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One Night With My Soon-To-Be Ex-Husband

One Night With My Soon-To-Be Ex-Husband



Feather has been married for three years…But she never met her husband. Never even spoke to him. Aaron Welsh chose to leave the country the night of their wedding without a word, abandoning his new wife, broken and alone. Three years later, they meet for the first time, but it happens in bed. He thinks she purposely drugged him to lure him as a gold digger, while she is compelled to endure the wrath of a ruthless tyrant. Before all this, Aaron’s plan was to divorce his estranged wife that was forced upon him by his grandfather but after meeting Feather, there’s no way he’s going to let her go. She thought their absurd marriage would end with that absurd one-night stand, but what if Aaron tears up the divorce papers and begs her to return to his side? No matter what, Feather is determined: she refuses to remarry a man who never treated her right. If he wants her back, he’s going to have to prove himself to be worthy of her attention, billionaire or not!

Feather stepped inside the luxurious hotel’s suite and soon realized that her husband was taking a shower.

As she stepped into his bedroom with the tea she was asked to bring to him, she heard the sound of water running in the bathroom and her heart skipped a few beats. God, she still couldn’t believe that her husband was in there…The man she was married to for better and worse…And who she never met before.

She struggled to move thinking about how insane her life had become ever since that wedding day. Aaron Welsh was one of the most sought after bachelors in Britain and she was the lucky girl who finally managed to get his ring.

Or at least…That’s how everyone else seemed to view it. She personally didn’t feel very lucky because her husband abandoned her on their wedding night and never looked back. He didn’t even take the opportunity to get to know her a little before he jumped on the first flight and left for New York.

Now, after three long years, he was back in London and Feather couldn’t help but wonder why, or what it meant for her. Did he even remember that he had a wife?


If it was up to her alone, she’d never have walked into that hotel suite to meet him but her father insisted. He said now was the perfect time to finally get acquainted with Aaron and that she should bring him some tea to lighten the atmosphere.


Feather didn’t understand why she was the one who should make all these efforts when the bastard hadn’t even called her once in all his years abroad.

As the fury started to build within her, she quickly changed her mind. No, She wasn’t going to lower herself and lose her dignity in front of him. She wasn’t going to serve him tea or get to know him. If he really wanted to know his wife, it was up to him to make the first step.

Feather was about to turn around and leave when suddenly, the bathroom’s door opened.

She became frozen in place, her eyes wide open as Aaron stepped out of there, wearing only a towel loosely tied around his hips. Fog was coming out of the bathroom and the man’s skin was still covered with droplets of water. He raised his hand to push back the dark and wet strands of hair covering his face and Feather found herself looking into the electric blue eyes of her husband.

God, he was handsome…

Of course, she knew what Aaron Welsh looked like already. The famous multi-billionaire entrepreneur was known for owning the most prominent companies in Britain and for being quite influencing. Pictures of him flooded the internet but it’s only when you had him right in front of you that you could experience exactly how handsome he really was.

For a moment, Feather even forgot how to breathe, too lost in that pair of striking blue eyes but soon enough, the magic was gone. She noticed the cold aura surrounding him and his jaw clenched slightly.

“Who the fuck are you?” He asked, taking a few steps closer.

Feather’s mouth fell open as his abs and biceps flexed with each step he took. She couldn’t help but check him out and unfortunately, he noticed. An arrogant smile took over his face while her cheeks were turning redder by the second.


The tea container she holding shook in her hands. Feather quickly walked to the nightstand and put it there, right next to the large bed. Then, she turned to face Aaron again, her arms formally drawn in front of her.

“S-sorry for barging in…I just came to bring you some special green tea. I hope you don’t mind…It will give you a little more energy after the exhausting trip you surely had.”


Feather nodded. Aaron took another step to get closer to her. Soon enough, he was near that she could smell his shampoo and God, his scent was so masculine…Feather felt weak on her knees. She waited anxiously, wondering what his next move was going to be. She didn’t dare to raise her head and look him straight in the eyes. After a short moment of silence, he finally decided to speak again.

“Well, thank you. You can leave now and come back in the morning to clean up the room. Right now, I’m tired and I don’t want to see anyone.”

“…E-excuse me?”

She blinked a few times, shocked by what she just heard. This guy…He didn’t even know who she was, did he? He didn’t know what his wife looked like and thought that she was some dumb hotel maid…Feather was completely shocked.

“What are you still doing here?” He added in a harsh tone. “Go on.”

Tears started to fill her eyes. She turned around, angry and ashamed. Her angry steps took her out of the room and she closed the door harshly after herself. Never has she felt more humiliated in her life. She just wanted to throw herself off of a cliff or something.

This marriage was a joke. If her husband didn’t even know what she looked like, what was the point of remaining married to him? All she wanted to do now was find her father and say to him that she wanted a divorce

She should have never saved Aaron’s grandfather that night…He got involved in a car accident and she happened to be around. Her humanity told her to call 999 and save the dying man’s life but the consequences that rose after that were terrible for her…

At the time, her family was going through a bankruptcy. When Aaron’s grandfather recovered from his injuries, he paid off all of their debts and gave Feather’s father a large sum of money. He also offered that she marry his grandson and like a fool, Feather let her father encourage her to accept, which is how she found herself in this situation, tied to a man that didn’t even care to know what she looked like.

