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The Kidnapped Treasure

The Kidnapped Treasure

Penulis:Jennifer Leela


Monicah Cruz was kidnapped at the age of six and lived in an underground base until she was twenty years old. One day she overheard the conversation of the kidnappers; She was the daughter of the president; But who was the president? In her mind she has drawn a perfect plan to escape, will she find her roots and origin?

Not again..! I signed inwardly as the same irritating love making sounds came from the corridor meters away from my room.

Forcibly, i covered both my hands to my ears trying to prevent this noise from getting into me. my mood this morning wont be provoked by them ever again .

"Its always her, my senior and the leader of all the women here."

"Leah Omar".

shamelessly she shouted in pleasure and pain on top of her lungs not minding to keep it low dispite knowing my room was just metres away.

In this basement, our base godfather is a one sided man , to him only those capable and smart enough to go through their assigned missions successfully have the right to do whatever they want.

Wether it's the wrong or the Wright thing to do, to him they are always right.

Thus not every one was lucky enough to

earn privileges of the sort from this organization.

"Leah Omar and Bruno Owana " this two were considered the best in the organization.

For the records non of them has failed in their missions for the last ten years, thus gaining an upper hand of doing whatever they wanted in this organization.

Left with no other choice, i got used to this irritating groanes and morns every day.

Honestly it's not like I had any choice, it's been Twelve years of my existence in this underground organization and not even a single successfully mission was under my record.

To make it more clear out of the thousands of us in here, am the oldest with the wost record.

To keep my staying here peaceful, I have learnt to ignore them and silence my voice avoiding troubles of every kind.

Leah Omar on the other hand, had a point to prove.

She must find a way to provoke me and start a fight.

"It might be a good thing to consider fighting her back to show her my strength," but that's not my priority right now.

Like every other day, I dint give in to her provocation.

Ignoring them, I drifted my mind back to something

Much important at this moment.

The few memories I have left about my real identity.

It's been fourteen years since i found myself in this basement organization, here we are all trained to be assassin.

When i was six years old, my parents decided to send my adopted elder brother to a boarding school abroad.

Few days after their departure, our house cought fire and my ill fortune's began.

That night unfortunately my body was seriously injured. That fire left so many scars on my body, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Being initiated into a deadly organization like this without your way out is more tramatizing and it damages ones mental, physical and emotional health. The pain you go through every now and then breaks and destroys you to become someone you never dreamt off.

To add to the pain, this place turns you into a monster through the torture your body goes through and the lies they feed your head against the outside world.

Everyone must undergo serious of surgeries and electric shocks that erased most of your memories.

Physically torture and emotional blackmail just for you to believe in the biggest lies of life as the truth.

luckily for me dispite it all, I have my way of feigning dumb and turning the situations around me to my favour.

While still in a daze, my door was knocked open and a bucket of cold water came knocking me off my senses.

A shiver followed and I lost my voice completely.

Whhh...aa...ts that for?

I complained trying to catch my breath and stabilize my thoughts.

"Ooooh!!, so you are awake ahhh!

Leah Omar mocked with a mischievous grin.

"It's been a while since you open that gutta you call mouth to tell us to keep it low..."

I was wondering if the cat cought you tongue or you are still playing stupid and innocent, Ahhh!

"Oooh...not again..I didn't fall for her trap earlier, now she is here for me"

As her grin grew bigger and scarier, I tried to act composed and not scared but....

With every word she uttered, she was making a step closer to me , closing our distance.

Her eyes were fixed on mine and I wondered what she was upto this early morning.

With no room to escape I continued to act dumb and unaffected by her words, while inwardly I was making our heavenly fathers prayer

"that no evil might befall me today."

Immediately she closed our gap, she used her left hand to hold my chin while her right hand brought the empty bucket closer to my face.

Before I could sermon the courage to dodge her attack...

Pewww!...the backet covered my face and she tried to further press it harder on me.

I felt the painful sensetion flowing deep within me as I tried so had to hold my breathe.

"She was still trying to break me to fight back but i won't give in.

while still struggling she noticed I wasn't fighting back but only trying to stabilize my breath, she then gave me a hard knock, the backet still covering my vision. Then using both her legs , she jumped on me pushing me off my bed down to the flow. I fell flat my bat hitting the flow hard.. the backet went flying with me causing more pain on my head and neck.

"I refused to cry, not now...I reminded myself.'

A painful grown escaped my mouth, I was panting so hard at the same time trying to stabilize my breathe.

I knew her motive, so I dint raise my head as a sign of surrender and submission.

I won't fall for her tricks, I pushed my threatening tears back.

When I finally cought my breathe, I looked up and so she hard a satisfactory grin on her face.

"Good girl! she smiked, I think you still know your place...neve ever challenge me if you still value your life."

When I didn't say anything she turned back and left my room as if nothing happened.

I closed my eyes again, I took a long deep breath and reminded myself...

"Monna you are better than her, just one faithful day all this will end".

