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I‘m Only His

Chapter 2

"Please. Please don't!"

"Shh baby. I'm going to make that pussy feel so good. Don't worry." Darren, the other guy tells me. Sliding his filthy hand inside my jeans he glides his finger on my clit.

"STOP! PLEASE DON'T!" screaming louder praying that someone can hear me. Only all I can hear is the bass to the music coming from downstairs.

"Damn mami, your pussy is so wet. Nick, feel how wet her pussy is. I think she wants it." Darren smirks at the tall one which now I know is Nick.

"Oh yeah? Let me see." Darren takes his hand out and licks his finger letting Nick finger me. "You taste good baby."

"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS—OFF ME YOU SICK BASTARDS!" Screaming and with all my strength I am able to bring my leg up and knee Nick in between his legs causing him to let go of my arms.

"Ouch! You bitch!" he yells grabbing his crotch. Right when I am about to get up, he catches me by surprise. He slaps me hard which causes me to fall back on the bed.

"You are going to pay for that you stupid bitch! To think I was going to be gentle with you. Now I'm going to fuck you in your pussy and in your ass so hard that you will not be able to walk for a week." he seethes straddling me as he rips my blouse.


"You are going to suck my dick while Darren over here fucks you senseless." he says unzipping his jeans to pull out his cock. I move my head from side to side.

He grabs my hair tightly to keep my head in place. "Open your mouth sweetheart and taste this delicious dick."

"NOO! GET OFF ME!" screaming over and over I can feel my jeans being pulled down.

"Stop moving you little bitch." with a punch to my face I begin to lose consciousness.

Shaking my head to maintain my focus on not getting raped, I swear I hear someone coming into the room screaming.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing to her?" the strange voice screams. I don't really know what else they are saying because my eyes feel heavy.

The weight on top of my body is lifted and I can hear grunts and cussing in the background. Then silence.

I feel dizzy and sleepy. "Hey, hey. It's alright Princess. You are safe now. No one will ever touch you like this again. I promise. If not, they are dead." the stranger tells me holding me to his warm chest.

Looking up through hooded eyelids it's hard to really decipher his features, except his light gray eyes and the small nose ring on his nose.

He stares down at me and grins. "Are you, my savior?" I whisper then pass out in the stranger's arms not knowing who my savior is.


Helena's P.O.V.

"There is no use in fighting it baby. I get what I want and what I want is to fuck you."

"You're going to suck my dick while Darren over here fucks you senseless."

"Hey, hey. It's alright Princess. You are safe now! No one will ever touch you like this again. I promise. If not, they are dead."

Feeling myself stir from the nightmare I was having I wake up with a jolt regretting my quick reflexes. "Ahh, that hurts." I grunt putting my hand on my forehead feeling a headache come on. I was having flashback from what those guys did to me and about the guy who I think saved me.

"Helena! Helena! You're awake! Are you alright? How are you feeling?" glancing in front of me sits Tatiana wearing a worried expression on her face.

"I have a headache and feel like I've been run over by a truck." I tell her honestly, my body feeling sore.

Bringing me into a tight hug she sooths my back "I'm so, so, so sorry Helena. I did not mean to leave you alone. It's that I met this really cute guy —— which I don't even remember his name now because I was so buzzed and ——." cutting herself off I pull away shaking my head. I knew she had left me for some guy.

"Helena, please forgive me." she begs.

"Tatiana, you left me alone in a strange place with drunk people after you promised me you wouldn't. I don't blame you for what happened, but…" standing up I sigh looking down at her. "I just don't know if ——."

"If you can forgive me?" she asks frowning. I nod my head in agreement.

We stay quiet for a while then sit back down. "How did I get back here in your house?"

"Andre carried you in after ——."

"Did he find me?" I ask curiously cutting her off. I could have sworn I saw someone else holding me before I passed out.

"Umm, no. Some other guy did and from what Andre told me, he beat the crap out of those two bastards who almost attacked you."

Almost? "Tatiana, they didn't almost attack me. They did even if they did not actually penetrate me. They sexually assaulted me. They were close until someone came in."

"I know. I —— I just didn't want to remind you of what happened Helena."

"Tatiana, I will never ever forget what they did to me." No matter how much I will it to.

The long weekend comes and goes, and we are back in school. After waking up in Tatiana's room Sunday, I went home and pretty much stayed in bed on Monday. I ended up having a big bruise on my left cheek and when my parents saw it, they freaked out. I had to lie and say I fell on Tatiana's house steps. They bought it knowing I have done it before. Now I just hope my boyfriend believes me.

Stepping out of the school bus I make my way inside the school. Tatiana always drives me back and forth because I do not have a car. Hence not having my license yet. I will be turning eighteen in a few months, so I decided to wait until then.

Plus, I was not in the mood to spend my morning with her. I guess a part of me is mad at her for ditching me and I did not want her to continue to beg me for forgiveness. So, deciding to act immature and childish, I am going to avoid her today at all costs.

Heading straight to my locker I greet some of my friends that are in the hallway. You can say I am a bit quiet and reserved not considering myself that popular even though I am dating a jock.

My boyfriend Ethan is the captain of the wrestling team plus he plays football. Yeah, I know, he is Mr. Athlete while I only do cheerlead with Tatiana. He was away at a football camp with his team this weekend. He had texted me yesterday to let me know he had made it back and wanted to pass by to see me. However, I told him I was not feeling well. I know he would have known something was wrong, so I avoided him also. It is not going to be easy today.
