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Clandestine: Hidden Word

Clandestine: Hidden Word



Clandestine is the story about a teenager named Clancy Lockwood from otisville city living a normal weak life in the hands of bullies but everything changed when he discovered a shocking secret concerning his true personality as the son of a vampire Lord and a werewolf king, he also unveiled some fatherly secrets that made him wanted in the hidden world where ancient mythological creatures are considered real and non-imaginative...With the aid of his pseudo-vampire girlfriend Katherine Brighton and a vampire Alan Dawn, Clancy must find his place in the hidden world as the new leader of his own pack of werewolves and bring peace to both the vampires and the werewolves.
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Middleville city

The sky was clear and near sunny but the clouds blocked the sun's rays from hindering the coziness of the gentle wind.

In the middle of the evergreen forest was an English manor encompassed by tall fences and an entrance tall wrought gate, the compound was overwhelmed by yellow doubledecker buses parked cordially at the left side of the compound, there was a flag which has red cloud seperated horizontally from the middle by a black stripe.

The grasses were green and legumes, behind the building was an expanding and a wide forest that was overulled by tall healthy trees and weeds.


The school's bell rang loudly that echoes and extended outside the manor, students scattered out like ants carrying and nurturing their backpacks behind their backs while some had theirs across their shoulders.

He stood at the entrance of the school manor dressed in black leather jacket, a white shirt underneath, blue jean trouser, sky blue boots and a silvery wrist band.

His hair was neatly combed and relaxed to his head like glue, his blue eyes searched through the roaming students like a predator awaiting its prey.

He tucked his hands into his trouser's pockets, his fair skin complexion stood in the shade off the sun's rays stealthily like a ghost.

It was obvious he was watching someone or something, his gaze was relentless and not fixed at an exact figure or plane, he swallowed in fear and turned attention front and back.

The middleville high was one of the popular schools in New York and nationwide, it was acknowledge for its vast experience in teaching and building up students.

It was also famously known to be the hosting spot for bullies with different ideas and opinions of seeking, abusing and carrying out offensive tasks in the school.

Even though it & apos;s famously known for this, some families still found it pleasurable to keep students in this torturing pothole like in Clancy's case.

Clancy Lockwood is more like the giant but brilliant nerd of the school, he's famous and brilliant thanks to his debating support in schooling activities academically but with all this, he never had a friend nor a partner to hold on to.

The only friends he had were the native bullies as named by the school authorities.

"Oh shit!" Clancy dropped his head on sighting the bullies heading towards his way, he knew they saw him as their facial features changed from smiling to nothing but cold bitterness in which he's giving not a chance against this time. He turned left then paced round the building taking his heels into the forest behind the school.

Due to the forest's severe heaviness, he found it much more secure and helping to pierce through during his everyday chase but today was different. He looked back to see them not standing down against him, he jerked off his backpack for it was heavily slowing his momentum. He augmented his speed, jumped over tree vines that sprung out of the ground like snakes intertwined.

Jumping over another, his leg slipped over its slippery surface then gravity pressurised him onto the ground, he slides forward face down mudding his white shirt on the wet ground. Been an evergreen forest, it's known to be always wet and affirmatively always muddy.

He turned rapidly and tried to get on his feet but a hand caught him on his left shoulder then drew him back slamming his back against another vine callously Clancy groaned loudly in pain.

He groaned and sighed in agony seating on the mud floor wincing heavily it was hard for him to stance his breath.

"Where did you think you're going Clancy? Huh?" The head bully asked while his acolytes laughed simultaneously.

"Please!" Clancy begged resting his back on the vine he had slipped over sluggishly, he could hardly feel his left leg. He might has twisted his ankle during his fall.

The head bully crouched before Clancy, his bulky physique overshadowed him like a beast, his green eyes stared into Clancy's eyes but he choose not to maintain eye contact so he rolled and tilted his head downward.

"Look into my eyes jerk." The head bully snapped his fingers across Clancy's face but the latter turned not but closed his eyes and was scared to the core.

"I'm sorry!" Clancy begged without opening his eyes.