Summoning my remaining courage and dignity, "even though I wasn't sure if I still had any"

I lifted my painful body from the ground and moved towards my wall clock.

I checked the time and noticed I still had fifty minutes before todays training .

I quickly begun to clean my room, I changed the bed sheet, dried the water on the flow and hurriedly took my bath.

The uniforms for this organization were in form of sports wear but not the same design for all the students.

we were divided into two groups.

The first group is the special and best group known as "SB" there colour is red.

While the next group was the baby growns know as the "BG" there colour is dark green.

Leah Omar was in the SB group since she has commenced on several missions and she came out successfully,

While I, on the other hand am on the BG, since dispite my long stay in this organization, I haven't been assigned any mission.

As I take my dark green fitting sport overall, with a big encryption of BG with its full meaning, my mind drifts back to what holds my hope of getting out of this place soon.

Monica Cruz.

" I remembered when i came out of coma at the age of seven, i dint have any memories on me or

knew anything about my parents or my past life. My life was so hard and miserable, i was still a child with not much knowledge of the outside world, but dispite that, i was drugged and torchured in this basement every day being trained to be an assassin.

my health was not in any good condition.

After the fire incident that almost took my life, my recovery from my burns and my scars took too long to heal.

Even at that, everyday it was mandatory to attend all trainings .

Being an assassin is like signing your own death sentence . I knew I didn't choose this kind of life for myself, neither did my birth parents wished a life like this for me, but with hope of getting through this a live, I swallowed all my pains every moment.

It wasn't that easy, most times my scars would reopen again and I would be put under observation for some days, then the training would continue.

Due to the frequent reopening of my wounds, my body took longer to heal. That's why, of all the old people here , am the only one who hasn't gone for any mission till date.

As a result of this,insults and maltreatment arouse not only from leah Omar who come few years after me, but even the youngest that accomplished one or two missions.

Two days ago, i accidentally overheard from Bruno Owana and Leah Omar wispering that my first mission will commence after two month.


"I was going to kill the president.


"The president?".

From the moment i was brought in this basement, i have undergone series of trainings but not once was i given an assignment.

All my college's in this organization have been assigned but i have never been singled out.

How could my first mission be to eleminate the president?.

I was running out of patience and my time felt limited.

From the age of ten i have been drawing my own escape plan and my time to leave was almost due.

At this moment i can't afford to back out.

If i wait until am officially assigned to kill the president then my life is over.

No one who fails to accomplish the mission given to them comes back alive.

I have never left this basement from the moment i came in here, and I can't vividly remember how the outside world looks like.

Now i have been assigned?.

"My biggest fear, the worries unknown. "


Nany Celestine pur

In this underground organization everone of us is drugged and intoxicated the moment we're brought to this place and all our past memories are either erased partially or permanently .

This all depends with your background, if you are poor like me and you come from the streets with no family of your own the chances for your memory loose is slightly small thus partial memory loss .

Unlikely if you are assigned like I was to the president's family to initiate a member into the organization, then you must ensure the person goes through emotional damage and physical torture before they get to permanent memory loss.

such individuals in most cases, become wild, heartless and void of any pain from those surrounding them.

Making it easier for them to destroy their own families or the people they love without any conscious.

"Just like my small monna would be killing Her father...... The president."

Those of you who are not acquitted with me, my name is Celestine pur, am a member of the underground organization. I grew up as as orphan.

I too am part of this organization .

I was initiated in at the age of four so most likely I have no memory of my heritage.

Ben Peruz the father of this organization is my elder brother, we both grew up on the streets and for some reasons, we have old scores to settle with the president.

That's the main reason I got close to his family and got employed as a nany for little monna.....

Monica Cruz

As my memories kept replying, i also remembered one day when i was twelve years old, i heard my basement godfather Ben Peruz say that my Nani Celestine pur hard come over.

From then onwards i came to the realization that my being in this basement was part of the plan that my loving Nani Celestine pur was involved in.

I must find a way to escape as soon as possible, now iam twenty years old and my base godfather Ben Peruz who has personally trained me and protected me from all the sex perverts in this place, will expect me to take on my first mission.

How can i kill the president?

I pessed up and down in my cube like a room, not knowing what to do.

In this basement no one can tell weather it was day time or night. Those living here have four hours to sleep and twenty hours for training.

Listening to the silence in the basement, I could gase that most of my college's were asleep, only few would be awake preparing to leave for missions or those on duty to guard the organization.

Sleep has evaded my eyes for two nights now.

As my mind wonder i remember my best friend gracie who was killed by my base godfather for failing in her mission and now am all alone trying to figure out how to escape before my mission day.

While am in a daze, a knock came from the door, i quickly rushed to open the door before it was smashed down and i would receive a punishment of ten lashes.

In this place no one was sermoned twice, and every single mistake is punished.

If you door is knocked you only have one minute to open or else it will be smashed down and you will be flogged ten lashes on the spot. Therefore being on guard and alert was the key for servival here.