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De-crowning The Kings

De-crowning The Kings



Ellie Wilson aims and hopes to remove her school's unfair social separation. But she can't do that without messing with Brantford high school's bad boys. Phoenix Mason Ash and Jake Paul. [Read to find out what happens and check out my Wattpad account: @Shmittylove_ and Instagram account:@imantayy_] ~ONGOING~

  ~De-crowning The Kings~

  ~All Rights Reserved~

  ~© 2020 Sweetcandywrapper~



  Ellie's POV

  "Could Ms. Ellie Wilson please come to the principal's office—right now." The class intercom rings.

  The entire class turns around and stares at me. I smirk knowingly, get up from my chair, and make my way to the front of the class and out the door.

  I take my time walking, making sure I piss off the principle even more. While doing so, I take the time to admire the school hallway. Usually this place is crowded with so many students, so you don't really get see the beauty of the school.

  Thinking of a really good idea, I momentarily stop at my locker and grab my car keys—tossing them in the air and catching them with ease.

  Stuffing the keys in my pocket, I make my way to the principal's office and knock on the door.

  Hearing a very quiet "Come in." I open the door and plop myself onto one of the chairs in front of Mr. Stevens, Brantford Highschool's Principle.

  Looking at him and raising my left brow, I urge him to speak.

  "So," Mr. Stevens begins, "I've been hearing about certain events that have occurred during this past month regarding, well—your behaviour." Mr Stevens implies.

  "What about my behaviour, Rodney?" I decide to address him by his first name.

  Mr. Stevens turns a bright red and tries to loosen up the tie around his awfully swollen neck.

  "A-ahm, a lot of teachers have been complaining about how base you've become."

  I throw my head back, laughing un-enthusiastically. "You mean wretched—right?" I say, making my voice sound deep and hollow.

  Mr. Stevens gulps and looks down at a piece of paper on his desk.

  "Back chat, excessive amount of late submission, chewing of gum." Mr. Stevens begins reading. "Damaging of school property and disrespect."

  "Really—Rodney? Really?" I ask in disbelief.

  Mr. Stevens clears his throat once again, "You have to understand Ms. Wilson. You went from perfect grades to grades worse than Billy Devon in class C. Your behaviour and attitude towards teachers is, well, very repulsive. Are you having problems—at home? Are your parents getting a divorce maybe?"

  I keep my face emotionless but shit myself over and over again in the inside.

  I have never been in so much trouble before.

  Holy shit—they are probably going to phone my parents.

  What was I thinking? Chewing plastic that releases harmful digestive acids in my body? Real smart Ellie.

  "I do not re-call any of those specific events, but I promise never to do what I just said I didn't do again." I say hurriedly and get up from the really uncomfortable chair.

  Talk about a tongue twister.

  Mr. Stevens nods his head wearily, "No one is being called in, but you will have to face some consequence for your despicable actions—detention, today after school. Be there at three o'clock sharp." Mr. Stevens says whilst handing me a detention slip with my name on it.

  Forcing a smile onto my face I stuff the slip into my jean pocket, "Detention, perfect."


  "I still can't believe you, Ellie Bella Wilso,n, got detention." My best-friend Amy laughs and mocks me at the same time.

  "This is not funny Amy." I hiss at her quietly. "What am I going to tell my parents?" I question.

  After my little encounter with the principle and getting detention, I had one more lesson left to go before lunch time.

  My best-friend, Amy and I, usually go to a little diner close to the school. Seeing as we are Seniors this year at Brantford Highschool, we are allowed to leave the school premises for lunch.

  "Well, isn't this what you wanted?" Amy questions.

  "What we wanted." I rephrase and correct her and Amy nods smiling, showing all her pearly whites.

  The Outcasts and Preces, two groups separating Brantford Highschool. I'm guessing you can tell which group is favoured the most by just looking at the names.

  "Guess who just literally walked in right now?" Amy squeaks besides me.

  I look at the direction she is facing, and my grey blue-ish orbs zoom onto two approaching figures.

  "Pinch me, because that cannot be Phoenix Ash and Jake Paul walking into this diner." Amy states again.

  Calming down and rolling my eyes at Amy's over reaction, I continue looking at the menu that is in front of me.

  "Aren't you going say something—do something." Amy persists.

  "Chicken Alfredo, that sounds nice don't you think? Or is it a bit to heavy for lunch—although, I will be staying for detention so it shouldn't be that bad. You know me, always trying to look for a good and reasonable explanation to eat a lot of food, even when I don't need it." I blabber avoiding Amy's question.

  Amy begins nudging me with her elbow on my side. "Did you not hear what I said? Phoenix fricking Ash and Jake fricking Paul just walked in."

  I chuckle lightly, "I heard what you said, almost gave me a heart attack too. But they came here for lunch, you made it seem like they were headed in our direction. And, there's no need to whisper—you do know that they are three tables ahead from us right?"

  Amy playfully grumbles, "Smart mouth."

  Laughing whole heartedly, we both order Chicken Alfredo.

  A girl gets what she wants right? If my hair wasn't in a ponytail, I would have flipped it over my shoulder.

  As we wait for our order, Amy and I talk about everything and anything. I feel so free when I'm around her, it feels like every time I am with her, she always has this refreshing vibe about her.

  A waiter soon comes with two plates in his hands and puts one down in front of both of us and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

  "Sorry, but this isn't what we ordered." I state.

  "Yeah, we ordered two Chicken Alfredo's." Amy adds on.

  The waiter smiles at us politely, "Indeed these aren't your meals, but we will still bring your orders."

  I nod my head and make a mental note to eat both meals.

  "But," the waiter continues, "Those two lovely gentlemen over there, requested we prepare some BLTS' for the two of you." The waiter says whilst pointing at two high school schoolers, sitting three tables away from us.


  Hey all you beautiful people, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of DTK

De-crowning The Kings

. Please don't forget to vote and comment so that I can do a shout out and advertise your book here. What are your thoughts on Ellie so far? Why is she so terrified of getting detention when she is acting like this badass chic? What do Phoenix and Jake want? Honestly if someone where to buy me free food I would definitely hear them out. Once again, please don't forget to drop a comment and send in those pictures or whatever, so that I can put them up by the next update which will be tomorrow.