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Animal Bracelets

Animal Bracelets



My story is about a princess who goes to a new school and tries to fit in and when she does she gets bullied on the first day there and things don't go very well for her until she is given a bracelet that gives her powers and everything changes.

By howelin Mvunda

"Frankie! Wake up, It's your first day of school." said Mum

" Ok, Mum I'm coming! Come on Snoway let's go downstairs and say bye to the others because they are leaving at eight o'clock but we are a bit going later." said Frankie

Frankie jumped down the stairs as if she was a ballerina doing a grand jeté.

" when I got down stairs I saw Cody and all my sisters running up to me as if I was a popular girl. I was happy in my old school but now I have to go to this new school because my sisters and my friend Cody go there. But I'm so happy that I am going to the same school that my friend Cody goes to and what will I so without my friend Cody." said Frankie

" Frankie get ready to have a bath and hurry! You don't want to be late for your first day of school do you!" said Mum

" No Mum I'm going to bath now. Come on Snoway let's go and get ready to have a bath." said Frankie

"Honey where is Frankie, she's going to be late for her first day of school." said Dad

"She is just taking a bath right now sweetieso try and be a bit patient with her ok. You know that it's her first day of school and she is a bit worried and stressed right now. So try and be a bit calm and easy with her ok." said Mum

"Ok I will try and be a bit patient with her ok and because I love you." said Dad smiling at his beautiful wife as she gave him a hug." said Dad

" Snowy what should I wear I'm so confused, I am so stressed and it's my first day of school and I'm going to mess up and people are going to think that I'm a weirdo or they might think I'm stupid or something and what if my crush doesn't like me back. What if I don't get any friends and they think I'm a weirdo kid or,or what will happen. " said Frankie all scared, stressed and confused as if she was a person who doesn't know which direction or path to take.

"Frankie! ! ! You need to calm down your stressing out to much you need to take a deep breath and relax and forget all about your worries and think about something else ok." said Snowy trying to calm Frankie down as much as she could.

" Okay I will try to calm down and relax ok Snowy and also I will pick out something for you to wear today is that ok with you?" said Frankie

" yeah, I'm fine with that. But can you please choose something blue for me to wear if that's okay with you," said Snowy all happy that Frankie has stopped worring and her work actually paid of for once.

"Do you want to wear blue and white dress with dimonds with the blue tiara on or do you want the one that has lots of layers underneath it with the blue tiara." said Frankie

" I don't which on wrote choose there both pretty and cool looking but I know I can't wear both of them at the same the same time though. That'sa shame though isn't it. Anyway I choose to wear the dress that has dimonds on it with the with the blue tiara and for you I think you should wear the same dress as me so that we can look like we're twinsies," said Snowy happily as if she was giving someone a Christmaspresent that they deserved.

Frankie put on the dress as if her Mum or Dad got her a new dress for her birthday. When they both finished dressing they both sat on the handrail and slide all the way down to where the stairs stopped. The rest of the story is coming soon.