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Falling for Mr Billionaire Series

Chapter 2

Sofia's POV.

"Mommy it's uncle Mark's birthday." Shit, I forgot it. Elijah was born the day before Marko's birthday, and his birthday had to be on a Sunday today. My only day of rest.

I can't even believe I didn't get him a gift.

"Get in the bathroom Elijah we have to leave in less than thirty minutes." I quickly took a clean shirt and pants out for him and went to bath him. After that, I dressed him up and gave him porridge because I couldn't make anything else so fast. I told him to eat his porridge while I went to take a bath.

"Anna girl, where's the birthday boy?" I asked as I took a seat.

"He is no here." She replied. "Sofia, believe me when I say this but I seriously don't have a gift for him." She is crazy, but for once I'm glad because I also don't have any gift for him.

"Me also. Let's go buy now before he comes from work." So we both got up and told Annette's nanny to look after them both.

"What does he like Anna, you the wife." I said as she driving.

"We'll just get him clothes, you know he loves them." She replied giving me her phone to call Marko.

"Hey, babe" Anna greeted Marko.

"I'm sorry, love but I'll only come late home. Boss came to check all of us today." I know if Anna had a gift for him today then she would've been pissed off saying that it's his birthday and that he should come home early.

"It's alright, wouldn't want you losing your job." We both said it the same time I know people would probably think I’m rude and he was talking to his wife only. But I'm like a small sister to him, and I will always be like this to him.

"Are you guys feeling okay today?" Marko asked but we just hang the phone and stopped the car at a mall.

"Is this okay, Sofia?" Anna asked as if I buy men's clothes on a daily basis. So I just smiled at her and told her, anything is fine. "No Sofia babe, it's not fine. You know how Marko is if it's not what he likes then he won't wear it to on every special occasion." She replied giving me a look that said you maybe my best friend but I'll kill you if you don't choose wisely.

"You know I don't have a guy to know what guys like. The only male I have in my life is my baby boy." The regret I got after I said that, is something I could never take back. I hate myself for never telling Benjamin the truth.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that Sofia. Don't you even dare think of any of them, especially your ex! I won't forgive myself please." She said that almost sounding as if she was pleading. But it was a little too late for that because I was already thinking about the past.

The thing that hunts me at night. The regrets, sometimes I wish I wasn't born.

"I'll go pay for these Anna. We have been gone for hours." I told Anna

"Guess what I'm thinking of Sofia?" She asked and knowing her too well I knew that laugh and smile, she wants to surprise Marko.

"We going to go to Marko's workplace?" I asked and she made me wait for a reply.

"Yeah but I'll take the stairs to his office, not the elevator you know I'm scared of that thing." Anna is always so scared of elevators because of one the day she got stuck, she could've died that day if the emergency people didn't come in time and me on the other hand, hate stairs because I almost lost Elijah because of them, and plus I am just too lazy to go up.

"We here, Sofia let's go. Let's see who reaches the office first."

"And what about his boss? His coming Anna." I asked because I don't want him to lose his job because of us.

"Don't worry he already left because Felicity said he already checked on Marko." She said that while she was getting ready for the race.

"We'll see who wins, Anna." As I said that I saw Anna run to the stairs, she is very fast and I know she will beat me if I don't get in the elevator now.

I went inside the elevator and the elevator was about to close. I was trying to get ready to start pressing the number I want to go to so I could beat Anna. But then Someone just stopped the elevator from closing.

"Bitch couldn't you hear me shouting for you." The man said. I can't believe he ruined my mood. This man really made me so angry, who does he think he is, calling me a female dog.

"Firstly I ain't your bitch asshole, and secondly I didn't want to wait for you." I stated.

"Well if you work for me you fired." Who the hell does this man think he is, does he fire people just like that, now I know what Marko meant by no one likes him not any of the workers, only the women's flirter with him.

"I do work for you and I'm not fired. I know my rights Mr asshole." I said that trying to play him, what kind of boss is he when he doesn't know who he hires.

"What's your name ?" He asked so nicely, but I knew he just wanted to know my name that's why he is trying to be nice to me.

"It's Sof...." Before I could finish saying my name he turned around and shocked me.

"SOFIA!!!" He shouted.

"BENJAMIN?" My heart stopped beating for a second.

We were both so shocked seeing each other after three years and six months. Even though it took three fucking years and six months, to meet again. I wonder what's he doing in New York.

"So Sofia, I finally found you. Six years is a long time hey." Benjamin said stopping the elevator. I can't believe I lost, Anna won. But I don' care about that now, all I cared about is getting the hell away from him.

"It's been three years and six months, not SIX YEARS." I pushed him away from me and I pressed my number on the elevator.

"Yeah, a long time. So why did you cheat on me? Why did you go stripping for my friends, my business partners? The thing I'll never understand is what the fuck were you thinking humiliating me like that?" He asked me questions about what happened long before I married him, but I know if he knew the truth he would have never thrown me out that night. But the last question was what surprised me why did I humiliate him? Wow, all he really cares about is his reputation.

So I pushed him away without answering his questions because if I do, then I will just go back to the place I have been trying to get away from for years. My ugly past, my nightmares. The worst thing now is that I have to think of my son.

I tried to press my number again because he keeps stopping it, but then he pushed me against the wall.

"No matter where you go, I'll find you. Until you give me answers." Benjamin said.
