain matter splashing everywhere from the impact of the bullet. “The same goes for you Vin. Isabel will turn me to mush if you turn up dead on her doorstep.” He adds and Vincenzo chuckles.

“I don’t doubt that. She can be really violent when pissed. Can’t count the number of times she threatened to cut off my balls and stab me in the heart, just because I forgot to take out the trash.” He sighs and Mickey could tell he was shaking his head even though he couldn’t see him.

“So, what do you suggest Mickey?” Brian asks after being silent for a minute.

“Let me go instead, after all, I’m the best sniper you have and will be able to take him down without having to reveal myself.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“Of course, at least if I die, I’ll die knowing there’s no one waiting for me at home.” He murmurs the last part.

“You know that’s not true. You’re Brayden’s favorite uncle, he’ll be devastated if you miss his third birthday party, so will Andrea and everyone of us. We’re your family.” Mickey doesn’t say a word and neither do the rest. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of their breathing.

“You had better come out of there alive, that’s an order. Giovanni and Luca will cover you.” Brian adds, finally breaking the silence.

“Got it boss.” Mickey nods and disconnects the earbuds.

Taking a deep breath, he reloads all his guns and tucks them in his boots, waist band of his black cargo pants, the gun strap around his thighs and holds his sniper gun in his hands. He comes out of his hiding spot and looks around to make sure he has killed every single man on the floor he’s on. He reshoots those he believes to still be alive five more times before making his way to the top floor of the abandoned factory building to look for the boss of the Brutali Assassini gang, an Italian Mafia organization that moved to New York some months back. Brian, Mickey and the rest of the Los Demonios Del Cráneo organization have been keeping close tabs on them to make sure they don’t cross their boundaries. They had no plans of attacking them as long as they stayed in their lane. They did just that until some weeks back when they started getting ahead of themselves and trying to act like the new underworld bosses in New York. The Los Demonios Del Cráneo organization decided to take it upon themselves to show them all who the real boss of the underworld is. No one crosses the Black Dragon and gets away with it.

Mickey finally makes it to the top floor and stops in front of the shut door. He’s completely certain there are men waiting for him at the other side of the door with guns pointed at the door, ready to riddle him with bullets once he steps foot into the room. Unfortunately for them, he’s not that stupid. He looks around to look for another opening and finds a gaping hole where a window should have been. He grins and straps the sniper to his back before gripping the edge of the hole and jumps out. Now, he has just one hand on the edge of the hole and carefully manoeuvres his way to the other window leading to the room where the men are patiently waiting for him. Putting all his weight on his arm, he swings through the window, breaking the glass which brings the attention of the fifteen men pointing .32 guns at the door to him. He rolls and takes out the guns in his boots and starts to fire, not giving the men any chance to get over their shock of seeing him jump through the window. He doesn’t blame them though, only a maniac would have done that.

One of the men shoot at him but he jumps behind a dusty wooden desk just in time, the bullet missing him by an inch. He sighs in relief. *That was fücking close.* It’s too early for him to relax though, because the desk is being riddled with holes and the wood is falling off from the impact of the bullets.

He checks his gun and nods when he sees he has enough bullets for the men left. He cocks the gun and stands, shooting down three men before bending down for cover. Three more men down, four men left. He unstraps the sniper from his back and points it at the little hole that had been created on the desk from the bullets. He aims the gun at the legs of the men and pulls the trigger. The men fall to the floor with a shout of pain, blood oozing from the holes in their legs. Without wasting time, Mickey picks up his desert eagle gun and shoots the men in the head except one. Instead, he shoots the last one on his other leg.

“FÜCK!” The man yells as he grips his legs. “You fücking son of a bítch! I’ll fücking kill you for that, you hear me?!! I’ll make you pay for that! By the time I’m done with you, you’ll wish you had never been born!” The man grits.

“Say that again when your legs are functioning.” Mickey murmurs dryly. “Tell me something, where’s your boss?”

