
Mari Baca dan Kenali Dunia Baru

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For You

For You

Penulis:Misty Dawn


A young intern is assigned to the company's most intense and driven employee, Dani Lovelace. Dani typically refuses interns but has no choice when her superiors made the arrangement. Neither Dani nor her intern Brooke had any idea just how involved their relationship would become. They do their best to maintain a professional relationship, which grows into a platonic partnership, before they finally give into their true desires and feelings.

  Chapter 1


  I heard my door open behind me without a knock which meant it was Marisala.

  ‘It's too early.’

  Marisala: ‘You're about to love me then.’

  ‘What have you done now?’

  Marisala: ‘Not me. All I did was walk by human resources at the right time. You will be getting an intern today.’

  ‘I don't do interns. Everyone knows that.’

  I turned around wearing an unamused face.

  Marisala: ‘Now you do, not negotiable, it came all the way from the top.’

  ‘Are you fucking serious? I don't have time to teach a child how to not be a waste of time! I work with professionals!’

  I felt my face getting warm as it filled with blood.

  Marisala: ‘Well I don't know about professional, but she's hot as hell.’

  I rolled my eyes as she teased.

  Marisala: ‘She was about to get her badge when I walked by. I'm guessing she'll be up here soon, but I have to run so I can jump on a conference call. I just wanted to give you a heads up. Let me know how it goes.’

  I nodded and sighed as she left.

  There was a smaller desk in my office that had been vacant for years since I refused to take on an intern after one cost the company a quarter of a million dollars under my watch.

  I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt how good I was.

  When I was an intern I learned quickly, did more than I was asked, and saved the company millions reviewing a contract that had passed through many of my superiors desks.

  I loved my work everyday, but I have never had much patience.

  My life was about structure, order, and efficiency, not teaching it.

  If someone wasn't useful to me, I had no need for them.

  Despite sounding like a bitch I really wasn't, I just didn't like to stray from my way of doing things.

  I called my mom regularly, donated to various charities, and all the cliche good deeds.

  I cleaned the smaller desk off so I could place things where I wanted.

  As I put away the last few things there was a knock at my door.

  I sat at my desk and took a deep breath.

  ‘Come in.’

  A girl slowly entered the room with a large energy drink and confirmed that Marisala was correct.

  She was hot as hell, wearing a colorful skirt with a tight black shirt.

  ‘Come sit.’

  I nodded to the chairs in front of my desk.

  Brooke: ‘Yes Ma'am, I'm...’

  ‘My intern, the first intern I have had in years because I have refused to take anyone else on. Interns are basically students and if I wanted to be a teacher I would take the pay cut and become one. I don't know why my superiors have suddenly decided to dishonor my wishes, but I see no reason to hide my dissatisfaction with the situation. I prefer being up front and honest without social games. Can you handle that?’

  Brooke: ‘Yes Ma'am, no games.’

  ‘Don't take my distaste for you working with me personally. If I'm not able to have you placed elsewhere you'll learn I'm very particular. I went through several assistants before deciding that I was better off on my own. I would rather take on extra work and know it's done correctly than suffer through the incompetence of others.’

  Brooke: ‘Yes Ma'am, I'm sorry you didn't want me working with you.’

  ‘Don't be. Unless you requested the position you've done nothing to be sorry for. I don't waste time placing blame when it's unnecessary.’

  Brooke: ‘So what would you like me to do?’

  I walked over to the smaller desk and patted it to signal her to follow.

  She say down looking nervous.

  ‘If you stay with me this will be your desk. I would wait until tomorrow before leaving anything, but if you'll be staying feel free to make it yours. I don't mind a personal photo or two, but keep in mind billions of dollars are made and spent in this building. I don't want to see a picture of you and your friends drunk and half naked. Understood?’

  Brooke: ‘Yes Ma'am.’

  ‘I haven't had time to really consider what your obligations will be since I just found out you would be joining me this morning, genuinely moments before you arrived. I can tell you that I do not like sloppy work and when I give you a task I expect it to be done correctly. If you doubt your ability to do that I would rather you say so then present me with something less than satisfactory.’

  Brooke: ‘Yes Ma'am.’

  ‘You know energy drinks are horrible for you don't you?’

  Brooke: ‘I do, but I was up late.’

  ‘If we're gonna be stuck together I only want you to rely on caffeine when I've sent you home with a full night of research. This is a demanding business and you need to maintain a schedule that allows you to have the appropriate amount of rest to perform your task without running on that trash.’

  Brooke: ‘Yes Ma'am. I ummm, I'm sorry?’