5 months ago,
Strapping on my heels, I hurriedly exited my room. I was late, shit, Shelly would kill me for it. I stepped down from the stairs carefully so as not to trip myself. I reached downstairs and headed straight for the front door when Cam stopped me. “Looks like someone’s having a date tonight” my sister taunted. I rolled my eyes, ignoring, I brushed past her but she stopped me again. “At least tell when will you be back.”
“Why do you want to know?” I questioned, turning back and crossing my arms over my chest. If she kept asking me silly questions, I am doomed to be killed by Shelly.
“Why can’t you just answer my question simply?” Cam retorted.
Because your questions were lame. I bit back that comment and said instead, “I don’t know. Probably in the morning.”
“Alright. Have fun then. See you” she smiled and reached to hug me. I hugged her back and waved goodbye before I exited through the front door. I shouldn’t have talked to her like that. Although she was annoying, she always kept the secrets that I told and never told my father about my night outs. Well, because I kept her secrets too so we were even.
Stepping inside my car I started the engine and pressed on the acceleration bar. Noticing my car, the guards opened the gates and I was out of my house. Cold air hitting my face and a shiver ran through my body. It was early spring so it was expected for the wintry vibes to stay still. I gripped the steering wheel and rotating it in the 4 o’clock direction, I took the left turn. It would at least take fifteen minutes to reach the Klossner. Shelly had already ringed four times since I left home. I messaged that I was on my way yet this girl had to poke me every passing second.
Taking the right turn, the final one, I reached the Klossner. Klossner was one of the popular clubs here in A city. I parked my car at the nearest parking zone, a few distances from the club. Shoving my car keys inside my clutch, I stepped out of the car and moved to where my friends were.
There was a humongous line. Crowds of people, dressed in their prettiest stood in line, waiting. This place sure held the title of being the most popular club. I looked to my left, right, and every direction to get a view of any of my friends but I found none. Sighing, I called Shelly. “Where are you? I am here.”
“We are waiting for you inside,” she said, her voice was muffled as the music filled the space. “Number 3 VIP lounge. Come fast. We are waiting for you!” she yelled and hung up. Dammit, couldn’t they wait for me a little more?
I made my way to the left, walking past the huge line. Taking the small steps, I stopped at the entrance of the VIP door. Two big imposing bodyguards stood by the sides. They looked at me, and with their black sunglasses on, I couldn’t guess what they were thinking. The left corner guard brought his hand forward and opened his palm. Confused, I looked at him arching an eyebrow. To clarify my confusion the man spoke up, “Your password and VIP card.”
Oh, I forgot. I picked out my VIP card from my clutch but I didn’t know my password. “Um…here’s my card,” I said meekly, passing the card to him. He took the card and scanned for a second and then nodded.
“Your password, please?” he asked again. God, I didn’t know the password. What should I do now? Well, it was my first time here in Klossner and I didn't know a damn thing how the management worked here. Other clubs didn’t ask for passwords, goddammit, why would they need a password? Are you hiding some kind of treasure?
“Actually, my friends are waiting inside for me in the VIP lounge 3,” I told them, offering them a smile.
He shook his head and asked the same question again. “Your password, Miss?”
“I don’t know the password,” I snapped. “How am I supposed to know the password?” I questioned. I had no idea how my friends went inside. They were also asked about the password right?
“When you booked the lounge, we provided the password as well” the right cornered guard informed. Shelly didn’t tell me anything about the damn password. Hell, not even Lin told anything about the password. I swear I would kill him when I see him inside.
“Let me make a call. Excuse me” I asserted, giving them a small smile. Going some distance away from them, I called Shelly. “Shel!” I yelled, “why didn’t you told me about the damn password?”
“Lin sent it to all. You probably didn’t check your inbox” she said, her voice already high, hinting she must have had two-three drinks. “Anyway, to help you, the password is 47890,” I noted the password in my mind, twice repeating to not forget. I hung up and as I turned to decipher my password, someone already came in between. Well, it wasn’t their fault after all. There’s no signboard saying ‘I was here first.’ Two tall men, dressed in suits stood in front of me. The one dressed in a navy blue suit passed the VIP cards to the guard. He checked them instantly and asked for the password.
I will forget the password if these two men do not move the next minute. “Can you be a little bit faster, please?” I said, loud enough for them to be heard. The two men turned their heads and faced me, both arching an eyebrow as if I said some dumbshit.
“You may enter sir,” the guard said, showing them the way inside. The man in a blue suit smirked and headed inside. The other one dressed in black was imposing and said nothing but glanced at me for a while. They both disappeared inside the lane in the dark.
The guard asked for the password and I told the same that Shelly informed me. I finally entered inside.
Passing through a long dark lane, I reached the stairs that pathed down to several compartments like rooms. They must be the VIP lounges. Music boomed all over the places making the ground shudder.
My stilettos clanked on the glass floor as I made my way to lounge number 3. I didn’t know how many lounges were here because the place was immense. The waiters and waitresses roamed around the place with drinks settled in the trays.
People danced down the dance floor, their cheers and yells filling the air with the beat of the music.
I spotted the plate that said No. 3 and walked up to the spot. Thousands of rhinestones dangled in front of me like a curtain. Parting them from the middle, I stepped inside and heard my friends' shrills. “You made it, finally!” Shelly hollered, coming forward to grab my arm.
“Girl where were you?” Dag asked, holding a glass of Sex in the Beach in his hand. Lin sat on the left corner and Sophie to the right, besides Dag.
Untangling myself from Shelly, I answered as I planted my ass on the red velvet couch. “Had a problem with the password shit.”
“Anyway, now that you are here, let's celebrate and get wasted!” Sophie exclaimed, raising her glass in the air. The others joined. I took the glass of Bloody Mary and we all clanked at the same time. The graduating celebration was an excuse. All we wanted was to get wasted. We all graduated two days ago and we planned to make this day memorable. We all agreed on Klossner to be a place to celebrate our day.
“So what's the plan?” Dag asked facing me.
Gulping down the last sip of my drink, I placed the glass down on the hourglass glass table. Clearing my throat, I said, “Drinks, Dares and Dance.”
“The dares will be extreme. I should warn you first” Dag chimed in. I rolled my eyes and everyone agreed, making a face. Our dares were always extreme and we all knew when to stop. Our first work was drinking and we all needed to finish ten shots of tequila without pausing. It may sound bizarre to some but it was a normal trend to us.
A beautiful waitress entered inside, her dress barely covering her skin. She placed the shots all lined up on the table before us. Dag flirted and the girl winked at her coquettishly before she stepped out of the lounge.
“Alright, ready?” Lin jostled, scurrying closer so we all could take the glass at once. We nodded, all grinning ear to ear. “With the count of 2, down!” he said and as he counted to 2, we all downed the shot in one go. We took the other, then the other, and kept on going until we finished our ten shots. My throat was burning like fire, making my skin alive. The adrenaline rush inside my body feels too good.
Dag thumped the last glass of shot on the table. he was usually the one who finishes it early. Lin and Shelly were done as well. I finally gulped down my last glass of tequila and placed the glass. Damn, the tastebuds on my tongue were popping as the tequila hits one after another. Sophie was done with hers as well.
“Gosh, how can you gulp that shit down without having any reaction?” Sophie grumbled, elbowing to Dag. He shrugged and took another glass of whatever drink it was.