Continuation. . .
Calvin's Point of View
I attentively feel what is happening around, I can still hear the loud sound of the guns, and I know my poor men are still fighting with the Blacksmiths.
Not only that, but I slowly walked and secretly tried to peek at what's happening outside, I had the courage to do this because I know that these stupid Blacksmiths are focused on my men to kill them one-by-one.
Ha-ha. These dumbass forgot about the mastermind.
They forgot the Onyx King. Poor Cassielians. They are stupid, the end.
I took advantage of the situation and fast escaped, good fucking thing that they didn’t notice me because it was very dark here.
But instead of going straightly to the exit, I turned at the left path of this place, I still need to get something here.
I don't want to waste this chance, especially that it's not really that easy to get in here. But it's our lucky day today, so this is my only chance to get it.
I'm not really contented with my wealth and power, as long as I can’t get this Empire—so my other target is their very important symbol of Royalty.
The Queen’s Ruby. It was a necklace, and the Blacksmiths are keeping it to protect, since the former Queen of this empire is already dead.
That Ruby costs half of their whole Empire—it wasn’t actually a normal ruby, so expect a larger price. Its worth is eight hundred sixty billion dollars, and aside from being the wealthiest man on the earth—I can also use it to blackmail the Cassiel’s government, so we can easily invade them.
You’re so very smart Calvin. Nice plan.
“Hahaha, perfect timing.” I stopped walking in front of a large metal door. This is it. Destiny’s very good to me, because this place is very silent. It was really giving me the chance.
Well, everything should grant a King like me. I’m the boss.
What I only need to do is to use my hacking skills. And it was easy as opening a fucking bottle of water. My sweat won’t even fall.
I crossed as my arms as if chilling, while staring at all the buttons and censors in front of me. I shouldn’t still make a stupid move.
Well, Blacksmiths are not that stupid to not have common sense that they need to fully secure the most important thing in their empire, especially what they’re hiding here is their wealth and power.
The hidden cameras and all the CCTV's in this place is already blocked since before we can invade here.
And now, I need to be fucking fast and start doing my moves before someone catch me. And why I am I being talkative?
I was about to click something but I frozed when I felt a cold circle-shaped metal on my head.
“Fuck it.” I breathed.
“Who are you?”
"Those Cassielian shits are giving me some headaches. Why don't they just surrender everything?” I whispered while gritting my teeth, because of my annoyance, I slummed the AK-47 Riffle I'm holding at the table, I felt how my men stepped-back, but I didn't give them a single piece of my attention.
“Yow, me—what the fuck!” I fast grabbed one of the guns and pulled the trigger to whoever talked.
The four eggs did easily dodge my bullets, but I didn't stop throwing bullets at them, I really need to ease my anger, and I won’t even feel sorry if ever I kill these shits though.
“Fuck it Alastair! Stop it!” Gordon shouted and pulled his gun from his pocket, I didn't respond and just continued. And as they dodge it, three of my men are already dead.
When I stopped what I'm doing, they all—four pointed their guns at me. They are glaring at me as if they are already killing me in their minds.
“Damn it! I want to kill them all,” I shouted and threw my gun away.
Gordon just tsk-ed and brought his gun back on his pocket, and walked going to the organized guns on the table.
Fergus, Keith and Keigan followed him and checked all the guns.
“This is good, I never knew that Cassiel would have this kind of guns, this worth a fucking billion, and where would they even use this? For us? Ha, I thought they can't even kill a mosquito?”
Keigan sarcastically voiced. I didn’t glance at them, and still tried sinking into my mind that a fucking woman just injured my arms yesterday.
She was the hired Assassin to secure that their fucking ruby is safe. And she just injured me!
I still can’t believe it. And I would never accept it.
A Cassielian could never defeat a Calvin Alastair Rutherford.
No... and never.
I’m going to kill her, I’m going to kill them all.
I will make sure that I will step in each one of their dead bodies, I will make sure I'll get the triumph I deserve at the end.
Mariele's Point of View
“You're so beautiful,” My eyes darted at Cara when she said something. She was smiling from ear to ear while glancing at my whole body.
Today is the day, honestly I was really nervous. But I guess whatever happens, happens. I just hope that nothing bad or something will happen later.
Cara volunteered to be my makeup artist for today, as well as the one who decided what would I look like today. I didn't complain because I would prefer her to be the one, rather than the other artists, so I can be comfortable.
Aside from being our fashion lover friend, Cara's family operates every Medical Hospitals and Facilities that's standing in each part of our Empire. Steele's family leads and owns it all.
She is also a trained nurse, and she's the only one who heals our wounds and injuries whenever we get one when we are in a mission in Blacksmiths. Because we are one of the biggest volunteers that helps our Security Agency for catching bad Cassielians.
Except from us being a so-called royalty, our honesty and whole-hearted free service in our Security Agency is one of our biggest responsibilities. So that we can help them prevent bad people to do bad things inside our Empire.
Just like the normal life outside the Underworld, injustice and inhumane things also exists in our empire because of the bad Cassielians.
Because bad and evil people will always exist in every part of this world. We can't just control every people's mind to do what is right, because we are not all the same. And actually, that's how it balances our world.
In a group of good people, there will always have this one that don't think the same, and will choose the opposite.
What can we just do is to stop them from doing it, so they won't affect other innocent people that only wants peace in their lives. And also, so that we can stop them from destroying the facilities, public organizations and all that they don't even have the rights to destroy.
Our life would be nothing if it's not balanced. And we cannot just remove bad people in this world in just a snap, so what can we only do for now is to reduce them.
Being a secret agent of Blacksmiths—actually being one of the Blacksmiths are difficult and life-risking. Because you will never know if raiding a dirty business of a syndicate, might be a lead of your early death.
“That dress suits you, Queen Ele.” I had a goosebump on what Cara said. Her eyes were twinkling as she touches a stare from my head to my toe.
The word Queen Ele makes my heart beats fast. I don't know if it was a feeling of uneasiness or excitement.
I was not comfortable, I just want to disappear!
“S-Stop it, Cara.” I awkwardly said. I avoided her look and acted like I was fixing my sleeves.
Actually, I can't also stop myself from getting amused by what I am wearing right now.
I was wearing a Victorian dress. It was a turtle-neck type of dress, with a flower pattern style and texture. My fingers traced the gemstones lining across the butterfly design on the dress, as my eyes met my own reflection in the mirror.
The sleeve part of it has a rough texture and like with the upper part, the pattern is also in a flower pattern style. It also has six buttons on its wrist part to make it more elegant, while the lower part of it was just plain, yet still looks good because of its stylish folds. I also like the brightness of its peach color.
And I can proudly say that this was gorgeous.
Since before, wearing a Victorian dress on our Coronation day is part of the culture of our Clan. Because my family has a half blood of British, and a half of Filipino.
To make it fair, when our Coronation Day is being performed here in the Philippines, our theme will be Victorian, as a sign of us being a half-British people. And vice versa, when the gatherings will be performed in England.
That's how Gonzaga-Schneider Clan solemnize gatherings. Our blood is actually mixed with different kind of races—because of the history of our family, but our British-Filipino blood is the foremost.