She deserved so much better.

As she was about to stroll down the hallway, the door to Aaron’s suite suddenly opened again and the man grabbed her by the arm.


Quickly, he dragged her back inside and slammed Feather against the door, his body literally sitting over hers. She looked up to find him seemingly furious, his eyes sending daggers. His grip became tighter and more painful around her wrist.

“What did you put in my tea, little bitch?” He yelled.


He looked down and Feather was tempted to follow his gaze. Her eyes widen when she realized that there is a huge bulge inside the joggings he wore. Their eyes locked again.

“You put Viagra in that drink, didn’t you?” He snarled.

“What? No, of course not…I didn’t…”

“Yes, you did and you’re going to pay for this. I’ll teach how a little whore like you should be treated. You wanted my attention, right? Well, now you’ve got it.”

“I don’t…Ah!”

Before she could say or do anything more, Aaron threw her over his shoulder and took her to his king sized bed. Her screams were so loud but she doubted anyone would come to save her. Unfortunately, the walls of this hotel were soundproof to give maximum privacy to its guests and even if someone heard, they wouldn’t dare to come and stop Aaron Welsh from doing whatever he wanted to her.

He was more powerful than the king in London and alongside his position of influence, he also had a lot of physical strength.

Feather tried to fight him off to no avail. He pinned her to the bed and started ripping off her clothes, starting with her blouse and bra. She cried and screamed, covering her breast as he started to remove her jeans.

“You wanted this.” She heard him grunt under his breath. “I’m only giving you what you’ve been asking for.”

Feather couldn’t stop him. Aaron stripped her naked, only leaving her panty. He pushed it to the side and quickly, slid his girth inside her. The shock was so strong that Feather stopped breathing, her eyes wide as she started to feel as if something just tore her in half.

Her nails dug into the skin of his torso, leaving red angry marks. She glared at him through her tears, broken and in pain. Aaron didn’t even notice. His hand wrapped around her neck and he made pressure, but not enough to actually suffocate her. His moves inside her became harder, angrier, as if he wished to hurt her in the worst way possible…And actually, he was doing a pretty good job at that.

It was all pain, no pleasure…At least not for Feather. Aaron on the other hand was grunting in pure ecstasy and she could tell that he was enjoying this. She let out a scream when he increased yet again his speed…Feather was certain that she wouldn’t be able to handle this torture for long.

She hit him several times but her fists were weak. In the end, her body lost all its strength and her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she lost consciousness, tortured by the pain of being taken so violently.

Several hours passed and when she woke up again, it was already morning. She found Aaron standing in front of her, still wearing his joggings, shirtless. Suddenly, he slapped her with a handful of dollar bills. Feather was still in a state of shock and didn’t know how to react to this attack or to the disgusted glare her so-called husband was giving her.

“That’s for last night…You made a great fuck; I have to admit that, at least.”

He let out a mocking laugh. At the same time, his phone began to ring. He grabbed it and walked to the window to respond:

“Yeah?...Yeah I’m back and I haven’t changed my mind. I want you to give her those divorce papers.”

Feather’s heart skipped a beat. She slowly got out of bed after pushing away the money Aaron had thrown on her. Her legs were shaking and her vagina was on fire. It was no surprise when she found a trail of dried blood running down her inner thighs as she was picking up her clothes on the ground. At the same time, she kept listening to what Aaron was saying:

“I don’t care what it takes but you better get her to sign them…Well, if she refuses, you give the papers to her father. He’ll know how to convince his daughter.”

She couldn’t believe it…

Tears pooled in her eyes again and she bit her lower lip in rage. Not only had this man raped her but he was about to divorce her as well, without even knowing that she was his wife… Never could she have imagined that Aaron Welsh was this cruel.

Feather stormed out of the bedroom as fast as she could, covering her naked body with her torn clothes…She hoped she wouldn’t run into anyone in those hallways. As soon as she was out, a call came through her phone. It was from an unknown number but no doubts…It was certainly Aaron’s lawyer, calling about the divorce. Feather chose to not reply and just ran as quickly as she could to get into one of the public bathrooms of the hotel. She had to get dressed and get out of there quickly before losing her mind.

After his call, Aaron turned to the bed, expecting to still find that dumb maid there but instead, he was met with empty sheets. The money he’d given her was still there. She hadn’t even touched it…Weird.

Truthfully, he wanted to take one last good look at her before she left. She was definitely lucky to have a pretty face and a banging body. Those innocent brown eyes had almost fooled him but Aaron had met his fair share of gold diggers and this one was no different. She only cared about his money and that’s why she put Viagra into his tea last night. Hopefully, he’d taught her a good lesson by banging her harder than she could handle.

The only weird thing though, was that she actually left without taking any money from him…Uhm. Aaron was a little surprised about that. Should he ask his secretary to look into her identity?


No need. She’s not worth his attention anyway and Aaron had more important things to take care of…Like getting rid of his parasite wife whom he never wanted to marry in the first place.