“Like I’ll answer that, fücking bastard.” He spits. “I’ll rather die than sell out my boss so go go rot in hell.”

“Loyal to the core, huh? I like that. I respect people who are loyal till their death but right now, I don’t really care for that. So I’ll ask one more time, where’s your boss?”

“Go. To. Hell.”

“You’re really gonna make do this, huh?” Mickey feigns a sad sigh and turns his back to the man as he pretends to be in a deep thought. Quietly, the man picks up his gun and aims it at Mickey. Without even sparing him a glance, Mickey shoots his hand which causes the man to drop the gun as he yells in pain.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” Mickey murmurs before turning back around to face him. “Tell me where your boss is and I’ll make your death less painful.”

The man goes quiet and doesn’t say a word. “I guess I already have my answer.” He walks slowly to the man and forcefully pulls him by his hair. He winces but that’s the only reaction he has. Mickey drags him across the room to where the desk is with the man’s hair, his blood trailing behind them.

“For the last time, where’s your boss?”

“Per il bene superiore.”

“I see.” Mickey cuts off a piece of the man’s clothing and shoves it in his mouth. “Would have loved to hear you scream and beg for mercy but your voice gets on my nerves. Truth is, I had plans of smashing your jaw on this table but that would have been too easy. I’m going to slowly torture you until you give in to the pain and tell me where your boss is hiding and what his plans are. Trust me, I have all freaking day and I can go on with this forever.” He takes out a small box from the inner pocket of his jacket and drops it on the table. He opens the box and in it are about twenty small sized injection needles with some kind of purple liquid. “You know what the purple liquid in this injection needles are used for? Once you pass out, all I need to do is drive the needle straight into your heart and in a matter of seconds, you’ll be wide awake to resume your torture.”

The man's eyes widen In fear. “How fast your torture ends depends on how soon you wish to speak. But I’ll rather you don’t speak yet because I want to enjoy every bit of this.” Mickey grins evilly and laughs like a crazed man on crack when the man’s face pales. “Shall we begin?” Mickey takes out a knife and brings it close to the man’s face.


Some minutes later, Mickey reconnects the ear buds and he’s met with various questions from the guys.

“Dude, where the FÜCK have you been?! You were supposed to give Giovanni and Luca your location so that they could cover you?!!” Brian growls in anger.

“I wanted to do it on my own.”

“This isn’t a one man job Mickey!”

“I know, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” Because I’ll be leaving soon. He doesn’t voice out the last part because he’s not ready to tell them yet, there really hasn’t been a right time to do so.

“It better not. What’s the update?”

“By the time I got to the top, the boss had escaped. He probably escaped with a chopper because that’s the only way plausible. But unfortunately for him, I know where he’s hiding and I’ll be going after him”. Before Brian gets to speak, he adds. “Alone.”

“You want to take down all his men yourself?!” Vincenzo asks in bewilderment.

“Are you fücking insane?!”

“Maybe.” Mickey shrugs. “See you guys later.” He adds and disconnects the ear buds once again.

Sighing, he looks back to check out his latest piece of art. Lying dead on the floor with his eyes wide open, staring at nothing is the man whose name he later found out to be Gianni. All his fingernails have been brutally ripped out, there are various knife cuts on his face and legs. Deep enough to cause severe pain but not deep enough to kill him, his nose is twisted at an odd angle, his lips are triple their normal sizes, five of his teeth are scattered around the floor, he has a swollen face and a broken jaw, his feet are bare and four of his toenails have also been brutally ripped off. All his fingers have been completely broken and his left leg is twisted at an angle that shouldn’t even be possible. All this occurred while he was still alive and all twenty of the injection needles are empty. Lastly, there’s a deep slash a across his neck which was what ended him.

“You endured well, Gianni but like others, you ended up giving in to the pain and spilling everything you know and even things that should be classified as TMI. See you in hell.” Mickey walks out of the room without a backward glance.