The bully sighed then stood, he turned at his acolytes then made a narrative nod that made them back down with understanding. They maneuvered backward steps by steps until their retreats became inaudible to the hearings.

"Later nerd!" Was what Clancy heard last before everything became quiet and silent.

He opened his eyes but they were long gone, far from sight. He groaned trying to lift his left leg but the pain was sharp and rigid, he could still bear it, it wasn't his first time been bullied. He has gotten adapted to the never-ending suffering and brutalities. The source of their hatred for him wasn't known to anyone, not even Clancy himself could process why the native bullies are so much into him.

Meanwhile, he crouched on a tree branch blending with the trees shade to maintain stealth. His red eyes pierced through the distanced space between him and his target like he was above him, his long jacket fell down the branch like a cape, his black inner wear bursted out his muscularity. His black trouser was spotless in the evergreen forest, his black boots were solid firmly on the tree branch like a monkey enjoying the afternoon warmth.

He saw it all but choose not to interfere, he was expecting more than action from the victim but what he saw was nothing compared to what he had on mind.

He rose on the branch but noticed the latter's sight almost paused at him then with a single bounce, he was airborne. As quiet as the gentle breeze, he was gone.

He rested his head on the vine for a couple of seconds, face up at the leaves spun from the tree branches, he stared at the clouded sky feeling the coziness brushing his face and relaxing his sensations of the environment but his awareness felt been watched.

He tilted his head to the left to examine his surrounding but he saw nothing but trees dancing to the winds tune.

He twitched his ankles again but this time, he could hardly feel any pain. Clancy rose on his feet at first cowardly almost staggering off his feet but after few attempts, he was back on his feet cordially.

He took a deep fear eliminating yoga breath before walking out of the forest.

He took his bag, hung it over his shoulder and took his pace out of the school vicinity.

Otisville city

It was a long way from middleville to otisville but as for Clancy, he found it exercising but sometime stressful. His home was outskirt of the city itself located in the deep forest beyond the town square, he wandered for seconds across the woodland then finally came into an open space in the middle of the woods.

The house was debunked and wood partitioned, it has two windows at each sides of the walls facing the woods like a giant's eyes in the dark, it's foundation was solid and firm to the ground with supported wooden pillars below that raised the building off the dry floor, a wooden staircase was attached to the ground to the house to support a classy entrance into the house. The night was twilight with the moon not yet in sight but Clancy could still witness its rays bellowing upon the land, he could also see the lit torches coming from the window frames signifying a sloth movement in the house but he urged the thought off his mind then took a step on the first staircase. The straicase made a grunting sound indicating its weakness, he took another then another until he was now standing before the wooden plank door. He nudged the door's handle and pushed the door open which made the light reflection in the house to escape through the entrance.

He walked into a small living room at the right side of the house occupying two seater worn-out sofas and a wooden table in the middle. He turned to his left in command of a sweet aroma that lubricated his senses, it was coming from the dining room occupying just four wooden chairs arranged around a circular wooden table filled with four muds of steamed coffee and two dishes of mashed potatoes. Adjacent him was a narrow stairs that led upward into his room and to his mom.

"Clancy!" A feminine aged voice called from the dining, her back facing Clancy at first then she turned at him.

Clancy walked into the dining room, tightening his grip around his backpack.

A woman walked towards the table, she looked aged but her curved shape was deceptive and astonishing. She had long brown hair, red eyes and black wet lips that could be tempting, she was dressed in a white long gown that was stained by sauce and potatoes leftovers.

"What took you so long Clancy?" Mrs Tracy Lockwood asked with a concern but disturbing tone that Clancy had to ignore from entering his head.

He heaved exhausted, been the only son in an unknown family is a lot to handle alone. He doesn't know any of his relatives, cousins, aunts, step-brother nor even father. He was told to believe his father died before his birth but the cause of his death was still a mystery even to him. The only person he knew since he has started his lifestyle was his mom and no one else.

"Lecture took so long mom, so we closed late." Clancy replied wearily, he dropped his bag on a leisure chair then settled down on another.

