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Smitten by Smith

Smitten by Smith



"I'm sorry " she turned her gaze from his eyes, knowing that if she looked at them for a second longer the tears would fall from her eyes."Don't go " he pleaded, his eyes appeared misty, his shoulders drooped in defeat, he was desperate for her to stay with him."I have to " she whispered, her voice shaky and weak.It did not have to be this way, all she had to do was to take care of his kids, she wasn't supposed to fall in love and she most definitely wasn't supposed to leave his home with a broken heart.

The young twenty two year old stared up at her new studio apartment.

She withdrew some of the money she was able to obtain from her late mother to pay the rent.

She looked to the side, where the tanned man who claimed to be her new neighbour stood.

He was struggling to lift the two boxes he had piled atop each other.

He was well built, and he was only in a tank and sweatpants.

He offered to help her pack whilst she opted to sit and watch.

She'd had a long day, all she wanted to do at the moment was to go to sleep.

She let out a stifled yawn and got up, she stepped into the house for the first time.

It had no furniture in it, pale blue walls and the brown and cream sofa she just got in it.

She made a reminder to get a couple of other things, probably a television or some video game.

She looked around the almost empty apartment in disappointment, it was worth a lot less than the money she paid for it, she needed to make a few renovations to it. The house was beat down, almost dilapidated even, scratch that, she needed to make a lot of renovations to it.

That was going to cost her a lot of money, which was why she needed to get a job before the end of that month.

Her options were, renovate the scraggly old apartment or live there for a month and get a new place.

Edward Crawford, her new neighbour made his way back to her living room.

"Umm, I have all your boxes over there by the corner " he paused turning to the left side of my living room, the way he looked in my small sized apartment was almost comical.

He towered over her easily, with his 6ft3 height and his tan broad shoulders.

She almost looked like a child next to him, and the fact that she had the height of a thirteen year old made things worse.

Her face was another problem, she always complained about how chubby and rosy her cheeks were, she had a problem with her eyelashes too, she hated how they always prodded her eyes each time she blinked,

She loved her eyes though, they had this shade of blue that she hadn't seen on anyone else. She liked to think they made her unique.

But her lips,

Oh her lips, she hated how full they were, they always drew attention to her as they were an odd contrast to her pale skin, her nose was perfect as well as her eyebrows, they were rightly arched, and her...

"Skylar.." Edward's deep voice echoed in the almost deserted apartment pulling her out of her reverie.

"Yes?" she arched her left brow trying to conceal the fact that she hadn't been paying attention to him all along.

"I asked if you wanted to come over to my house for some lemonade " he briefed with a warm smile on his face.


"I'd like that very much, thank you " she smiled at him.

Edward seemed like a nice guy so they'd probably be no harm in going along with him.

They made their way to Ed's

well furnished apartment where he led her to his medium sized kitchen.

She took a long glance around the kitchen from the door as she was a little hesitant to step in.

"You can come in you know " he stated as he looked got up from his kneeling position next to the refrigerator.

He brought out some of the ice and doused it into the cups of lemonade.

He did all this while staring at her causing a blush to appear on her cheeks.

He on the other hand loved how easy it was for her to get flustered.

He thought it was cute how she easily blushed.

She hadn't gotten this sort of attention from anyone in years.

"I—i forgot to ask, how did y—you " she stuttered.

It was sort of weird how he knew that she was here so quick.

Usually it would take a person a long time to discover that they had a new neighbour, except they spent their entire day looking out the window.

"I saw your car outside and that house hadn't been occupied in a long time so, I thought I'd check it out "

He shrugged

She loved how she didn't have to complete her entire sentence, he seemed like the type of person she'd love to have a conversation with.

"Oh" she said.

She then thought of how awkward it would be if she just stopped talking so she opted to continue talking.

"Why if I might ask " she continued

"Well, the building isn't exactly ...." he trailed off, although he knew the right words to use, he did not want to come off as rude, and he didn't want to offend the pretty lady he had recently become acquainted with.

"Yeah I know " she merely giggled.

She stopped when she noticed him staring intently at her.

Mostly her eyes.

He loved the way they sparkled when she found something amusing.

She felt a bit awkward as her laugh started to fade.

She was sporting a frown as she looked away from him.

She didn't like how socially awkward she was.

He cleared his throat now noticing the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"So, why are you here?" he asked

This was the question she dreaded the most.

She thought of a way she'd put it that she didn't have to mention her past.

It wasn't something she could talk about without getting emotional.

Which was why she chose to stay away from people.

"Err, umm

I recently just graduated from college so I'm here to get a job "

Now that she thought about it, it wasn't that hard to reply him, she just had to leave out some parts.

"That's cool " he smiled.

"I graduated two years ago, I work as a lawyer and i managed to get this place for myself too" he smiled.

She managed to let out the full blown grin she had been holding back since.

She found it adorable when he made hand gestures while he talked.

"What's so funny " he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Nothing" she said, taking a sip of the lemonade he had made her.

"C'mon, tell me" he pressed.

"Nope,besides it's not that important " she twiddled her fingers.

It was something she did when she was put on the spot.

She hated the attention he gave her as much as she loved it.

"If you say so"