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Hyper Active Mummy Full Of Hatred

Hyper Active Mummy Full Of Hatred

Penulis:C 10


"So long as I am in this industry, i will make it my sole calling to do away with trash like you". Well well well ster your mum is back in action, I am so lucky to be her assistant if not I don't think I will be able to survive such treatment" ster glaced at Ayo " obviously you are not a man that's the main reason for you employment" Ayo was stupified"what do you mean am a man, the doctor in charge of my delivery confirmed it" " Well then the doctor must be blind"ster replied. Jecolia looked straight into the eyes of Eugene" see you in court,I hope you will be able to provide the evidence that will permit you to claim my kids".

Everywhere was quite "what's going on" the rookie asked! " You don't know? Well the witch is hear" the rookie quickly left the place as fast as sonic.

Jecolia dressed in a fine black sneakers, black top and a black trousers one glance you will imagine the the devil himself has escaped from hell in a woman's disguise. She take light gentle steps which add more light to a pretty face and body.

" Welcome miss kim, I hope I did not cause you any inconvenience" the producer asked " not at all mr beck" "then let's get to business" . Producer beck presented jecolia some materials which jecolia glance through for a minute or two then drop it on the table "it's is done I like the plot it's a huge honor for me to direct this drama" jecolia said. "It's my pleasure for having a renounced person like you to direct this movie" after all the arrangements, jecolia left the office.

On her way leaving the building, jecolia heard some faint voices in a dressing room. "Let me go am not interested in your proposal" the female voice shouted " then you will forever remain a rookie, I have the power to remove you from this industry" the male voice also shouted, the girl started to cry her eyes out " I never expected the entertainment industry to be this cruel" , " well there is no righteous individual in this industry,it's either you trample or you get trampled on" the man smirked.

"Well there is a saint right her" the door was harshly opened and there walked jecolia, the man was stupified and started to stutter "do di director Kim" jecolia responded "yes that's me any problem" the man responded " don't take it the wrong way, she was trying to seduce me" jecolia laughed upon hearing the man's last statement " ahhh si that's what happened! I never expected to come across a shameless man like you, she seduced you? What a joke it's people like you that have destroyed the image of the entertainment industry, are women a joke to you? You molest and bully us and you expect me to overlook this! From today you are blacklisted from the entertainment industry" the man fell to his knees begging jecolia to reconsider her decision " the problem is that you choose the wrong gender to pick on" jecolia drag the rookies and left the building.

In a room filled with toy guns ,amournations a child sat in front of the TV


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Suddenly a resonating laughter was heard" ster your mom is at it again" sterykos glanced towards the direction of the voice " obviously she has to fight for the right of the vulnerable" Michel replied" please don't say that, the entertainment industry is more scarier than this" "and that's why my mummy is the angel to save the weak" "you are just supporting your mum as always, everybody knows she hates men" ster dropped his gaming gun and sat close to Michel " Micky as her assistant do you mean to tell me that you are not a man?"Michel was startled by sters question "nonsense am a man" " i don't think you would be alive if my mummy sees you as A man" ster said, Michel stood up abruptly and start to chase ster.

In a big sizes bedroom, a man as handsome as a Greek god second to no other majestic in every part of his body, a face and structure that will make every lady drool senselessly was sleeping soundly on the bed, jist a glance will tell you how tired he is. Suddenly the bedrooms door opened " boss you have a meeting with black pearl company by 8:00AM"

Eugene the man sleeping soundly responded" shift it, i have to be a good father to my son today" Eugene assistant adrian smiled and continue" miss rita is here to accompany grandma to the church to pray for your wedding" Eugene did not reply but quickly stood up , entered the bathroom.

After some minutes, Eugene flawlessly came out of his room. " Good day sir" Eugene stopped instantly and turn towards the direction of the voice "why call me sir, I am your dad and rita is your mum" stanley laughed " i can never accept that woman as my mum" " but she is" Eugene stated " i don't think so, did you carry out the DNA test well" stanley asked. Eugene was so enraged by his son and shouted " if you really don't believe why don't you leave and find your extraordinary ghost mother, for God sake I am trying my best to make you happy can't you see, and reminder make sure you read the whole of that book that I gave you" "but it's too much, i won't have time to play" stanley replied with his puppy face, "you are the future heir of rolling company pls act like one" Eugene stated and left instantly.

Stanley who was so enraged and decided to run after school which worked successful . meanwhile ster and Micky went to buy gaming equipment in a store, few meters away from stan's school, Ster the curious and adventurous child he is decided to look around and found stan in a corner. Ster was so surprised on seeing stanley and exclaimed" holy God what am I seeing" stanley who was lost in thought was brought back to reality by sters voice, stanley looked up and was overly surprised by what his seeing " am I hallucinating" " no you are not " Ster answered immediately"wow my mummy needs to see you" Ster said in excitement, stanley immediately stood up " you have a mummy" Ster was stupified" are you nuts why won't i have a mummy" stanley looked twice and said " we are identical! That means we are brothers and have the same mummy" Ster looked at stanley with a strange expression " don't tell me you are this happy because of my mummy? By the way why are you seated here my biological brother?" "I ran away from home" really ! Ster exclaimed, " yes " why Ster asked"is your father that popped for you to run away" upon hearing this question, stanley was now the one to look at Ster with a strange eyes "you must be sick, my dad is the owner of rolling" rolling ! What's rolling Ster asked " it's the top company in the whole world" stanley answered " holy my dad is a mulit billionaire" stanley answered mockingly" now his your day" oh please forget it, can I go with you back home? " I don't want to, but we can switch places : you go to dad and I go to mom" done, I can't wait to spend dad's money Ster said stanley looking at sters reaction laughed in his mind and said "you sure are going to enjoy your stay with dad" suddenly Ster stopped "oh no " what's wrong stanley asked "am suppose to play the final championship with mummy" you play games with mummy ? "Yes of course and I always win" then it's a done deal .

After the conversation, they switch places instantly and Ster went back to stanley school while stanley went back with Michael.