"Indeed Clancy," Mrs Tracy sat before him, face twisted in suspicion "is there anything you aren't telling me Clancy? " She asked as Clancy was about to dig into his delicacy. It was obvious Clancy ignored her question but she paid no attention to that and she called "Clancy!"

Clancy dropped the spoon and fork, his arms on the table diligently trying to stance his breath "What did you want me to say mom? I said nothing happened, I'm fine!" He shouted aggressively.

Mrs Tracy heaved "fine! I was just trying to be the mother I was meant to be." She said then took a mouth full of mashed potato, she mouthed but it had no taste in her mouth. She rose and walked towards the basin but Clancy couldn't stand this, it isn't her first time of starving herself neither was it the second. He rose on his feet, carried his bag and head up the stairs into his room.

Mrs Tracy watched as he left, she felt like she was not doing her best but she's trying to be perfect for him. She cleared the table, dropped everything into the dustbin and headed into the living room psychologically decapitating with guilt.

Clancy pushed the door open illuminating the torch lit within the room to fall outside and down the staircase, he walked in and shut the door heavily behind. The cold night breeze brushed his skin softly he shivered before turning at the windows to see the curtains and window frames half opened.

His room isn't a lot lot to talk about, it was more like a small medium room shaped in form of a box with a bunker bed at the left followed by a short stool occupying an alarm clock, a small picture frame of himself when he was ten and a rubber band. At his right was a wardrobe short in length but wider than average.

He walked towards the windows and halted, was about to shut the frames when he caught a figure staring at him. He was at first startled but soon a thought whizzed pass his head, perhaps it could be some wandering woodhunter examining the area for a tree to chop down for illegal or industrial productions. So he shut the frames and drew the curtains, he switched off the torch, dropped his bag on the squeaking floor then fell on his bed like a tree log. He heaved, blocked staring at the ceiling. He couldn't tell why his life was so adamant and worth thinking about, everything about him is strange, he could tell but there's no one to tell that to. Soon, he yawned out of boredom and in no time, his eyes lids lowered pathetically and darkness subjugated his visions in seconds.

As soon as the curtains were closed, he tilted his head to the left and right to examine the area to be aware of any presence but they wasn't. His black short hair corresponded with the night's darkness then he dusted his long black coat calmly, he knew the night should be safe for now but before it could get odious, he would have been gone. He saw as the torch reflecting was shut then he blinked his eye after freezing them in the window for hours.

"We need to leave now Alan." A bulky man appeared unnoticed behind him, he had the same red eyes as Alan Dawn but he was dressed in only a black long sleeved t-shirt, grey trouser and leather boots "the werewolves will have the woods patronized in no time." The man named Biggie added throatily.

A vampire with his thirst under control, Alan Dawn wasn't the only one seeking the unknown. He knew what Biggie said was right but he had to make sure the kid was safe. He turned at Biggie.

"But the vampire Lord ordered i keep the boy safe no matter what." He said.

Biggie interrupted "Indeed but you never helped when he was beaten almost to death by those bullies back in the school."

"True! But he'll have to learn how to fight back himself, no one is going do that for him. I won't teach him that." Alan responded but his speech was hindered by a scent. Biggie also perceived it, they both felt the disgusting stench that surrounded them almost instantly.

They knew something was near and coming fast, Alan looked up but the moon was still half, not full.

"I told you." Biggie grunted then turned rapidly.

SWOOCH! He was gone, only dispersed leaves could be seen behind as he left.


Alan heard it like it was behind his ears, he turned his attention to his left to see a figure just a feet to him. Reacting defensively, he slammed his left palm on the figure's chest but the effect was drastic, it sent the latter flying back but instead of landing callously on the ground, he landed on his fours growling like an angered dog.

Alan had no idea the werewolves would come out earlier in the night, he visibly counted the half turned werewolves and damn! They're huge in number. They were dressed in just worn out shorts but their eyes gave out yellowish faint glows, hairs grew at each sides of their faces due to the flaws in their mid-transformation sadly to the disturbance of the full moon slow uprising and the more they growled, Alan could see their fangs protruding.


Without hesitating, Alan fled leaving disturbed wind behind but relentlessly, the half turned werewolves howled at the half moon before racing after him like cheetahs.